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Show f if1 A ti PROFESSIONAL CARDS, fierce. cni tcin.o'.v Aturnc.v h OKIGINAL ACHIS f BE A V E R DRUG STORE w, Salt Lake Crry McCornick Blk. r. LakeCuv. WHITJEMORE, Attorney-at-la- C03 vr u--Lav- ,Salt McCornick B'l'dg C. O. hakuetie. & For your, DRUGS and MEDICINES, FORRES J Ell, Physic ad and Surgeon, doors north of Heaver Drug Co. Office 3 W. Leaver City, - - - - - Utah. , Etc., Etc. " - A THOMAS MARiONRAUX; Attorney at- - Law, OfflcYIn Thompson Hallr vbe ARCHITECT. - BEST PUREST and found is to be grade Do not forget the location, e - this Establishment t .. OPPOSITE THE M EUTINGr Salt Lake City, HOUSE, - NORTH. School Work A Specialty. mmimm NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. JOHN WAHD CHRISTIAN, Caunselor-at-lav- - Room 5, " No. L City and County" Attorney. -- 43 hi. DEPARTMENT ol the INTERIOR, Land Office, 8uL Lake Guy, Utah, v. -De- County Court House, BEAVr.lt C.TY, Utah j Notice 1899. is hereby given that the cember!), fol- - setilcr has hied notice of lowing-namc- d j SCENIC LINE OF THE U ORLD. Two Fast Tiins Daily to Lead' ville. Aspen, olorado Springs. Pueblo an Denver. ' Eff ciiveOet 16th, 1899. L. II. GUAY, Attorney for Lind and Minicg Claimants. 3,9 Tcuiple on, SRi Lake City, U ah, Utah, on January 20. 1000. viz: Jolin !!. --Tiain No. 4 leaves Salt Like 8:05 p. m- -. Land Otllce lnisinrsH attended to. Agrletil- - StnlllxoiL II. E- 10663, for the S. -3 Arrive nr pueblo 5:22 tural ami Mineral Patents Procured. S E -1 & E -2 S V -4 Sec. 3?, Tp. 26 r. rn., Colorado Springs, G:4G p. in., D n vrr. m. 9:15 p. S., IL 10 W. S, L. M. w dInijE carS on al tbroush Ho names H,e follow!,,:. witnesses to W.F. KNOX, prove his eoiniouow residence nj on and Connection md at, Pueblo. Colorado . Atioruey-utlav- , cnltivailon of said land, viz: Jolin Ryan Snrings and Denver with nil lines Mining and Waler L tigation a Specialty. ;imj eoachp. cha.r cars arm Puh- MiPord, Ut ah, E,pHnt Forg,0of Practice m ail fun of the State. "n sleepers on t Mt r(fnf.b ,lf Frfirl Kflsfilf,r !lllfl .lnllI1 1- - 1- V of purpose? to be found in the county C. M. NEUHAU3EN, Dooly Building, ' WINESanu HQUORS for Medicinal - Utah. - - Beaver City, toilet articles, chemicals; 1- 1- j --- ---- j t,eaul Et. j d-- Office lu Court house, Beaver City, - - - Utah. II WEST, Mines, Real Estate and Loans, W. ' Nli pen g Stock a 431 FKAXK I).IIOI!U'Register. L. IITG r ay . Atto rnov. First publlcatjon, Dec. 16, 1S99. - - - PiiYr. vi. C'ushingv a s e n gn rA g T. S a 1 La K e- Cb r y- Trav.P - t-- UTAH. rr1" John M. Gannon FEUGUS0N & eA NNON, t Lu v A tt o r n c y 3015 CTempIetou Bldg" s-- City, d Caveats, andTrade-NIark- a obtained and all Pat-- ? ent business conducted for Moderate Fees Our OFFiGEts'Gppo'ctTSU.S.FATENT Office and we can secure patent in les3 time than those remote from Washington. . Send model, drawing cr photo., with 3escrip-- t Ve advise, if patentable or tion. not, free of 5 charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured, A Hew to Obtain Patents, withi cost Pamphlet, of same in the IL S. and fcrciga countries - C- W. II. TRKMAYXK, . Assayer. (Late assayer to llaimuer Smelting works f IL Specially Barlovv Ferguson li SclGLkoCuy.- - on t incut. A T. A., Atlas-Bloc- k, S A LT L A KE CIT Y, Salt Lake Gi. S JvJieOREIL B F. Kevins, G a iA gttn , ' ) Mailed- - --Thc-F i lies tT lathi o r G4 i Hhb-- N VtHdMrcle Charges Rea&onuLluS ltnples R c. ive Prompt AticuUmw- WIieiE-yogo to Salt Lake do not fail Salt Like C.ty. 110 MainUSt.- ng-LcU- J. r!S3l u .ic-gi-vo Ax ' N. i N yoursclf-UGs-raro-irc- at v'-- V -- . :, DrG. 4. v, . |