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Show A IjIj EG ED ROBBERS FAIL IN ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE i BUTTE. Mont.. Jan. 6. A Miner special spe-cial from Ilelenn rlates thai an attempt to escape on the part of twn alleged Ureal Northern train robbers who held up the Oriental Limited at Hondo. .Mont., and secured se-cured $10,000. was frustrated today by the vigilance of United States Mnrshnl Merrl-fleld. Merrl-fleld. who. In the shirt of Charles McDonald, McDon-ald, found a hack-saw. I A telegram handed to the officer while on route to Helena from Kallspell with j tho prisoners, gao an inkling of the plot brewing, and maj result In somo sensa- I tlonal developments. It is reported on ' good authority that the two men have a iiclie of $20,001) In the. hills. McDonald s pal Is George Fnmkhauser Both will be arraigned In tho Federal court tomorrow. |