Show ua CT U PI IT inja irja r EP fr n im 19 i effi ID P A cs 7 0 OR NEW NE W doad ROAD THROUGH tiie THE MOUNTAINS between tha states and california are arc respectfully in 11 lor tor fried that a new road will atil bs opened anand aft art afar r the ath of july between the weber river and lini lani adai jerreat salt lake valley vailey d Js stance taace about 40 miles avoids avoiding ng th the two oa stains an and aud I 1 most of the tile kenyons so troublesome ont oft the old rate tild md road 4 is somewhat lmh roh mid sund b bat but it ia is being ihme bt gery day 1 several arhl add dollars arwa area are arc al already reddy erpen dd atho proprietor rop rictor who klio only golic golib at hon hor heb r a t e chare chara i r of t rqn 1 trots t per ance anca d raab M IN y une one anian ammah f J 75 75 5 cents per ner conveyance draw drawn a tsy toy f twy tvr t wk lav mav ais als f 10 cents pr pet baci eacil additional nal nai draught paek papu 1 0 or saddie saddle an animal imai imal 5 0 cents per head for loom loose stock 1 cent cont for sli sll beep the hi 1 e foregoing prices will wiil average ao about ono dollar per w wagon agon tl tins i hesco the v vailey valley of the weber ri ichter tr arni some 15 tor lor or 18 miles odon and grassy thence through throng hadry n dry hollow ollow li and 1 4 itt lat range ill lii some 3 mi t i c wa ra bared grassy and plains and meadow meadows 3 miles mitts thene dowd mhd open and 4 grassy valley of IL stream 3 miles thet teel 8 2 miles milis ascent aws and table tabie lands landsi of offline aline fline 1 air mir al ariu d kifor S maie male lluc summit bh ence 6 mlle mile do daita down wn h gradual ldes ides lesec taie tale land to the 11 llad had ad of t tl eat K tn in yan yon thence a agh a with grass ii wl 1 fuel il irida t 6 miles to chev thousands 0 of acres of sh feed bover the tho tao tab tibi tabi tand at the fot mot af pf the hills aa a id mou ris rig inhere V ti ere teams c caa cai a a ru recruit cruit druit aville all ali alla tile tiie fl Miring g nii nil ciare 4 are in in he the samo vicinity r if 5 4 1 Z road 0 worked I 1 i y the most J liev ah coun try aboaf feed 61 el 4 and d apel ly romantic an 4 abil ato are p y i d ape 1 ia hv iluk 1 nd t thu anut anc bourage bublic improver noot nept y 31 I 1 1 L j t yo I 1 jip pa 1 41 1 P 1 brayt lR it aega AYT att tbt JG 3 t f 3 |