Show blacksmithing BLACK EA EMIGRANTS MIGRANtS LOOK HERE HORSES honses oxen shod on tuc tue the shortest notice and all kind of work in avline nw line prices reasonable MY ay iy SHOP Is in the ward wl ard a little north west of the flie council house and a few rods west of livingston and kinkead kinkeade Kink eads stone store ALL MY FRIEND who want can he accommodated on the shortest cortest notice andul and oh rea reasonable so nabie ht itt 6 m WM mcbride tl U S MAIL Js B expected tto to leave corthe fbi othe states sites about the 2 rth of july 1 Sf engle single letters to any part of ther states 40 cents 1850 isao JUL JULY Y 31 days M flast last Q ad oh dem eve a g J newall ath ph h I 1 lim am morn 5 first Q jtb ih mor L P full fuli till I 1 M 1 sli shim am morn 31 W V signs s n R set bet ff RI I 1 TH f 37 morn worn 2 tu head 4 2 23 f 87 00 aw 8 W f 37 4 I 1 1 th neck 4 21 2 1 7 36 4 6 0 58 or 5 fr pr 1 31 6 S arm 4 24 7 76 2 LO 10 71 71 7 F t 5 am 81 M breast 4 25 5 7 35 atu 9 tu 42 7 34 sets io 10 IV heart 4 26 7 4 8 19 I 1 11 I 1 TH I 1 9 6 12 fr pr bowels 4 28 7 9 47 13 S 4 0 7 2 1023 14 F reins 4 2 9 7 1 1056 10 56 I 1 15 M 11 30 11 1128 as 16 tn tu 11 1159 59 17 W 4 32 7 zes morn IS til th 4 33 19 fr pr thighs 4 33 83 1 5 20 i S 1 42 21 git F A 5 2 24 22 M knees knee 4 36 3 9 24 IV legs 4 38 7 rises rises 25 th 26 06 fr pr 4 7 20 9 4 27 S peet feet A 4 7 19 28 F 7 18 io fo 3 29 M head 4 43 1031 SO 80 T 7 16 11 0 31 81 W neak 4 45 7 15 1130 A SURGEON BURGEON DENTIST dent bENT SO ta street east ad south of the council house will attend to all bran branches alles alies of bin bid li n profession the scurvy effectually cured june 15 tf tr JOB SOB PRINTING I 1 AT THE NEWS OFFICE look hered eve ere ALL persons owning lots in tho loth ward who have not paid pid their school tax are hereby notified that if the same IS is not dot paid forthwith their lots will be bia re turned to the office r E EDWARDS edwardg L building committee G S L V 1830 NEW GOODS HOLLADAY WARNER have just received direct from frd m the states and vill be fee opened for tr inspection and sale sate on wednesday ad hist ansti in the ward A complete and gene general ral rai assort ulett uneit of merchandize merchandise dize which they offer to the citizens of great salt aalto city and valley on favorable tile tiie I 1 I 1 stock tock consists don gist fist s of a genena genera gene W assortment of and fan pan fancy cy dry budds rodd rudd s L ladies ladles gents gentsy kootst boots shoes wils wits tens boy hats caps cars ladies bonnets bo aricks parasols avd ave also alo oysters sardines pepper popper sauce lemon syrup tobacco teas tea rice mee tc they hey will wiil receive hi add addition ifton to the above by the train traia due of august groceries hardware glass nails oil paint paints s leather stationery ae H W have come herc hard with a view to a permanent location and it is their intention to ido do business upon that fair and liberal scale wh which ich will in future insure them thein a liberal patronage from the tile citizens of the valley G S L city july I 1 j 1850 HOLLADAY WARNER warnee grind GRAND gri GRA WD CONCERT our frien friends dg fellow citizens and emigrants are respect respectfully f u 11 y informed that there will gift be bd a grand concert in in the bowery bowdry on the evenin evening g of wednesday the thel dinst I 1 As the people love amusement we design to gratify them with a berles series of comic pieces and Q songs most 0 of which wilch will wili be entirely i new ic w in this valley and some original got up expressly for the th occasion 0 eca for particulars ulars see h hand arld bills admittance A by tickets w QI ch can tan be had at the tithing or post IW office ac ts each WM 4 clayton T G S L laity my july loth 1850 |