Show THE JE JEWS WS OF EUROPE in ill a highly into interesting resting paper prepared P r 4 by try llev jev mr of tile the fre free church of scotland who atas some time t me resident it in germany itald the statement ement is made flie the file leis lets alvs leave have taleen liken a it bead ing hand in all ali jl the fate revolution tron tion c ary dr y movements cn ts on thee thed comment so mu buchis ch is this felito felt feit to be the case thatis that it commonly ts asserted averted oil the pa att tt of the tc conservatives that the whole lible originated and still e cen n treb in them of course this ip ad 1 exaggeration ant oid the general pre alduce aldaco al duco duce and WO felt strength of fig the asser assertion tio lie in m the b edged d assertion fact act t eliat tat if has apt been mias ilas lias been bean vey wry griat A large majority of the democratic democratic societies have jews for tor their le leaders fers mid and chief speakers if smaller in in point of num berdi berri tile tiie they have generally in thes aness lin tin ions ion the in talent tact tut and what is id L of equal importance in in tu uch cli ti times mes meg daring darlng the tle levers ievers of greate grea gred tet sit tit power in tile tiie political wonlu w are faloney money and the pres 10 in respect 3 e to the former forme lle ile lie the jews have llave foa boig air had hid the supremacy they rule rale the exchange hi the greater part of E cropp eve evea i averi g veli vell have been boen kiowa kovi tj 0 trains tr anble le at af the tive ante aate chambal of d a jew jw nat cat tile pres press of contin anvil E i r rode I 1 no 0 less lass ill ili ill lii Jc iia fla hands aids every evar y depar department 0 al lit am cr colure lune lure ur C 1 I in more 0 r an 6 C ir swann swarm lah oren I 1 il t the h ins m ta jo jerit nty of cases eases cases cages ta 1 i lle lie rs P apa r is conducted b by edw dw i a as s giai r sub editors and occasional lonal con A tri trl in oes u 1 s fir diirr ot X 11 imo e I 1 irel irei C 1 Y V b m these men are without doubt the leaders of public opinion on op the continent and ands are covertly or mote openly as it suits the circumstances of the moment ning nin q the national institutions and gild the ia national litfia 1 tile the abdol absolutist spirit of the london quarterly would naturally excite eulth distrust abid and baych wa falness regarding its statements but the facts contained iti in the hoi stol loveing extract are beyond question nor would w we C omit to mention hi another lother influential body who have played a distinguished art frt in all the revolutions of we mean wean IP ean can the jew at leht let one on third 11 if not riot onelie one a tle lie 1 7 of th public journals bourm Is of Gernia Ger maev marv iw have for mora fora a ion g t ime bec been n cw c oi 1 isted ic ted by jov ish edit edits 13 3 in ai altria i itria tria tie tib tle fie most forward among amone amon cw tn democrats have bce bee J vs dr jellinck ff r in instance cr wh who ads was exe buted buted with dr bleile r on of the 4 ir r of IP la 1 kr at viedlia yien VieH vi i fra lia a and I 1 ad arb arto 1 the tiie organ of the RJ red 1 arty si aco ace the month of lal ial march tai ph lat a to have be bei bet e i a je jev jem 1 n on alb frontiers of moravia Mor avii avil I 1 11 a hu hui I 1 aarl ar the tiie ru ruts ys of por per e and elaine both of ft whom horn fd cd lul irl m paris both y a Frumin prominent ent position tion tinn in the m most sl addan advant I 1 tion tiou on cf n v wr write i te are farn ilia lila r t our i im lers both t these d din dit rl r alv I 1 frers re were kereji jews w in A nia ria tf tin jew jews have of late llly illy 11 ply phy ay iy so prot pro a I 1 art in ii nary tics gics that out of if ten lea ca R mei six set or er eight v dl te tie fand fund to belong tor top that nation natian in prussia likewise tile tiie mot violent journals jeur nals are in the die hands fiands of th jews jeys whose le aderin leader in the chambier chambler Cham berat bier lier at berlin is jacobi a member mamber odthe of the extreme left loft L such buchis is tild the 4 remarkable I 1 as aspect hect which the wilon wilen bon bozi teni plated merely ea in hii hh position ht ies fes p edt tb the thu nations of f en europe by his liis intellectual power ald aid superiority he guides opinion liy and daring car cour age b he gives force to actual but while arrested this and led to ponder ona multitude of thoughts the tho hr dian iian anan the Gentile graft of tiie tile wil wll wild dolive olive tree would eatn fath look de r ato mind wind a and nd w sq tin tan questionings inquire mii vhf v it a v 7 I 1 is the tile religion of the jew i w does he view view his an ei ellit at tn ta Is lq fi hz dialing near t 3 th of irael A aei ael aad the savi r f r 4 P r wal wll he ii indeed look u f i i whom ha hath pier piet pierced ced a ia i na n 0 oi or is that deeper di da d i eil cil ell cleathe cl esthe the lawn se sek set kvil vil vii r rm 11 ills his mi mia mi id i ath it f july I 1 arrived ri la th x S L city ty I 1 wa waa iwai d 1 1 ed t i witless wit less vw t i nn na pr i it t oft of f ta olce oice a u ner u n falldin gidings s engaged cl ti ta att nh ik nial abal blat s rn i ouid could