Show HKMAMl run 1IlAaiUM lltltCA T1DX A brenlh of real life In the irhool room though often ft aurprlee to I always refreshing Many a lad wh e mind U I torpid to In4roeecllv m lhnelt of formal for-mal education iwakem tn lui nettle in teroot In study a 0 anon as he teea Its ring on misting Ambitious drntm of his n A boy domell lo pelllng mar he fn1 ftllvptolheeonelractlngnf I chi M > nr to elmw1 g of ft beautiful or marful object or IB the study of theY nn the-Y > IIV AAAAAMO AAAAA IVYVVVVVY le seowv rmmortl relations between ourlln cioi th lnI ht II Pass Lottery tile iianknom overlooks Imr a wetwodo moor Ivan who us w pula his Isor Into II otore 1 AI sliall as lie leavas thy ptaininar whold savould lost him Ihnooh the lit Its Pelvool tile von Ih iollolf roolI 1 Im unto lien that uch a clitalsom wuld two n Itioul I live prepurRticat for It OUCC IUI In dutrlllllo The hllory blaherIts callon a or t at last I Visa hundrod yvmkzA t i luU J Phould cum Ines to that unless we umpire to clotunue to restrict town hlAhor culture cul-ture tu n te 1 I mU1 tk Ih step nolvoiI In thin paper atoll 1 rsirversolmok lit I our practice front the lowest to the hlh11 whoolm the eduCautenial tilt and practical lllilitl of the veOwI Lim I In rlocmilonOuntons Magazine fr 1Wtnber |