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Show No Cbango to CHICAGO via Eureka claim! thence x. 12 deg. .50 Min. feet to the placeof beginning. From post xo. 1 of t her Mask a claim which is identical with post xo. 1 of the Golden-F- l ecceciai nr, amt pba txo72 of IIIMS it Wr-148- 0.5' J Si.t.L a kic Xit v - Uta ii, the Josephine claim and post xo. 4 of the Kureka claim, the -4 section cor- ated on l tie most prominent business ner on east side of section 12, township-2- 8 corner in the city , has recent y unsou ill, range 7 west, Salt Lako Meridergone thcrough renovation und is dian bears x. 82 deg. 47 Min. v. 4930.2 This PopulirXuropean Hotel, Situa&lNiW?RflJ Through Car Route Salt Lake,' Ogden All Points iri NEVADA DAHO M feet distant. ; preeminently Tlie discovery point of the Eureka THE BEST HOTEL OF THE KIND IN claim bears s. 20 deg. 30 Min. E. 891 feet THE STATE. distant from post no. thereof and tlie li Buyers from the country will rid ; this presumed course of iho lode from said the most convenient ptaco in the city discus cry paint bears s. 17 deg. 19 Min. e. 055.5 feet distant to a point on tlie from which to reach trade centres. southerly end line, and x. 7 deg. 09 Min. 1 1 Corner Second South and 3!aiu Street. wr 825.5 feet" d I s I a ii MOP. E. MULFORD, COLORADO TO Double Drawing lloom bleeping Cars, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, ... Superb. DiningXars. Upholstered Ton rist Sleeping Cars, Free Reclining Chair Cars, via Chicago, Union Pacific andNorth-WesterAsk for Line. n 0 irkots via HUG PATENTS. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. No; ice No. 2998. United States Land Office, Ci ty, U tab, Nov. 21st, 1899. , 1 itt-ih- son . ally. y-any--pcr interested, and by the public gener. . . Within the next sixty days following tiled at e oft IiTs not ice, under depart .. , mental instructions-- of -- November2?r or contests againsMhe claim of thesta e to thX tract or subdivision lierhltinbove dessatno is cribed, on the ground that-thmore Valuable, for mineral than for agrp ..cultural purposes, will be' received and noted for reportio the General-La- nd XS9G e at NVasliington, D. ( Failure so to protest or contest within! he time I Office specified "will bo cons! bred sufficient evidence of the character "of said tract, and tlie selection ' thereof, 'being otherwise free from objection, , will be recomended for approval. FRANK D. HOBBS. ; v or. Regis non-miner- al GEO. A: SMITH, Receiver. First publication Nov. 25plS99. nerherly cud line, tl o'apoii) to if the The discovery point of the Josephine claim . bears x. 23 deg. 04 Min. 912 v. feet distant from post xo72 iliereof amF the presumed course of the lode from said discovery point bears s, 3 deg. 47 Min. e. 850 feet distant to a point on the southerly end line and N73 deg. 47 Miti. w. 050 feet distant to a polpt on ihe north er I7 end line . Thod isc ove r y p ol n toftho A ask a caim bears x. 53 deg. 07 Mtn. e. 357.5 feet distant fiom post No. 1 thereof and tho presumed course of j lie lodo from.. said, discovery poiuT bears s. 3 deg. 47 Min. X. 190 feet distant to a point on the southerly end lino and x. deg. .47 Min.' w. 1310 feet distant to a point on the norJ Salt-La- ke x Notice is liereby given that tiio INCHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. DIAN CREEK GOLD MlNINGi and O, A. AVALKER- ,- General Agent, iMlLLING COMPANY, a corporation of 200 Main Street, Salt Lake City. II Utah.!y its duly authorized agent and attorney in fact, Simon Bamberger of NOTICE. Salt Lake Ciiy, Utah, has made application tor a Uni led States Patent for the United States Land Office, .City, Utah, Nov. 8, 1890. To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that the State of Utah has tiled in this office a list, No. 7, of lands selected by said Slate under sec. 12 of the Ac of Congress approved .July 10. 