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Show '3 - 'e i. $1.50 Pays for The Blade Hi i WESTS liAltOKDER SUIT WORTH $19, ONLY $10.45. This suit is made up in sack style, of black clay worsied, moulded and fashioned to fit, aud trimmed with the very , best materials consistent with the price. These suits retail for $19.00 in Salt Lake City. To become acquainted we will send you one for only S10T45r THESE ALL WOOL GOODS at prices even much lower than other houses are selling the imitations or domestic goods for. are-offe- red THIS BLACK CLAY WORSTED s that is woven expressly for suits and should not" be compared withicheapblack domestic clay worsted on the market It has, a much is a fabric high-clas- 7RITE FOR CIRCULARS ferentstyles of Sewing Machines we manufacture and their prices before you purchase any other. finer surface, finer weave, and will twice out wear the cheap black clay, will not wearsbiney and gives a suit a rich appearance not found In cheap goods. N.t. Pt. ICa Chicago, ni. 8n Frxncitco, Cal. Atlanta, Ga. roa satc by II. I HANSON, Richfield, Utah. WE WERE FORTUNATE enough to secure these snits at a rare bargain and can now offer them to you on the basis of the actual cost of the material and labor with but one small profit added The New Home sowing Machine Co. obxxqx, mass. 8 Union Square, DaIUx, Tex. SAMPLES FREE. Set d us your name and address, and tell us about what you want, and we will send you samples of our clothing free. SIZES. Send size of pants and coit; chest measure for coat and waist and for pants, and you will get your size. - We will send order blanks gjvlng full instructions for measuring. AGENTS WANTED in every town. This offer only to the mail order trader i in-sea- - KIMSCl), Toe only 3 Firat-clas- UTAH. Hotel iu tue s WESTS MAIL ORDER HOUSE, Frisco JOSEPH Mining District 0 A Large, well furnished rooms. TERM 8 REASONABLE. H LIVERY STABLE iUTAH. . Clatfe.) t CONNECTION. T. N. SACJCETT, c r- 2N SALT LAKE CITY, Beaver (The above firm is reliable. WEST, Manager, m PROP. A PPL Y rule In I THE SAM E the-purch- aso of your railroad ticket that you would in purchasing other commodities? If you couldbny silk for thesame prico vou could calico, you would lake the silk wouldn't y ou ? Tho U. M . & St. P. Ity. is the SILK between Omaha and Chicago; that is, if ELECTRIC LIGHTED, aaaaaaaaauaaaaauuaaaauaaaaaaaaai , and. W A NT E X. m STEAM HEATED, SOLID TR A I N S of the very latest designs MI aud safety appliances j running over a s stone blasted steel rail track severalTnil-eshorter than any other line cut any FAMILY-FLOU- R STRAIGHT GRADE, 33 ft flour, 14 ft bran, 3 ft shorts figure in the case. Through Electric V 14 28 3 Lighted Sleepers, Denver to Chicago HIGH PATENT, Through Tourists Cars, San Francisco STRAIGHT GRADE, 36 No bran or shorts. to Chicago. We LEAD,rOlhers-F0L-LOts 50 lbs for GO IbslHean-wheaGive us a trial. For time tables GRAHAM, maps, etc., c;il) on o address CORN MEAL, 80 lbs for 100 lbs corm hi L, DOWNING, . CHOPPED GRAIN. 90 lbs for 100 lbs whole grain. CommercM Agent, 212 S. West Tempi Strjt Balt Lake City Utah. MILLER. JAS fc ROBINSON, VEsTIBU-LE- D FLOU R LL SCHEDULE: W. - |