Show S PIONEER WOMAN DIES FROM FALL 1 Mrs Mary Jane Hall Quiver Culver 5 Succumbs in Hospital at Age Acre b bI of 85 I S 'S Funeral services were being arranged arranged ar ranged Monday for Mrs Mary Jane 1 Hall Halt Guiver 85 old 85 year old L. L D. D S. S y church wo worker who i who died Sunday w 6 1 In a local hospital hospitalS S V from rom complications S M I arising from a bron bro S ken n hip she se ret re re- t f V in a fall 5 V three days ago N She was born in S England June 3 i 1848 a daughter 01 of S v t James R. R and Martha Mar Mm tha Hall and came cameto V to Salt Lake City V. V In 1852 i.- i. S- S V fl making the T journey b by y 0 ox x 4 t i team across the L l western plains I II H Her e r husband Benjamin George Mrs 1 Gulver Culver Gulver dIe died d 14 years ears ago in irs Salt Like Lake She is survived by three sons Benjamin Ben jamin J. J Harvey W. W and Lester L L. Guiver Gulver all of Salt Lake City four daughters daughter Mrs May Ryan of Park I City Mrs Ida and Mrs Mrs- Elsie t Tracy of Salt Lake City and Mrs Ruby Huby Alsop of Sacramento Cal Cat four I brothers William IL H and Arthur Hall HallOf Hallof of Salt Lake City Heber Hall Hail of Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne and Wilford Willord Hall of Provo live five sisters Mrs Sarah Kinder of Lehi Mrs Nessie Wilding Mrs Lisle Hampshire and Mrs Nannie Wilding of Salt Lake City and Mrs Maggie Little of Huntin Huntington ton Park Cal Cat Funeral services will be conducted I Thursday at 1 p. p m. m in the L. L D. D S S. S Fifteenth ward chapel |