Show II t ROCKS TARS BENDING THE BIO MAINSAIL I A senator hand drigned hn allof Sir I Thomas lIplono I yacht Tho Ian I for the great Dread 11t cnnva ca n or c < > urn denned by I Wm Ill I Iul + the Denial lure that give th m uNr In draw 1 ht propelling forr 4 onl of the wind I In i the work of Thorn Sinister Shamrock 1 a hlJIIt j 4 1 I tar hay thrown off the gaaket that confine the bin nulnnil t o the holy I s 1 They Are tolling on to the peak Md throat halliards and the hug bundle el I 1t 1 Jock 1o l taking out IU wrinkle and preadlng loft along the towering mat F r t j t1 Recital yachtsman walk away with the halliard in making Mil Thai to f 1111 h h i they do not haul on the rope hind over hand but pick thorn up and walk art wuh them Thu scald the MM up nkkly It take many strong MM to I I J I r1 n monoall the AIn 1 of that on the Shamrock but the challntr s crew r I thin of the job I 1 R J I I I 1 1 fo 1f1 it 1 I 1 I i I I I I M7 ow4b 1 Rr E MW0 t I 14 1 I 11 f WWWVW 9 TO bMIVVVVw IVWNoNII I |