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Show THE TIMES-NEW- Friday. December 3rd, NEPHI, UTAH S, Local Happenings im W. C. Andrews, cashier of ' Tlia First National bank of this city, attended a meeting of the agricultural committee of the Utah Bankers association at Salt 'Lake City Thursday. One of the main items discussed was the closer of the bankers association and the couny agent and farm bureau. on, Watch for Our Big Holiday Lines Opening. We have exceptionally good selections of all kinds of Holiday Goods this season Toys, Dolls and all kinds of Useful Gift Articles for all the Shop Early and Get First Choice. family. There's Fun And Joy Aplenty in The Seagull Senior class of the Nephi South Ward held a Candy Pull at the home of Mrs. Neldon Worth-lngto- n last Friday evening. Thosi present were: Zoe Powell, Bessie Creenhalgh, Laura Morgan of Logan. Elanor Burton, Venetta Bowles, Golden, Geneva Irons, Maletta Worthington, and the two class teachers, Mrs. Neldon Worthington and Arzella Belliston. Al-za- EXTRA SPECIAL Just received another line of Women's Silk Dresses, in the Newest Styles SEE THEM. Big lot Men's and Boys' Flannel Jackets to close One Third Off Men's and Boys' Heavy Union Suits $1.00 regular GROCERIES lb. bag Sugar 25 lb. bag 85c; Kitchen King Cocoa Large size Quick Quaker Oats 4 lb. pkgs. Seedless Raisins Seeded and Seedless Raisins Medium size Pork and Beans I lb. pkg. Prunes . .. . . $2.05 13c 29c 45c 3 for 35c 3 for 35c 33c" 3E Our Neohi Merc. Go. It's a lively, bustling little place this Toy Town. Trains, big and small, roar along on shining rails. Clowns and funny boys ride animals, motorcars and buggies. There are steamships and sailing vessels waiting to be launch ed on their maiden voyages in Bathtub Seas. Dolls, small and large, all lovable, are looking for kind little mothers. Go wherever else you will but by all means don't miss a visit to Toy Town in Happy en Land. The following program will be given this week at the Venice thea . Some Things tre: SantaBrought AUTOS SLEDS & SKOOTERS DOLLS DOLL CABS DOLL CARTS DOLL BEDS AND Tonight, (Friday) Fred Thompson in "Lone Hand Saunders." SWINGS Sunday and Monday evenings Reginald Denny with Blanche Mehaf in the Universal super-comed- y FA fey "Take It From Me." Tuesday eveniner. the Service Star f7 (VATON-WD- E INSTITUTION- - 745-Sto- re the Village of Pleasure at the Saturday night, Colleen Moore :n Don Mullally's stage success, "The Desert Flower." I FOOTE ly AT THE THEATRE SATURDAY MORNING SPECIALS (9:00 a. m. until 12:00 noon 3 Hours Only) 3 bars Jap Rose Soap (limit 3) 19c 10 bars Flake White Soap (limit 10) 37c 3 for 19c Dutch Cleanser, (limit 3) GHHSL semi-month- All-red- . . . ............ ........ Toy Town The Ladies Literary club held their meeting at the club rooms in the city hall on Tues day evening. Mrs. Dennis Wood acted as hostess. Mrs. T. W. Allred re viewed the erand ODera. "Faust: and Mrs. Mabel Lunt rendered "The Flower Song" from the same opera. , Those present were: Mrs. T. W. Mrs. Geo. A. Sperry Jr., Mrs William Bailey, Miss Neva Booth, Mrs. Alberta Belliston, Mrs., R. T Cowan, Mrs. E. R. Forrest, Mrs. E M. Greenwood, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs S. B. McCune, Mrs. I. M. Petty anc Mrs. Dennis Wood Knit-Botto- m 10 1926 $ Selling Most We Buy Buying Power vf Saves You ' Money DEPARTMENT STORES ' We Sell For Less THE NEPHI MERC. GO. OPENING THE GIFT SEASON rf rJiT-.- - Jy 1111X2 HOLIDAY GOODS OPENING MONDAY, DECEMBER 6th OUR DOLL SHOW - c "Where Good Shoes Arc Cheaper'' Legion will present a high-clas- s Vaudeville, together with the regular picture program: Edmund Lowe and Alma Itubens in a William Fox sup-ern- I e T attraction "The'Winding Stlar.Wednesday and Thursday, William Boyd, Marguerite De La Motie and Jack Hoxie in "The Last Frontier." Special music will also be furnished with this bill. - )S'Vr- - VtV ..... FOUND Lariat rope. Owner can have sa.me by calling at this office, identifying same and paying for this ad. Try our "Maid O'Clover" W. Lunt & Sons. T t Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Our annual Doll Show proves a veritable Paradise for the little pirls. And sometimes brother likes to see them too. Of course, mothers are most interested! We cordiallv invite vou to attend our Doll Show. DOLLS, DOLLS GALORE AWAIT YOU IN OUR STORE There are baby dolls who talk and walk, mama dolls, irl dolls, funny character dolls, and every kind of doll vou could wish to see! DON'T MISS THIS ARRAY OF DOLLS! 98c to $11.90 See Our Toy Display. SATISFACTORY SILK FROCKS HOW .ABOUT A NEW COAT AT Our Sensible Price Of Course, You Want One of Ours To the many women and misses who Satisfactory! That isn't extravagant, but it's about the most you can say for are contemplating the purchase of New Dress! we know And ours Winter Coats, we say, "See ours first!" that any a source 745 Store organization obtains the of constant to Our proves pleasure their wearers. best of everything for you. At Every Price Fullest Value! $14.75 At this price, you may find here the Quite naturally, our prices are considforemost fashions of the year in worthy erably lower. We arc showing the materials. For women, misses, and mot modish materials, trimmings, and junior misses. Charming colors. He styles in Winter Coats for women, satisfied with one of our Dresses thi- misses, and juniors. Priced time! $19.75 to $49.75 "Quality First" I t Cheese-- FIRST CLASS SHOE REBUILDER It is a waste of money to buy new shoes, when we can Rebuild jour com- fortable worn shoes as good as new. Shoe shine stand in connection. C. O. LOMAX Pexton P.ldg.. Main St. "He Builds Wisely Who Builds Well" TO BUILD WELL 9r9& A jm tfK smb. G. i 2 Z X t OPEN SEASON Declared To Christmas Shoppers December 6th THE TIME NOW THE PLACE HERE USE NEPHI PLASTER HAS NO EQUAL The Largest and Purest Natural Deposit of Gypsum In the World NEPHI PLASTER and MFG. COMPANY SHOP EARLY "The Toggery i i 2d |