Show DE S E R E T lews JEWS 11 E W R I 1 I 1 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY llon jion sunday july 14 the bowery was completely crowded with the saints and emigrants grants who listened to a faithful discourse by elder eider ide ade samuel D richards c en n the first I 1 pies of f the tile gospel president II 11 C kimball then rose and bore testimony ony to the truth of the remarks by bro samuel he than then said if it was not riot for the union of this wis people we have a prace place iii ili ii our viat aafje ve land at this tin present time th s people ar arp arr n in t flattered or or r coaxed they have tiia tru 4 i old I 1 ld fear oear fearley leb leh odthe of the cm crai sequences s alel aid a ald id ac PC mee wee fifths urion arion ulion union winked men pre vre 4 ion lon boica thi the shi republican givern overn ortho wold void wo vo ld id are it 10 a rek rious mail mall ettag i hi chair r the th judg juddi eat tit uit b aau ti til y say ve we are a dan ger rr ui air pop prop ie iff our owr 1 lades adt adi are ll 11 holy ly n D we vve c A 4 tw n mh if ui i d d und and driven fr 1 our eur ur k aad aud 10 aa 10 td d ud our nanji and arc alc nic nt mowed place in thel ihei ael nel aei i hia nia bec because auke we u ic ve unie uaen vaen L ken tu to sei sel belc bele ve gid gd obey hla hia cu A i s anil and klieve k lieve i 1 1 pr and op api ties lies who wiio hold the leo aej 4 f salvation f addren aud if it apic apie pie odthe I 1 11 i S stat late laie TI ili ill r chive hir mir nir v ifs is I 1 it will vill g t H i with jin hf ai it r if tl tilo y w 11 liot heed beed it A t ft ll 11 go 0 tl W 1 I 1 datu I 1 va t wo 31 dig alt s ir iri lri d iq i q and and egry evry ev ry lly i i i t t ta i it buthe out the fhe y i i 0 o ave ige k aa in our lar for P p ph ril til vata liu ilu t cli eli i und and nd ston stog sto int mt dee jee ie priest j tle U c mit h I 1 tofy ti tha iha J wh birdth a prophet of nl 1 I and I 1 lj liiv v it I 1 k i w v tiey h i y have git sid i t an ar innocent r crun nyun n and A N i in 1 the key kers ano aim pier pa ien ter to save dave ii e c luon al i ely uly lupy liy will n ili ill re af pf pint rt i e bora bern ot of oter nd lle vie lie ie spirit spirl I 1 cf X they cannot see cee t it i 1 ii 1 ni A f go gop and ind if ever you ol 01 expect W t dwell wit etli ai JM chnat in tre ire eternal wo woi i 4 you yur ua b i v ga tu to take the sanie sanle steps ind and nd oe x iian lid tiu ziti d an n water vater ater as lie ho wa w and that by b mp kiei i hold hoid ng j the keys ys of ot the kirg kingdom dom this thu is i an cillan li airest newt rest ini ind virt virtu us people und tind d lie lre lle lre to keio keli kelo k kt tp elo fi com coni oi 01 GM ged weah work horl libre priests and ap pp ipie vc vie ari avi ar happy ald aid anil ine ire are gad glad to see our friends froin from the united states slates ifft it ll 11 ha had id noi roi teer icon for lor the pa potts its odthe da daj dar you would ail all ha hai P e been at thi this vary ery cry moment ind and I 1 do not tavant lAvant no ANAnt you ti ta baale ino rne for tellin you pres Pros president pr ident B Youn oung grapp roge rose and anil sari I 1 hwe hive but i a fufa few mi totes to occupy und ind jl I 1 wish ish to preach several diez courses in in abstract all nien men are to te b reea leng lorts koy loe whether they know it itar r nat nt ak aro are V ino inc fined to re reverence erenee and ad adore alre som wom although inan y profess profesa to be a ij d irreligious we try to practice r religion eliga 1 an aut but we are noi not perfect and yet we weft ay fay say many are as perfect as they can be bc in ul all ill sects not only in the protestant and catholic but in the pagan and Ile lie heathen aLthen nations also they do the very best they know how and hat that i makes them aa as perfect in their thelt sphere spheres is as god is in his ilia if atthe the lawhead not come came to saul of thirsa ish kin bin would nox