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Show II 1 WEEN IN OGDEN JK Go to tho Vlenno Cafe. tti w Catch your own trout In our prlvntn 3 m aarlurn and w? will cook thorn. W ne,at cu'oln- Latest rtellcncle. f E orchestra Every Afternoon ana Even- i L 5Kl 11 RESOLVED. ' V Tie first of tho year is the time vjk for resolutions. Resolve that you m will buy youv Drugs, Chemicals, It' Spiip3' Perfumes, etc., at the place Ewhoro you get quality and cxcollonce, and reanonahlo prices. ' Buy from ur. and you will not want to break this resolution, for this is the place. . 1 GODBE-PITTS If DRUG CO. Wt p ' re you get just what you ask Wa tw and not something JiiBt as good, 1 V. COFFEE ' Buy it in airtight packages, pack-ages, not exposed to air, ' . and grind it at home. Your eroccr returns jour moner if you don't lite Schillinc's Best; wc iay bita-. You Can Get a New Hat to Finish the Season With Very Cheap. Tams and Caps of all kinds-choice kinds-choice 50c. Velvet, Fur, Satin shapes un-trimnied un-trimnied 98c. Trimmed Hats without any reservation, reser-vation, this week only, HAliF PRICE. Thoro aro soveral dozon hats trimmod to sell for S3 to $5. Wo -will close out at SI. -18 each. All Furs, except American Mink and Ermine, arc half price. It's the beginning of our winter clean up. Tho asssortment is greater than Is usually seen at tho beginning begin-ning of the season. Banks' IVliJJinery & Pur Store, 116 So. Main, i(7istabhshcd iSm ) , Cures Whllo You Sleop. " i WhooplngCough, Croup, , Bronchitis, Coughs, Diphtheric, Catarrh. j J Confidence can be placed in a rcrn-j ( edy, which for a quarter of a century ; has earned unqualified praise. Restful ! uijjhLs ar assured at once. ! I CrcsaJene fs a Boon io Asthmatics I I All Druggists j ! Send fos.tt for de- h""$S I scnptnlboatUt, ofc-LS Orcfioleno Antieeptlc ,Jirfiffi$ 'fj ! Throat Tablets for tho k v 0j?&mA i irrltatwl throat, of your druKglat or from niiA'ivo- uo, lOo, in atampo. eg? ( Sw5) j j The Vapo-Cresofeno Go., jfl "32? I 1 SO Pullon St., N. Y. , I II lili Furnace Fails I I: Kx V Vrf On roany a cold winter morning you 8Ajgk will wake to find the fires "out.' ' What 1 y"' Sk 'Prepare now lor the emergency with a mill PERFECTION I I j Oil Heater , 1 1 (Equipped with Smokeless Device) raj; II I and you'll have genial, glowing heal instantly wheiev you H St want if without smoke or smell smokeless dc- -c- H yj M vice prevents turn the wick as high or as low as J. H hD you like. Easily carried about Brass font holds r H Ie 4 quarts ol oil burns 9 hours. Handsomely fin- ' k H ffi ished in japan and nickel. Every heater warranted. H m I JtyO Lamp mB-trilUUIad, K 131 Ing . Made ol triM, nickel plated and equipped with llie Latest 4 4 H 1H 1 H improved central draft burner, Bytry lamp warranted. H Hi 1 tK l your d tiler doesn't carry llie Perfection Oil Healer and Ray tOf I SI 1 JH Lamp, voile our nearest agency lor descriptive circular. 7"V H H j HOO fi j 1 1& II II I II I M5 "" 1 BRBA& II oRBAt BRBAt? j tklAt) BREAD H BRbAI) I tSS?''" There may be some people in the D DrvTnK surrounding States who do not know QbtTaN ffl DRgAD that wo ship the famous KOYAL CHRgAD RH 1 J BREAD fresh daily to Idaho, Nevada, -I W rr " 1 Wyoming and Utah points. Those peo- j . I rBn1 HCPl:L Pie can always got tho hest bread "by KVfAb w'1 SflSH asking for thlt with the Eoyal label. SG S; P" EOYAL BAKING COMPANY, Jffij) I BRBftjj BrbaD Hi I teakbll W&b f W&b P All Wgb II W&k I i fi-" i-W" W b- I rea5 Brsa& I Bread I BraD. Bread Brsad . 1 ISTEPTOE HOTEL, Ely City, Nevada The Only Strictly First-Class Hotel in Eastern Nevada. n The Cafe is tho handsomest aud the best-conducted in tho State. ai FRANCIS KLETJC. H Formerly of The Paiacc and Si. Francis Uoleli. Sjui Francisco, Tpr. H J Most Amy Drag Store' Sells cigars. I Some drug stores S'oil'i poII good ,.Bl,r. ' ;im,- U o sell olgnrs 11t Kood cigars Drinks Ml the popular Q , brands-all the Candloa I good ones. I'.-rfumeo Some good. ones jf"'"""3 j m ev.'vely. Article, jSKfl Cigar case Is vo lh left as you enter. Vour Eg paillcular brand is here. 1 SSalliday Drag Co,, I Theater PnrtfcK Meet .Here. State nnci First South. t - ii LEYSON TIME. i Phone 65 for the correct time. i ixx. Uax err i j I I SALT THFATDF Goo.D.Pyper i B LAKE I I ii-r I It L Manager. B Tonight and Tomorrow Night, fa! Wednesday IVIatinea R j Daniel V. Arthur Announces Si MARIE CAHILt I In E. M. Royle's "Smart" Musical Play ,B "Marrying Mary" Next Thursday night. Tale's Ever- ft lasting- "THE DEVIL'S AUCTION." ' I Matinee nnd Night, 'Sat., Jnn. 11, t The Great jJ PRIMROSE p and his Magnificent j MINSTRELS b Everything nw. belter than over. K 50 people. Largest and Best. Prices 'lic lo 51-"0. Matinee. '25c to 75c BL Children, !.'fic. anywhere. Hj: ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE -K) I All This Week. ffl I Bert Leslie & Co. l I Mary Dupont .t Co.. Oklto Family, 'Si Adolph '.ink. Carlln Otto; ' B Wm. Tomklns. IClnodrome, Jef Orphenm Orchestra Every evening (except Sunday) S:15, W T5c. :0i: 2oo. Box soats, 51.00. mm Matinees dally (except Sunday and hR( .Monday). 2:J0, 50c. 25c, 10c. Box scats, ' aWj : GRAND THEATRE' I Direction I'elton & Smutzor. fm C. AY. AXDEUSON. Ues. Mgr. fMA ! TONIGHT H Miss A limpet- Commons, in fjss I "TILLY. OLSON" . M The great Swedish character piny. , flflj t Matinee Wednesday., , RK Starting Thuisday nlglil. ffljPy "A THOROUGHBRED TRAMP," fjfgl auditorium I RICHARDS STREET. If you would ho yraccful. Icarn to. ifflw roller skate. Ladles taught free ,it . iSm all sessions. Open mornlnns, after- 9M' noons and ' nvetnlnns. Hold:s band. ImT 1J2 MAIN STREET. ; WH A full lino of professional ffil mounts and supplies. " Kodaks and Devoloping. ' Sjj |