Show IEI C1111folotiout of I lald 1 Pavell Ilisht VIM I LI noI I fir ftpecbil Correspondence l > hl I lah Co shape 14 IAt flight a mvetlnft of the illlaeni of Ihl vo holes In the nwellnK IIOIIM to din umv shot quotation ai to which would b better to bond the city at I per cent nr 11 br I row money at I per cent lo rot the Mthe amount nf lock ulwrllird by lhl city In thp Itun ounly Light and rower company and while then = collattlor waa no vote taken yi was the arntl nwnl of f the while meeting that lh mot prartlral thin In 1 do would 1 I to bond the i lly Th Utah only Light and Power company now ha nfly men working In Ma lint al Ihi mouth of American Pork canyon the foundatlona and the arid far lite ple line hem about completed About twenty men are now b I Ii III bully enirireil hullHim lrell proposes lory t t the Wending or hrldte I elt movement flee hotlnw leading lo where ih plant will tie errctid Manirrr 1 larfT talea that they will Commence puttlnn the poliess I up just aa anon me they ar rlt I a from oteaxrn and I an I antlMpaled they will aI here onlt time next wk I la I believed hy Ih lnanuemnl of the company that Ihe plant will I b all comrleled and IUhl will I he I Mrnlhril lo riant llrovi mrlran Pirk and laid l by lcfinl Ilih an Christmas Eye will lot I looked forward In as a great evrnl In the history uf lime thre adjolnlna cities Tito sugar factory la I now culllnir up 4w Ion of lel 1 Per day and wi thing In I working lovely It in I Mill eil violated by Airlcullural HuKrlnlendnI rt thai thot > Aell of bet title Ma eon will be 14 IM Ion |