not have revived revived in him hirn co SO when light liht comes coines heresy faise false principles r and iid rid ev very ery thin thia I 1 ehe ehr are arc made raade hanif manifest est when whop a urn forsakes for fakes fakas his evil avil and theodoes then does doea right the tha remainder reminder of f his ilfe life he will be blest and ud of the lord I 1 aal pat yal to say V to every inan man the constitution tion odthe of the united State slates 4 as formed by our fathers was yas dictated was revealed wae wag put intz into their hearts by the tile almighty who sits in the of th the tee heaven although unknown to teem it was wa dictated dictate ly by the ra relations christ and I 1 tell fell you in the naruo narue of jemis jeris GAris fr it isma islat good as I 1 could coul dever ever aal ask fa fuir the next tiling is idlee raise jq rpy y voice against in I 1 high hegh places and if he ha president the sen Sa natie najie be he house a ol 01 f depre will do I 1 will tell them laem I 1 0 0 their sins in ai m I 1 wall um the poorest abd gud digger who r goes oes wrt hns pack on his hassh a sh h for rest cesared ared in the letter an mut raut come but bia t wa wole e to them by tile tiie they y come came lay aay aay you tou magnify the he idys thre is 13 no law ji n ahe the unix unit united d stages or til iii the tae con COR I 1 situ olaf olay at I 1 am i in leady ready to make niale honorable and an 1 l I 1 declare deabi in in tle the pie pic plesence sence senco 9 of god aird and aud an bolyan holy angels reis and alf alt afien and even eren the 06 ievers thai thad I 1 rie ric dever uever have bave franj iradj rans gt any if ily them thero sif if bog boy boggi hadnot out the troops tl ompy we vie have haye whip pedail the mab that carne carue against us delit ad boggs wag to t come bre I 1 would noum fg dhun him ta for ron the night and alp hip help held him hun oa on hilway h tsway tawdy I 1 facea er a large laige eori raull ty jera heri and ap pp naw v eliat A wc f tice that thit th it we will I 1 have the tho 4 lest schools ls i and iid ild th best literature on th edtl eart nand JL d even ven tha ala av we e mil ivill naye raye 1 l 4 1 I say unto you fairlie irs leif leff keep your wheat for I 1 foi fbi asee we nol not nul ear tar etal starvation will be oi oa our cur heels your grain le let lel atau haff baff mer ier fr preserve pr eserre usery Ic and ic if we are prudent we va willlia ve enough iia lia ifa ila wan wua xa wants wheat to ellabe hini bini to go on oil his hia jwj ey let him worl work rid jid that will be he mu inn trally benefiting each pach ather if any any nian nun wiil take tabe in in emigrants enu enn grants 6 i lato into tile tiie ba big yield vivid for nily hily cents a day lie will rue it for isay ft fhay liay ay that the orain grain raili SHALL be pres preserved ervett and airl you n you have no nyhl right to seil fell your yuu fl our to the emigrants As to feed hirsch hirs cs anell aneil caul e P and rob uns ons people of their bread breal A Vs what ghaul sell bread to the man w who ho is going ty tor birri earn his hii an one gundred hundred and fifty doll irga irsa esy est day at the amo ame same price as you do di to the poor pooi laj las 1 borer who works hard here for one dollar doliar a day I 1 say you yoh men who are going to get gett gold to makie golden images have your golden god gods fixed up in your youn pulpits ally for ro i your flour you who haye have lived here heie you know belter have you foh fok forgotten gotten thit two olour of our brethren dlud from eating POIS poisonous greens when they th y could not get V ar t a particle patt icle icie of bread to eat lve we luve luvy always told the emigrants emigran tir tic that we are not able to supply the alicia zw don t depellon depew lon ion on this thia settlement for your hen hei we cannot make wake fuls fuis a garden of eden in on one or oj two years I 1 say bay unto every wp when mien you write to you friends gri fri enda euda tell