Show J fr W ees eee S AV AVOID avold va ID i I 1 the rats rate anee once assembled ln t large laige cellar to devise some methodi met hAdj too safety ety to get the bait from a ai small trap trai which lay bearil near airving seen numbers of their relations snatched aftin eithern by its merciless bairs jas I 1 after fter long speeches and the pro of many elaborate but fruit less plans a hapy wit standing erect said I 1 it is my opinion that thai if by one mie paw we keep down the spring ngwe 4 we can safely take the tile food from the trap with tile the other all the file rats present loudly squealed assent and sloped their tails in applause the meeting adjourned and the tile rats retired to choir homes but the devastations I 1 of the trap being by no means diminished the rats were forced to hold another convention invention c the elders just jast assembled had commenced their deliberations when all were startled by ly a faint voice and a poor rat with only three les ies limping in r into the ring rina stood up to td speak AU all were i stant lv quiet when stretching china ow out the tile bleeding weeding remains of his leg n he fie said my friends I 1 have tried the method proposed prope sed and you see the result now let me suggest augest a plan to escape the trap 1 do 60 abt touch if it 1 tile the weber and oden are arc fard cpr T able J IL 11 fc co J pa passed eged here on the all ali welk weik |