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Show SALT HE ROUTE HAS HEW CIH TICKET IIMj i . L. JI. Wnlden ('bines fo Relieve , .1. nl. Greaves; Big Holiday j Travel. j . t j. M. Waldcn. formerly city ticket and passenger agcnl of the Salt l.ako Route at Riverside. Cal., arrived In Salt. Italic Sunday nlghl, and Monday took , up Ihc j duties' of city ticket agent of the , road here. Mr. AValdcn exchanged places with .1. M. Greaves of Salt Lako. the health of tho hitter's wife compelling her to live In California. Mr. Waldon was cleric in the local ticket office of the Salt, hake Route about two years ago. going from here to California. ICnergctle. hustling and popular, ho Is known ns a very successful suc-cessful agent. "Salt Lake looks hotter, bigger nnd brighter to me than ever before," he said. Mondav. "No city in the country looks as good lo mc as this place and I am ! glad to get back. Salt Lake's reputation , for a big town Is established In Cali- , fornhi. and many men of wealth am watching the city closely. I came up over our road, and ve arc doing a big business. The line Is In line shape for ( a year's heavy traffic."- |