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Show SALT LAKE CITYS Through Pullman vestibuled palace and ordinary sleepingTrars. the proverbially-criilca- r Free reclining chair cars, with no stock man and miner of interior Utah, whendie reaches Sait Lake, turns com-- 1 charge to Missouri river ami Chicago, and only One charge to New Tork. a ce u tJ y a n d vii ai i s f a clion u p n a h a As the lowest rates "to allpoints apply TradeANDmarks, al at inland coiLSd'Uonslynp-todalfvia the Onion Paeiiicrwhy not uso it in caveats, COPYRIGHTS DESIGNS. ' hostelry, THE KENYON.' Mr. Don preferemojo any other line? Send your business direct to Washington time, costs less, better service. Porte rhasiha d eTt llte. r a! r y a ioderTT Three frains for all polnrseast leave i .saves B, Patent Office. FREE prelimin-My office dote to y'a fee not dne nntil patent hotel, with all the elegant personal corm Salt Lake City at 7. and 11:45 a. in. and GIVEN-XEW-IIOTE- L. The-uyco- f I 1 1 v i 1 1 XT. tons and conveniences 'to which people of taste are accustomed, and with features of attention not heretofore given to guests. It is very evident that this 0:40 p. m. ; 1 NTION 19 YEAR8 How to obtain Patent!, ,r ed through E. G. 81ggera ; , Detailed , Information of every kind ,receive apeclal notice,' without charge,, in the relating to rajlroad and steamship transportation will ho promptly and cheer illtutnyted incnthly Eleventh yean terns, $1. a year. fully furnished on nppliealiomto ' II. M. CLAY, General Agt. indnstriously'Uandled enterprise is aj J cre dit to Salt Lake art- - 201 MaiuSt.Sali Lake City,-- Utan. is and truly Cijj "I ' the predated by trivcllng pnblier Since its inceptfon a. little ovjr a year has colored to a ago The Kenyon very large clientele, and in order to meet the requirements of a rapidly in 7 (The Direct Line to Salt Lake arid at I TTtjjlVPoIfi ts; ) Decal lime earn in 'effect MhrclSj; -, : .creasing patronage, Mr. Potter has1 7 Jr Krmf&hnTiYid . Noftilboun'd built an addition q seventy suites with STATIONS Tave 7M0 plw Frisco baths. ShuatedTu the very heartof 8:05 ,T. Arrive Milford Salt Lake's business centre, The Ken-do- n LcMve s:35 M y , ' Arrive otao 1 1":155 is destined to take its place as the Clear ike i n :00 a Oasis .leading hold of western America. Arrive 6.0 9.: 10 p, m : f Juab 77, - , JiWEWTIVE AGE If (!siiinnisw!ii ( ' f OREGON t -- -- J 1 1 I Lve ... .. . 6:10 6r40 o ' t ( " L ave 8:35 . ... Nephi Lake CPy JYrrlve 9:35 a. m NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Layi 7 X;A rjve 9: X Lb AVe 6 30 PL.;tn -- - f ! Trains between Juuo and Fr.scu run Uaily7 except Sundays. r, DEPARTMENT of the INTERIOR. Latest Style Tourist Sleepers on all passenger trains between Milford and Sift Iiik0r Four trains aaily between Salt Lske and Ogdpn : , .Land Oiliee, Salt Lake Citv, 'Utah, y a , ;; Leave Sait Lake- 7;00 a. m , S:f0a,- ?ti.6!25 pm., S:45 P- - '. 1(3, 1900. The Oregon Shr rt Line, in connection w til the Union PdOtiic Sys em, is the snort Notice is hereby given that the and Line to all points East. ' Direct eOuneutUinVac '.Sait'Lake Ci y settler has ii led notice of auu Ogden with through trains., . . 7v- Jiis intention uo make iiual proof in supS. G. Dye Agent, MilfoPd, Utah. port of his claim, and that said proof S. W. Eccles. VV. H. - D. E. Durley, will be ina le before the Comrty Clerk of Bancroft, Vite-PrTrMffic Alar. , Ganl & G n. Mgr., Gen. Pass. & Tat. At. Beaver County. Utah, at Beaver. City! Sait LiKt; City . Lake City. y Sait 77 SalLLake City. Utah, on February 24. 11)00, heviz: George No. 4357. . ' Jun-.uar- . , - - s E. Owen7 H. E. 10970, for-tYV. -2 YV -4, N -4 NE S E -4 XTS E 1- -4 N WT--4 Sec, 27, Tp. 29 S. R. 7 YV. 1- 1- 1- 1- He names the .following witnesses to prove Ids eontinumis'residenee uponand 'Cultlvat ion of said land, viz: James A. Low, Edward .Patterson, John T. Beaumont and Milton T Anderson, all of .Beaver City, Utah. FRANK:D. IIOBBS, L. II. Register. 2.0, 19)0, si THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE, The great overlaiuFToute, the Union Pac i ii rail road H s a - s t r i e 1 y u 1 o date transportation lino and offers its patrons unequalled service " Please bear luTnlhd-thJoITdwtiTg-'ui- F disputed facts: 1 p-- e That by using thnUuionEacific-yo- a will save many hours time to all Enst-ern-points- .1. Utah Pacific R a ii r oad . T '4 South Nod 8:39 A. M. 8 50 9.10 9 25 9 74 1)25 10 40 hereformtlie--t ltmrycusave is ccihaj tn mnneyriariretl: The, Pioneer Dining Car Line of the West. The only linn equipped "wiili buffet, smoking and library ears - 11.17 11.3DA& 111:55 12:15 y 9 0 MilforJ, 7.: 16 21 Upton, 30 Sulphur We II," Lund. A P. M. 5.c0 510 Thermo. Nbva, 35 39 4 53 4 35 4.17 Lv., 4 (0 A r. 3.47 Gevens, Sd " ars, M-ide- h )4eryl; " JEfsp.-ilant'- , - 3 37 3.22 3.05 2 45 Lv2.35 Fa, 6S .Scari, 2:20 75 McCann t f 2:00 JOS, A. WEST, rv k Arrive Dally Except Sundays STATIONS: 5B 52 63 65 1 2. o e c- 45 10.57 ;-i North No ExceptMondays 10.00 Ar 10 15 Lv. 24 1899;: Takingr Effect Monday, July LeavTPally GravrAttornev. First piibllcatjon, Jan. f t- -- CHIEF ENGI.NEEB. |