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Show been laid-n- p a greater A. portion of tlie week witha severe tack of neuralgia which, not withstand- r' ing his former excess of cheek, has had HrrthirToUsAii1rMlrOOpcnr7UousoTThF-tiditorha- s next-wee- V, , the V. M. &Y. L. M. for announcement of date. by 1 at-Wat- 3 -- . --- x ch Wall I apod LljU street of (IU0r urn it me .extending that por- greatly companj aro moving thelt stock of glass an;Uorny an( forcing him to carry and q u e.e . t s w a rxtJro in a hl G e n l r y7 b n d a gunnrsad- -: ;U iug inio.tluir furniture department. iyL10 J ' -- H r v. Msrh AsTxUL-- Ilio public lF Miji) p t ly ,vaS5Sl' l ur-- n -- requested to imriniT II f lotud happenings. If you know of anyth ng; of local interest, do not takethe 4- - j The Fort Cameron and Heaver Tele NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. l. in phone Line is cotnpletcd and will be Tho Heaver Wool "Manufacturing & operation today and then will wo have Milling Corof Heaver City Utah. Notice of advancing civilization, of the is that tit a the--hell- a with us. lueetliig" herehygiven (direciots of iho PeavettVooL.Mauufac, ... - , a chances ofour hearing "mf it without yuur assistance, drop us a note telling simply the facts.. Parlies, social Rath- 'rings of all kinds, personals, anything, everyi bins goes to make up the attrac- . 11 1 i , i ".UCfiis a" local, ' . and Milling Co held onnheT3t1t day j ing 53000$kins waiFed during winter months Finuar , HO.), an assessment of 10 per ceil t. was levied orith e eapp alst o c k of send sample skins per mail to, JACK HAHHIT'AND IIARE SKINS.' A Yii It CO.; 118 M Id 1 1 i - Satr Francisco California, page. . 15 lade I 'company - r. i the lowest possible tigrircs" Tcetli Vrateh for t he snralLbills aiimounciinr tracted posit ivelywL bout pa im in d at dfc f or n e'xt vv eek at tiio 0 p era Director Murdocii of tho weather House ex- ( i 1 is SI. 50 pet year. - payable,, -- or before Jari-l1st, i(.)0', t the Secretary of said ecu i pTuf yari e a v cF C tyTTJTa ITT Any stock upon which this asses? ment tuny rental iron pa id on March lst,1900, will be delinq non t and ad vertized for sale at pu b! ic auction, and unless payment is made before will be soid oil' the 31st day of March, 1000, at the otlico of t h e - Com t ta n y y i m d e i n q u en t o q ay assess tniMi t tog oi i er w iih thtFcos t o f ad vert ising and expense of sale. The stockholders shall bo repaid in goods a r, 25 per cent.-belothe retail trade price, and proportionately of yeach kind bf aitJ Streep! lJKNTISTRY. I)r. E. Smfl.lt will be locatetLatfirst Location notices ami proofs of labor deer north of W. M. Lows residence on at this allien, at 0 cents , each. Main street for the next 30 days and will be nrepared to do ail kinds of dental Miss Lena Ash returned from Salt work promptly, scientifically, and at .Lake City yesterday. Tin; -- i WOO D-- JS 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 bn- - roan at'Salt Lake has reestablished the I)r.Cr II. Fennemore was in KanoMi Heaver station. Miss Josephine Taylor Thursday, examining applicants for the Deseret operaer, will have charge goods on hand.. : life insurance. of the flags, directions being telegraphiM. hr SHEPHERD, Fresz ed from the Salt Luke station. O. A. MURDOCK, Sect. My Aunt From Urnzil will be prow -- 4 9 duced at the future,-.- tide H. Y. A dad may in with. , rulcv ..V'J--- S. V the near in Thompson the r, ' no'' Couuctlman N. F. ''c V i ' fa Ipson has been placing s trusty in a heavy walking stick for seVerul days past, tYie occasion .being a kick frxun a horse. 1 1 i ; -- , i 2 '' tt IMrs. Mrs. LoV have moved Heck-an-d their millinery esiabli.uiment into the (lent ry building on the corner of .Main and Eighth streets. returned from the south ' last Saturday .and has given himself and his friends -- Hid unusual pleasurejof having him a t " : illume for a week. J'i f M e s s rs , G c-o- -- Ti M i n f o Pd , W ;i e r 1 1 JS.' .To tot i and AVa roiC She pherd. all of ;Heayer, li a vo j p in ed a p rty u h o , w ;1 1 leave Salt LakoCitj; directly after the spring yonforetfee fo'rrCfji,tr41 and South 1 ; i, T America!. t wen Thq party'wjll ,number kbpnt a tid go on ti liistoricaLmi sioTi into the lamLof the ancient tribes of the South. Tho jnissk)ir,'w.iJJ cover 5 v i .i i a period 'of two year's and will 'no - doubt ' be very fruitful in the vvay of' verifying 3 ty-liv- e . c T . , "the Hook of Mormon. -- And .whif e we h ave u qu raff o nfio n , fef us announce that vve'havo put in - . - Stoelc Ox Go ods -- wines; liquors and 7" cigars,---- 7 . In Variety and Purely, Excellence of Flavor, and itrevery way Superior to anything carried in the city. Wo invite your inspecUon.1 1 'ft |