Show mi HIM mi is > iNnimiiii IIU Allegations el liniilil torropllou In MAIN a Isotopes Washington Sept JlCommlieary nol Weiton eaji that the soldier of Iho Colorado regiment uho loan found m > much to irlllclm at Manila Idenlly was misinformed nlxmt the cuorbltant price which were being 1 paid for eupplle In the rhlllnplnrl retailer le bought about 40 IrJ cent chenl r i than In tile United t relief se rice le U tier I rent cheaper and a Considerable reduction re-duction 14 I routed In I the prlcea of beef Purchased lu I Aualralki and the pra I tailing price In Chicago The govern mont moved transportation on UKIM ar tlcUe 111A to other article whIch are a part or Iho commleeary atorea bouglit l by the department and mid to the nltlcera nnd men at vast Price lion Winston oa them la I no poielblllty of loeo 1 10 the urn eminent on them Tho com monastery department Ilion not Purchase mines xcopt for this l hoepltale Theee IonZ r arc bought I soloists the recotntnendatlon of tile emrgeone and file ritually for them cornea nut of the 10 coat a day allowed lo t Mich noldlcr In I Ilia luxpllal 1 II tillalT fur VNoff critiolosist WanhltiKlon Wept 15 Senator roe for of Washington today mialli04 l a telegram front C N lirtlow at Van rnilter Waeh partner that Corp DamnhotTr company 11 PKteenth In fanlry had been Kenlinced to IM shot to death at 1 Manila The dl vltrh stated that Damphorrer wao a reeldnt of V nnrnuvir and Won only 1 > Year old tt l nnlur K for utts asked to aeelit In vlnilhnrnlen t mlllgatid Tho I tjr t will at Irldent M Klnly I i 11 vo and ak for clem ncy fur I tniChrfer We To looran or oInnnn Trail B itilf Wrmh Pcpl JH Th steun I At 10 1 1 tom AAsk today brought down fortyfalfore unlo ot the La mo Ion trail About iwuthlrda of them left the Peculiar 1 Start Town lend from whence they will go to Van comer In await money from their eoelern humel Wrnngel Alaekl I Delil loth Von He ianN I little Wanh Kepi 35710 Hllikeen river strainer votratcona urrvied I diy Kllh lltyeeven mtr Kora I uf the Illmonlon trail The majiiilly of them are without mean They will I be 1 hipped to l > uget Mound at tliu expenae of the United HIlei governmonl Aliout fifty of them will go to r Cast to tomorrow an Ihe ileamer AIKI 3fany are urrIII trail tile effects ill cun yrAmongtiie urvhorau I J W liurVon of Utah firost4141 VPlr 1 1101 I Vancottir P C Hope I IIThr l American leave reaohe1 tblp toon from Xrtlle river fifty mile In I the Interior from ilrund Forks II f Therilama an Harry I Doriou lilt Harry 51vtinn I and Thomas Hnioe They aitnnunio limy I leave dlicncred ennrmou copper J 1 n r mill and gold dfpoll on the Pont and on the north forks of Keltle river When the Hewn epread nl llrand Cnrki a itampedefulluned The Ihr Amirliana lay thai they hae tnk1 all Ihii con r rd r Ott r n II hold and 1 the r find le no longer I a naret The pprtlmeni are thf nneet goldcop f Per i specimens ever moves here |