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Show WEAVER CITY, UTAH. SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1000. VOL. IV, ten tonsjf files per week;- - thus,- - while they are walling us out of Hades with the best wev can for bibles, we are doing ' them. Knowing that w cannotpreveut their going to. the infernal region0, we fflMlTIlil) NO. 3 factory hands tprConsume ourwheat, no miners to oppress tho farmer by eating up his butter, eggs, chickens and pro- . Published every Saturday E BEAVER CO. PUR CO. by-TH- duce nor rallroadsjo frighten our sotting hens off the. pest. Beater is all T hero lsI absolute ly Vo thin g. f u r n i s lij h e m jyv j i ht h ojii e a n s o f fi ling r i g 1. their way out wheirthey get there. wrong with Beaver, except that she simply lsnt In it and dont care a tink ers tir WIIATS I II K MATTER WITH US? The Federal census to bo taken next THE LOUD BELL. month will show that Beaver --county The famousori more properly speak has lost in population in the last ten yearsr Had there been a high brielcwall ing the itifamouLoud "bltlhajS again' aroundlhe county teir years ago and found Its way onto the House calendar. not a soul admitted cr permitted77!!) It has undergoiTeTsbmetliihg Of a inoditi-catlo- n since Its introduction and defeat leave, the county wouJdr be a thpusajid souls better off thane Iatoday, Aqd twojrears ago, but Its author, William yet the state has gajpcd,. nearly 100,000 Loud, of California, still occupies tho during that time, butfinstead of sharing posltippTpfttoruey amTIobyTsi for the In the gain, Beaver conuty has appar- lead! ngexpress and steamship compan ently been a plague spot, and in the very ies of the west and the bill just Introduc-- , s of his garden of the West, has lost In, popula- cd still carries tho lias she lost - in . popula- - loyalty to theirjnteresis... In arguments. tion. Not only ' ; 'f Every brought out by the former Introduction tion, but she lias' lost wealth. month in every tovn sees someone with of xhe bill, It was conclusively provenr a little moneypiehupand leave the that express companies are handling a . It'trir on been has for ten class of goods similar to newspapers all This county. going years. And no one brings any money over the United States at a less figure, into.Beaver any more. What commun- distanced hsldered, "than isliow being ity knows of a man who has riiovcd in paid to the government by publishers of with more than $1.13 in the last three newspapers and periodicals. In their years? What is the matter, with Bea- relationship to transportation companver? In population, wealth, "industry, ies, the Post Office Department stands and every other way, Millard is way In tho same position as the express comahead of us;Wash!ngton1eayes us a panies and K sy8tein thousand miles behind. Take it by any which enables the oneto make a houses canvas at therecieving end and standard you please Beaver is not in it. e Go east and you hear them laugh at us; a delivery at the other ge west and they sneer at dis; go south end of the route and to pay 'enormous and they ciiss us for rcmal n Ing on t ho d i vi d e n d sj ro m t h p rofi t s. asJs t La case. m a p, anobstructl on -- 1 o railroads and wlth'express companies, and at the same the traveling public; go north and'they time makes it a losing proposition for have forgotten us.Go into any crowd the other, as It is claimed that Ms, for of intelligent people in the state and the Post Office Department of the govyou And the Beaver man on the defen- ernment, is radically wrong and should sive. Her newspapers, once filled with be corrected; It is neither justr nor commercial announceipent.vwitluboast? businesslike.however,to make Lhe cor- -. ful facts"and startling figures concern- recilonamhoex pease of the shTpper ing Its vast resources and possibilities'. and in favor of the companies already are now frowned upon and boycoted by enjoying the fruits of hnjust discrimi- her merchants and business men through nalion. Congressman Loud Is accused, fear that some hint might percolate out and no doubt justly, of being a paid lobinto the world beyond thatvehave be- by ist-o- f some o leading express and come recklessly progressive! We ought transportation companies of the counto boa happy, contented people, howeVi try andJjijJie in tefestoMi is employers or. No mill hundsjo cat our ' meat, no hut to the detriment of tho entire read- 1 Utah. Beaver CtTr SUBSCRIP HON RATES: One Year, Six Months, $1750. .75. - Advertising Rates on Application. Entered at the post office at Beaver City Utah, for transmission imough the mails as second class matter. t T W. 31. U III EDITO R. IE, 1 The latest reports quote Bryan as being in favor of expansion and a tariff on wool. " If he wipes lcadcres and silver off his free list now he would make a pretty good American citizen. -- ear-mark- The Tribune editor denies that he is praying for the death of the Newsind Herald editorsvbut religiously remarks that if it is the will of the Lord that they should die, it is not- for him to - ' murmur. f ' Senator Rawlins has ;our .thanks for a number of valuable public documents, .recently issued by the various depart- The Senator has his hands full iin supplying the actual needs of the ments. i people7!!! this lino. i . vofi-discrimlnatio- iV to-hou- so house-to-hous- The Utah Press association meets in .solemn conclavet the Kenyonin-Sa- lt Lake City this afternoon. 31 ay the be nign influence of true fraternity and self inteiest guide them jiu their deliberations. - Z good-fellowshi- p, ' Acconl ing to the.8 tatemen tofanex- - change.thagreat Oxford Press publish ing house of England is shipping bibjes to America at the rate of live and one-hatons per week. This is very commendable work on the.partof the lf s Muth--erlandJntowIngvu- V ch a feeling of solicitude forThe spiritual welfaro of the New World. America,ontho jother is diand, furnishing England with over O-- pr of-th- t V & Ji J r - - |