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Show I OIL TRUST INTERVENES II THEJE8ATE CASE Govern men it's Litigation With ' Great- Northern Raises Point Concerning Standard. ' ; WASHINGTON, .Tan. G. On "bcliair of tho SUndnnl Oil company, Attorney Attor-ney A. D. M'cKonna of this cily today lilecl a petition in tho Supremo Court of the United States for leave to in-lorvcno in-lorvcno in tho caso of tho Great. Northern North-ern railway, involving the JClkins law, imposing fines for granting or accepting accept-ing rebates, which was ropcaled by tho .Hepburn railroad rato law of tho lust Congress, Tho samo question is involved in-volved m tho case in which Judge Lan-dis Lan-dis imposed a lino of $29,000,000 on tho oil company and consequently tho dc-cisiftn dc-cisiftn in tho Great Northern cane will have a direct bearing on tho Standard Oil company's ease. Tho Great. Northern company was indicted in-dicted November S, 1006, for giving rebates. re-bates. Besides objecting to tho sufficiency, suffi-ciency, of tho indictment on a technical ground, tho company contends that tho original provisions of tho Elkins law, under which it was indicted, were re-)Hled re-)Hled by the Hepburn act. Contention of Government, The contention of the government is that the original provisions of tho FA-l;ins FA-l;ins law, bo far as necessary for tho prosocution of offenses committed prior to the passago of the Hepburn not, wero saved b" section 13 of the revised statutes, and further that tho provision mm ot section .iu or me xicpourn act tnat H "the amendment herein provided for H shall not affect causes now pending in mm courts of the United States, but such jjnj causes shall be prosecuted to u conclu- " pion in the manner heretofore provided SI by law," refers zo matters of procodurc H in courts of the Unitod States under H tho old Jaw, and was not intendod to HI operate as an extinguishment of pennl- M ncs, for forfeitures or liabilities, in- Hj enrred nndor tho old law. . Bj The petition was granted and a briof HI Trill bo filed in the caso on behalf of -H tho Standard. Attorney-General Bona-H Bona-H parte mado no objection, but said the Hi government did not couccdo that the Hi two cases are parallel. |