Show AN ORDINANCE CREATING AN FOR THE RE RECORDING cORnING ok 07 t tiff MARKS acks AND IND BRANDS 04 ON miti hori HOREs mites lites liles t 1 SES Es MULES CATTLE AND ALL otner OTHER STOCK passed by the L legislative gisla tive council saturday lec dec 29 1849 t no 14 ijo sec see 1 be it ordained oida ined that an office bc 03 and i is s hereby created for the tile purpose of ic cording according c ardi ng marks and braddy brandy put on inh horses mules cattle catti eo cow wp and all other stock owned by the citizens of the I 1 valley of the great basin sec 2 it shall shail be the duty of the ile lle recorder corder of said office to keep a fair and faithful record of all marks marls or brands put oil on gli 4 horses mules cattle cows and all other stock owned by the citizens of the valley of the great basin together with the names of the 0 owners w ners of said brands and place of residence whenever application is made for the same by the owners thereof and to define and designate 0 the particular marks or brands to be used by each individual sec see 3 it shall be i the duty of the recorder to consult tile tiie convenience veni ence of each person applying for a mark or brand provided tile the brand applied for has not previously been recorded to some other person and to furnish to any person desiring a it a certificate of his or her brand recorded by him free of charge sec 4 it shall be the duty of the recorder to keep exposed in his office or at some public place near the temple block a faithful copy of all marks or brands cd ed by him and the names dahe of the owners of said brands sec 5 tie the recorders fees for recording any mark ar r brand braind 01 on on 01 his record s shall shail not exceed git fit j aall t q t s 4 fa r e each mar mark k kr lor 13 bral brai brand ra I 1 I 1 d ed tf Is I 1 ino imm an recorded r ed sec 6 that william clayton be ap pp buted bm ted tl I 1 df brands according to the brov provisions is bozis of this ordinance sec fcc sd c 7 dt nii shall bethe betha duty of the to furnish apil a printed ted of charge of all marks br brands evau s and record of brands fandi fi to evan ai ety tty V jap lap 11 plying for the same game and having a certificate of record as speedily as possible afta the entry of one hundred hrand brands brand si also aiso ti tk topeat the tile same sams ifil bail tile the c n lotion u t the tho entry of every sae suf edin eding h ii ildrid Ildr dred cd SP 8 tuy kny ending atte attie attle atle ur or any a lim ils inteli int endea eudea ded id iri this thib ordin ordinance ance anee having 13 binds BANDS andr iq in aly enclosure cur losure or any aher tiley dicy may be doln doin doing g ill t i i e sin 1 secure airl take g jl J care of th j same ala aia ai 1 d I 1 bently zent ly aad add restore lestore the tho annial anuial animal a u brials t the tiie own vv diio i to sh 0 i be b liable for tor all rm rea s u ajo yle cost aid and a ald id dam es and if tilie the 0 i i ri lot biot t b be jand tand fand kand after aften dili t sea sed said a may he bex di hent hp i veli nt ta 0 the te stray POID POUM tw i 1 it shall be the daty duty of evely pc pe i selling i or bisp f any nimai kimii il lia lla hali hani a re rr r d brara bran to rovers revers the sama same ii Is I 1 lanau aijiro ti but if any iny person s ab alter cr r deface dennice aly aljy record recorded recur lel ded tel tei t mj on ott a ly jy an uc ur place or A A t be b il aed i cd ed ills ils lis owl of 0 oth r ad aid a i oti ty animal not riot belong i r t s sid id Ai divi viddal Jual dual he hu or they 1 14 i 0 sw sti ct t t ti atly aily or ur ali ill the i a i lofti of t 1 ordinal or dinan lre irn v 01 fiali r pi dimsh ints ap 11 c i dle to floi fial ious lous at tho h of the do olo having haring S 10 B it barth r or lai lal ic 1 th hut nut it when whenever dver horses mis mig catl vo or other sta stock k having orai lordi worda or brandr are ore put T in i th til tny pound mund itshak it hallbe the bet duty 1 I th over ar of tig S 1 gra tra I 1 nsf dae due dilione dilio nc pa tb hil hir na i I 1 e s 6 ap f I 1 ihde b kv i I 1 e is 6 of f 1 sald I sa said i d wex wei ek bikadi thodi atil otTi b by 1 td tb the aco roo df tira lira brands ads d 6 i ise lse od t ta notify iha overne s of the mams m ji i if f k kni n i ar p I 1 1 bli eli lisiy 1 I 1 t same with tile the marks arks or or brit brat brands s in III four public places of the city with ill iii it thre threes 1 et dd days s grom from tife the time said stock are P put ut in the tiie pound sec 11 any officer or indi I 1 an any ane X pr precision 0 J sion slon of this ordinance isha it i ia W le to a penalty af ilot flot less than inq loi pol iollar 1 than one ope thousand at lie he discretion of the court lla ila hav v tiri ion lon ther elof crof i |