1894, for the establishment and maintenance of a Deaf and Dumb Asy Mum.' The following tract, omoraced in said is , is in a township containing .mineral claims of record, viz: Lot numbered three (3) of Section seven (7). in Township thirty- - (30,, south, of Range nine (9), west, bait Lake Base and Meridian. A copy of said list, so far as it reflates to said tract, by descriptive sub-Ml- v ision.llia Xb e eneo i i s pi cuo us 1 v7 pasted is office, inspection 1- therly end line. From a point s. 0 deg. 55 Min. e. 745.1 and feet distant from post no. 1 of Golden GOLDEN FLEECE lodes consolidate! Fleece claim, tlie there mining claim, in Newton mining district of bears east 299.9discoverypoint feet distant and the Beaver Co U ah. consisting of 1481 linear of course lode from the said feet of tlie Eureka, 1500 linear feetTaeli presumed x. bears 55 Min. Odeg. point of the Josephine and Alaska and 14G3.6 discovery v. 700 feet distant to a point on tho linear feet of .lie Golden Fleeco lodes northerly end lino and s. 0 deg. 55 Min. and surface ground each Q00 feet wide, e. 703.0 feet distant to a point on tho being mineral survey No. 3795, and des- southerly end line. " " . cribed in the field notes and plat of tlie EUREKA-JOSEPH1NE-ALAS- KA i Xald consolklatedclalrn containing a of 7G.899Mcres, expressly exmagnetic variation at 15 deg. 55 min. to total area cepting and excluding however there10 deg. 00 min. east as followsto-wit:i.- r Such description hereinafter made ex- from thlTarcaTn Mon Met with the Au- official survey on file in this office with tending around the Exterior boundaries gust, survey xo. 2985A of 1.409 acres. Net area claimed and applied forbe-In- g of said consolidated claim: at.post.xo.! of tJie Eure- ., ka claim, which is ioentical .with post No.ro f the Joseph! nee la i nior t his sur- vey and from said common and identical post the -4 section corner on the east side of section 12. townshi pM8sou t h, range 7 west Salt Lako Meridian bears N7S1 deg. 10iiinTw.4342 feet dlstant, thence runni tig JromTsaidTcoTnlhlPirand identical post x. 3 deg. 47 Min. w. 1500 feerto post xo.4of the Josephine claim t hence x. 80 deg. 09 M i n. k. 000 feet to post no. 3 of the Josephine claim, which is identical witli post xo. 4 of the Alaska claim of ibis survey7tirehcx7 STM eg. 09 Min. K. OOP f ent t o p os txo.3 of the Alaska clainvthence s. 3 deg. 47 Min. e. 1500 feet to post. xo. 2 of t ho Alaska claim which is identical with-po- st xo. 4 of the Golden Fleece claim of tiffs survey. thence s. 0 deg. 55 MinrE. 1403.0 feet to post xo 3 of tlie Golden Fleece claim, t hence s 87 deg. X0 Min; w. 000 1- f coin opusPxo2MrthirrGoldeir Fleece X 75.4 30 ac res. Each of said lodes embraeeddn said co nsoltd at ecLc 1 ai m7he I ii f r e?m rdih gt) rerorder-w- ho the office of the county is mining recorder of -- Newton Mining District at Beaver city. Reaver county. Utah, as follows, ex-offic- io to-wJu- ih Eureka in Boole No. Joephlne7IirRo6k-- B page 385, the page 273, the Alaska, in Book B nage202 and the Golden Fleeco In XBookB page 258 of mining records. Tho nearesr7knnwn locations or mln-- i p g. cl aims being t he August, survey No. 2985A and the Extension, survey No. 1 rz 2985 A. "Tl directTihat tiffs notice be published In the Reaver County Blade at Beaver, county of Beaver, state of Utah, tlm jiewspaper published nearest tlie said consolidated nffiffng claim for the period of ten weeks.- Fit A N K DrII O BB S, .Register. claim which Is Identical with post, no. 3 G. W, ParksL attorney of, the Eureka claim, thence s. 80 deg. 09 Min. w. 200 feet to post xo. 2 of the First 'publication dated Nov. 25, 1S99, w for-applic- .v ant. |