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Show A novel coach was noticed on According to a report sent In to the Suit Lake papers, there Is more activi- Street the other dav Itlooked very much es like the running gears of a lumber wagjm ty In and-abo- nt this winter than for several years past; while the furnishings closely resembled a wood rack the locotnotivej power was the Beaver District Court opens-I- n by a beVy of young ladies-wh- o supplied a. Court House next Tuesday at 10 in. seemed to derive a deal of fun out great vs Besides the case of James McUarry of the proceeding. -- The youngs couple are The Tan tier Bakes Corrthcro quite who sat enthroned withHi the coach a number of probate cases on the docket, appeared blissfully unconscious of short. Wllbe but the term unusually mundauo affairs and .serenely content with their surroundings. . The happy NOTICE OB1 STOCKHOLDERS :tMEETING77T group soon pased out of sight amid the Notice Is hereby glven that a meet- laughter of the amused on lookers and ing of Stockholders of the B. C. C. Sc M. quietoncomore reigned upon the scene. Institution will boTield at the L. D. 8. Such are some of the pranks of merry Meeting House on Saturday, Feb, 10th, youth. J By order of 1900, at 10 oclock, am. DEATH OF MRS. MATHEWS. the Board of Directors. Mrs. Polly Mathews, wife of John M. L. SHEPHERD. Prcs. tho-mln- of-MIl- ford A b CE. MURDOCK, Supt Dated Beaver City, Jan. 19, 1900. Dr. TW. Forresrer returned Tuesday from a trip to Stateline and Deer Lodge, where he went last week to look over somo mining property In which he Is Interested. The doctor, like all who have visited that section, Is quite sanguine of lhe future greatness of those two camps. Mr. Albert Stoney was reminded tlast years Monday night that the thirty-on- e of life which ended with that day, had not carried him beyond tho real m of M-J- old-trou- have Brainerd.Minn., and everything necessary for a vigorous youngest brother oLWrM.tWhlte of the of which cabIns,-hIacksmitlr-8hopTSta- ble?7 development they prosecute. Mr, Holland Is seen for 23 years, arrivodJnJJeaverou dpurpose I re c 1 n go p e r a t i o ms a t t h e ra I n P. Is N. so favorably Tuesdays stage. & Impressed with the climate and business ARRIVAL DEPARTURE OF MAILS, Beaver City, p. o. prospects of Utah that he has determined lo locate In thestateprqbably All malt coming ort golngisnowvia SaU Lake, permanently. The plcnlc-In- g Milford. weather which we are having Issuch Arrive at l:20 p. in. a contrast to tho 12:00 ai. Depart at Mails closes at 11:30 a. in. weather of Minnesota and tho fogs of California, where he has, spent the last .Arrive dafiyexcept Monday, yo 1 Date. : ...e..... First; ...Iron M II I a rd ..It Washington Iron ... 10 4 t- "Juab ... ........First April 17.... April 24 May 22..77.r... Firsu Fi rs - Beaver 6-- June First! Washington - January 2 January 9 January 23 February .. February 19 April Term. County. - ... Seconds Second Secondi .Beaver Millard;.:.:. ."SecotKl- . Juab ....Second Third Washington Iron Third' -.Beaver-.-. Third we M r. N. P. Wh 1 ter of whom fixed as follows: ble 1 Blade, and n L. UiXTUN k The dates for holding courfcitith&. several counties of the Fifth Judicial District of Utah for thiTyear 1900, have-bee- September 4 September 11 MathewrZandra sister of rMrs. Sheptierd'aiTd Mrs7IlyruTn Baldwin, of September 25 Third1 Millard this city, died last Friday evening, Jan. Olctober 9 Juab Third' . . 12th. The cause of her Joatli was a se- October 22 E. V HIGGINS, Judge. vere cold incurred at the funeral of her nephew," Wilford Cartwright, "which brought on her dropsy, and 60 YEARS an attack of pneumonia. The deceased EXPERIENCE was 50 years of ago and leaves a large family of children the youngest but 6 years old, to mourn her los. Funeral services were held In thoL. D.S. meeting house Monday afternoon and was attended by a large gathering of sorrowing TRADE HARKS, friends and relatives. DESIGNS, youth and youths pleasures. A party of his friends, numbering about twenty, goUogether and sprung a genuine surMINING AND REDUCTION COMPANY. prise on him by Invading his home-a- nd spending the evening in the way usual Under the above title, a new compaon such occasions. ny has been formed In the Beaver Lake Mr. Issaac Warby met with a very district, with ten claims as a base of serious accident Thursday and one that operations. The officers of the compacame near proving fatal. He was sink- ny are, A. J. McMullen, president; T. ing a well for Rube Parkinson out on M. Farrel, vice president; C. A Locke, South crock when thedrum of the wind secretary and treasurer. Tho president lass spllUind lettbebucket Jilledwith and" vice president with E. A. Cook, a n d Id I r tjl o w iloiY h m ,s t rl kin gh I s Robert Leroy r and J. J; Holland form head and shouldersamiMnflIcttngsom(r the board of directors. They -- haveHn ugly cuts and brusles. Ho was fortu- stalled a new horse whim at the shaft which Is now down about 40 feet and nate that lie escaped with his life. j-oc- GUT. FIFTH DISTRICT COPYRIGHTS Ac.. Anyone sending a sketch and description may niokW ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strictlv confidential. -Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We have a Washington office. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive Oecial notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Illustrated, largest circulation beautifully sclentifl any & MUNN & COM 331 Broadway, New York JOE A. YOUNG, 202-- Whittingham Block, SALTLAKEGITYv- - UTAH, 3 editor hail not campaignto 1 - si xwee ksthaT no Z he-hasd- ecide 4. dtoioolr farther for an agreeable climate. Deparrdaii r esree prSnuda y; Eiinest Hodges, P. M. Prompt and Careful Affen ilio nJ3iv.entoa!lC fat msT-) - CORRESrONDEXCR SOLICITED. |