them to bring brin their sup alre lier eilef files and A do not de nd oa on this place for forur spur breid vae vie aren winiA ir ii al Y migrants that tint A W dal bal hut tom told t thern neat nent llie ilie th ey could coula get gei elet viet auppl s arre uhre is paipa bly not tru for far ainu abili i W babbitt was vas told I 1 t lt tt L t we vie could co supply the em migrants s viti iti but ft ltd iad I ad id to arvida the bread ige ire nd had for j i u own list yar sar y ar nth jtb ta n to kc he p them thern alive and 0 we o shall hixt hive to do the tiro sa c e this yat and we pub buus isi i to co ail ell trav trat 1 r that we are adle aule ti to si ripy py th ahn ri ane ani ami hey ai depend on thi pl pl c tf for ahr 1 p s that tint wo w wi notay thea the tie n md mojid the i cu a ary tv ay iy relm ob caulin ta ulin their thi ir god food fod aoi ani au ri dis ipp 1 l iu 10 ia la gj as many lre sire ih ill seas season jil iii i a stringer i in n 3 9 here W ic biln 11 where la 13 s t taina li s alay may rr ruit rutt and i i y yo alj lj not nut ive fc P tn th etrain erang ss d t chii culi cu ii 1 yoa yua alap a not aitor dit rit or god gi od son 13 I 1 add a ij inere mere rally imy ile ilu au lie blessing cf 1104 reit refit upon oll YOU oil all anell two 0 CIOLK clolk P PI 1 the saints met nut again tc t partake of the thesa thesa sm crr cri talent of ofila uhe lord lard s S h was ad ministered b the tha 7 eider elder dit eit er G A auth a the course cohla I 1 a maark mmark oba erred we boileve believe the bible bibie ta tto be he of divia divins drisin ordin I 1 aid ani every eiery litt lattof d day ay sant saut lifts his liand on hib aih I 1 and nd thanks god that the thi pure religion ligion ii on the ea arthr th the kingdom of god orgin teed than ihan I 1 woo too years age ago believed the same eam re religion livion and practiced the sane sante aa as we do and yet every religious sect yet claims they are liht right desenn one from froni the other and every sect puts pits a construction on UK bible to sult suit their the irown own opinion ion iun for in stance jesus said sald sa id 11 go ye into all tha ilia world and ani preach the gospel lie tha th A bell beli eveth mid d is biet zed hall shall be sa swed saed saved ed ac while vol umes of books hive been written to tj tint tiit baptism sni sri is is non again it is is wr wrt tuil tUii jesuu jesus we venDo it 1 I pi wy OWN INTO I 1 TH 1 I 1 ad aad men nun have written cart idaa loaa gf volline vo luine s to show shob that thet ue ie did n art ni even in v tt his hig feet jesus said he that wants want s to go into hea heaven veir let him follow me and then chews that he was vas buried in water when he hd commenced his liis ministry after the death bif our savior alarce number were wore congregated gre gated together in bild brid place placey when whon the holy spirit fell en on his hiss disciples and they in tongues and prophesied and devout jews heard them speak ill iii in their own language when peter rose up tip and boila t of the death of jesus christ ilis his resurrection and ascension lito rito i ito heaven haaven with such power thit th it a in multitude believed and three thousand were baptized t that h a t same dy il if the promise was war good oil on tile ille day of pentecost it is go A his nis very vary day pail vail pa 1 to the E Ep evians hians blans es tans ians says say t ht lipe jesus jeses gave slin apos lies ties s ji paa pus s and of f the teach rs s I 1 for por the rh r ieli i r v J fl tle the ic work of tie tle uye tic try a ai i t thet is i n As ts vv lor gd und of Is e t li lives ves I 1 te t that aint me tha true trite v I 1 is is amo th thi t pe fe bio tio f and thi th i t joseph died cled as marl mail is rs for the te a vinone tin 1 I besas nd d lias has sei sel atiles low isow on the cat ca eat t j mid wid while j eople popie keep ps s c ci they will bc b pros prospered pr 1 cal on all people ill in the tile nf of jestis jesus christ to repent oi