Show TRUTH AND Ll liberty berty BEnTY we propose to publish a smail small weekly shee sheet as large as our local circumstances will permit to be called eins ivel bs d designed e 0 originally nall nali Y ord the passing events of our statland state and in don J lefe refel to thwarts arti and mien nien sciences embracing general education medici nie nih p la law W divinity domestic and x c Pe I 1 1 economy conomy ana and 11 every thing 7 that nty uty llly fall under our ob ori oi nh inoh may tend to promote ali best bost ill iti interest terest welfare wilfa R plea piea pleasure sure surp i id amusement of our fallow ci we li I 1 H I 1 eur cur c ourselves selves responsible to the hsc court of 4 truth for our intel 1 atis andl ie highest court of colty clity coity f ity for our mir execution when we v shall swall speak freely w cirit acard rehard regard to nien men or party and ami N hen tik other men we err let hm mm vh wh has hac his eyed eyes open corr corret eit ert pit t us in mc and wid he shall rec ree receive lve ive a dip dis pies pie ples s reward we hall shill eter ever take pleasure 11 in 11 communicating forean foren news a as we have oi o I 1 ort unity 11 receiving receiving rec eivin elvin 9 irions froli from our friend friends si at home a 0 i id A n nomad road and solicit ornaments lia iia ments for the nelds A leies lezes from our poets and poetesses poet esses G S L C city ity amzi may y i a ath 1850 |