have beril ball bo rii ill aci icom acom icum um fi pi i i the s c 1 rt period of f IS 18 m i i six siz toti toil ni tela tala ta ii f tle tie 10 acty 1 thoi thol i id in th 01 y wih f firms farms I 1 in mt cat edt ul t t th rile cazy it aid cot col gintry Hi itly y i ji A i i isicar i a deter hit nit lathbu ol 01 art of cle cie t ie of tl th x ald alid aili Vc lly ily liy y to eqi eai eairl 1 I ill in a 0 3 i L i w the tiie ansi n 1 touris louris hn nr cit s A 1 tl I oest est hest ildved fynis ernis of th tji t t s ra rna ina ediab I 1 hab hah tints tants are arg fe id and hs 11 is auf avi t ft attra gers so lil il and ad j riv with rl iliev v biting 9 to the y v sv 7 i i 1 cst c st tile the val vai aly Y is si sl yle yie f ile M of th tint it must ren reni t tuua ie tor for farrl farm ung n nur pur r ip P tally smil grain radii N heat ecat V he at rs supe or 35 baill bw bail l isar s ner per a a to ra rv c can irmiss ir piss tf ty for t rh water axcel I 1 I 1 1 t niom moui t 1 il breez that p v neati to to tile the eclida ecilua ec lina s ii 4 I 1 s R 0 t 1 it ii lith ith ath r wants A ints f f thi tt migration aig f ave t cupl I 1 i ii i eso eho nabie johr johi 1 tay ray air aia 4 mir vir has his reck reco ii heg beg tea lea lel L led iel el i 11 i p t hh th h for wals wais alag and rund parti 1 is aija 1 girst first galva anc t ta plaster as kai remains upon it it wyli 1 I ut injury to the tiie the thel deseret N news sews i fa i SIR IR As a company of ih eh we vc cannot pass oa valley hi without soine sortie A notice 0 tica of df what we W es esteem tae one of the wonc of ahe ane I 1 age a i how beautifully appropriate is the tile and prophecy by isaiah tile the wilderness and the solitary place shall shail be glad for them ild lid aad tid the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose it is is not for us to say idich Ii ich is the tile true church but this we VC can say that after traveling over one ono thousand miles of barren land and having eight hundred more to travel we are arc struck with the great change that lias has passed over this valley which was only two years since also barren to all appearance alid and uncultivated durly during that time timo generous al annd arid d feeling hearted people have sought refuge here from tile the and reproach of those who call 01 themselves christians and jnard nian how this desert has budded ani and blossomed here are acres of wheat that will compete with any portion of tile the new nev or old world both in quantity and quality besids acres of other grain oats and rye re interspersed over a tract of laid land lard miles cifes long za and 20 broad been reaped fold of wheat and dug fold of if p potatoes at ho rust ni fil the wheat heat or blight III lil in pa potatoes we vve djoi now sap gio p ta baass I 1 ss a few remarks on the cuy buy i 1 ty vili vill chi i really beautiful beall beatt tim tik cpr situation ideality w fifi the help heip of f a f few faw w yearb years it in perspective can picture the tile marble of tile tiie adjacent mountains as being formed into the colossal pl pillar r and the magnificent arch here may the beamy and aad s splendor piea pien ut oi tie tle cle tic Onet ital itai burld be surpassed A coci cool and pure cur eur cunert reit relt or n ilaw through evely ne xe v ti vi nihat tatt la t t I 1 tri I 1 f ha f wi crystal stai stal luain ali uli all lalu laiu L i he e in fv n i a i a das ads W ea ertain liw ar hwe nwe but bat bu lii iii gi tiapon callicot caf cal annot cannot lilot picture 01 or or 01 ign ati AKI ems eus c ride 4 ww wl wilt wiil if be must 18 8 tile beamut beauty and cence of oft tiie tile olty city of the great salt it conta fines tines to 1 l p proVe r tora Yora few yb ars blore bhore more I 1 a as it lias ilas lih s ileen raised diwi aa desert deseri iri the bich nich short space spare 1 of t two io years s ins itah ts 1 r which period perikli il lias ilas lim been de ded d avith with comfortable abid co common ammo dious dwellings provided with a place of worship cal cai capable kable rable of containing one thousand persons A i ornamented with a council house that might do honor to some of the states that bear the tile age of a century in tile tiie neighborhood Z seven severi flouring floering flou ring mills pour forth the staff of life and several sa saw mills ard are in constant worl work but here we must curtail what we wo could wisa wish to notice as we may intrude on wt your room if you will oblige uy with giving these remarks a place in your paper and in sending a ir copy to ofir friends we will remain yours yolar sincer sinco roly A martial may fielding Fieldi ag clark heavenhill julius juilus tremain henry 0 G wood evan griffith I 1 john harrison arrison II philip haden stephen S benallick Ben Ren alleck the newark rangers of ken kell dall county ill iii who were the tiie birr company lo 10 follow mr P P pratt ahr through ou b J ti the le golden pas pass or nc deiv road through h the tiie mo mountains from frell L the weber river to tin this s valley vailey we arrived on mhd ath ord odd july and left lefi tile tiie ane alth ith dor for br tile ia goa bioc otoo reg regions ions lons without a sick man lor pr horse 1 rhe tile golden pass is goods good for a new road rodd i 1 |