of their sins bins and be buried in water jor irr tile the remission of sirls sins that tile they J may receive the laying on of hands for the gift of tile the ifo ciol ily midst and land be prepared to meet the lord jesus christ at his second coming ac elder wilbard rose aid alid ald among other things said thele there ar are arc 1 e many points we ditter differ in frem from all ail M 1 other people ondis one is we be td lieve mast most asit assuredly that there is a it just god GO who presides over all the tile human hullian family and he lias re liis his will to the tile sons of men from time immemorial we believe that he has revealed himself in these thew last lays days by the voice of fils liis holy if oly spirit and by revelations brid inspiration to certain persons as its lie he did in ancient days tol toi to moses and und the tile apostles who are gone before ds s almost all christendom beli beil believe belleve tiVe that thai he hd did call his hi s saints anciently we believe belleve that and more too tog we wd believe that god is a personage persona d of glory and power and dwells in the of his kingdoms and id iii the begin beginning nin ho lie organized this thi world and af all ali the tile fullness thereof and when god organized the mhd heavens by tile the same power he peopled it we believe the timble was revealed to moses and the tho prophets to jesus and his apost anost apostles les ies and was revealed to those thoe men that lived ill in that day we believe that america was organized r when wilen asia was altholz although gh etwas it was not known in tile the eastern eastorn world until tile the days of Cu lumbus columbus when the hol hoi holy hols y spirit him and ili ill lii ho discovered a new now orid orld but lie did not create it lie was treated as visionary because his liis mind minI soared aw away awas 0 o dep deep water until 1492 yearl years after christ they had no lio knowledge of such a place as america although thoro there was a people living on oil tili till this continent their citius fortina for fortifications a t io 11 s graves gravel and temples aid and ald even evon the red aner men now living area are a testimony to tile the fact Is it reasonable to suppose that one half of the world was created for no pur purpose burpoe poe and the tho other half to have tile the gospel preached unto them god called on an illiterate and man mail to reveal these things we believe belleve further that this unlearned youth was joseph smith who was murdered by a band baud of bloodthirsty blood thirsty in Illi illinois nois and that 1111 iiii illinois nois has her tier garments ments armenas ar stained with innocent blood lie was the favored inspru 5 ment to receive the tile ministration of an angels geis gels and ha the foundation and organized r the priesthood after the order of the son of god as you will vill find in shenew the nev testament with apostles prophets pastors evangelists and teach toach ers erg we believe in the tho old things in the order and priesthood of the son of god which is without beginning or end of days and it is everlasting to all who mho will ruc roc receive eive elve r 1 these theme are the aidi tidings agg legreat of great joy jayr which we preach to all nations wherever we go we throw V away nothing claim all that is g good 0 od and say to all people come como and partake this blessing is is for you if louwill you will come and partake wu wui endeavor to lay up our trev trea treasures ill in hea heaven yeii Yeti and where our tie tic treasure asure is there out hearts are also and for ns us to live is christ and alid for us to die is is eternal gain while we live jive we vc will do good and ald it is not the power of men or devils to hinder us president young rose to say when bro firo snow sat down I 1 felt like shouting hallelujah ac k c and d iid tid gave notice chati that if nothing hindered oil on next sabbath morn biorn he would preach to saint and arid sinner sil sll iner on the |