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Show THE TIMES-NEW- Friday, December 3rd, 1926 TiirijliMrffiff" Busy Frnss Us WE BTH PROFIT 5c Each REGULAR 10c TUMBLERS 20c WHITE GRANITE CUPS REGULAR $6.75 2 IRONS HOT-POIN- T for 25c . . . $5.00 BROWN GRANITE SAUCE PANS, WASH BASINS, CHILDS' BATHS, ETS., 39c Each CUT - GLASS WARE, HAND - PAINTED CHINA WARE, JAPANESE LUSTER WARE, SILVERWARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, SHELF HARDWARE, TUBS, BUCKETS, ETC, AT The Christmas Seal received grort Impetus the past week when both the new Catholic Bishop for Utah, Rt. Rev. John M. Mitty, and the First Presidency of the L. D. S. Church endorsed it. Here is the announce ment made by President Heber J. Grant and counselors: NOTICE To the effort now being made In behalf of an extensive sale of Christ, mas Seals, the proceeds to be used in waging a campaign against the dread disease of tuberculosis, we give our hearty approval. We request Bishops and Presiding Officers to make special reference to the subject in the services to be held on Sundays, and we hope the people throughout the different stakes and wards of the Church will make liberal response in the purchase of these seals. (Signed) Heber J. Grant, Anthony W. Ivins, Charles W. Nibley, First . Presidency. Bishop Mitty at the time he gave his endorsement, accepted the posi tion of of the Utah Public Health Association. In his own handwriting he said, "I earnestly hope that your appeal this year will meet with the greatest success." His picture appears in Sunday's Tribune November 28th, jn the act of buying Christmas Seals from a little Modern Vice-Preside- nt The Utah County Medical Society Nephi Implement and Hardware Short Course In Dairying at A.C. Everybody Back of Christmas Seal Sale Health Crusader. Proportionately LOW PRICES PAGE THREE NEPHI, UTAH S, at us last meeting in Provo, unani mously and unsolicitedly passed the following resolution: "Resolved, that the Utah County Medical Society, in appreciation of the good work being none by the Utah Public Health As sociation, goes on record as enHnra. ing the work of the Utah Public Health Association and the sale of Christmas Seals, from which it derives the revenue for its public health The Dairy department of the Utah Agricultural college will offer a ten day's short course beginning January 10th, for operators and employees of cheese factories and creameries, ac cording to an announcement made by Professor George B. Caine, in chargo of the work in dairy husbandry. This ten day course will not take the place of the regular dairy school course. Instead, it is intended for those who have taken a longer course in dairy ing and who desire to return for a on special short time to brush lines of work and for those who have not attended a special dairy school, but who have had practical exper ience in creamery and cheese factory-worand who desire to receive help in solving some of their problems, says Professor Caine. This course will meet the special requirements of those In attendance and, consequent ly, will be more flexible than the regular dairy hours. Special arrangements will also be made to accomodate those who are Interested in ice cream manufacture or market milk. An extensive teaching force has been arranged to give the work for the short course, which includes Pro. fessor Caine, head of the dairy husbandry department; Wilford C. Cole, instructor in dairy manufacture; Dr. R. H. Hill, professor of chemistry; Dr. Ezra Carter, assistant professor of bacteriology; Dr. W. L. Wanlass, professor of business administration; W. E. Thain, assistant professor of accounting; A. H. Powell, professor Chri Stmas Candy Shopping k Our Make this store your headquarters. stock offers you every sort of Candy you can think of packed in the kind and size package you prefer, for gift giving or for home use. Claridge Confecftionery E. M Claridge, Prop. of farm machinery; W. W. Owens,, assistant director of the extension j and Emil Hansen, landscape j architect. H. R. Lochry of the Unit--i ed States Western Dairy division will also assist in the work of the course, No registration fee will be requir-serviced of those in attendance, but all students should come equipped witn white suits and water-profootwear. e; of work." M. W. MANGELSON, Prop. ERMA'S BEAUTY PARLOR EHMA LUNT, PROP. Glass Affected by the Sun Any glnss Is subject to difcolora-tiowhon exposed to bright sunlight, n especially if decolorlzers nre used in correcting the color of the glass. If the sun's rays fall on a portion, the rest remaining in shadow. It Is possible that differences in temperature niay cause the glass to break. fl' u, ,,:.. .. ..-i I - j Fairy Finance EXPERT MARCEJ,L,INQ "Fairy money" Is the name given fantastically to "found" money, the assumption being that n good fairy placed it there for the benefit of the finder. But there Is no mention of the bad fairy who made the original owner of the money lose itl iMiiiirnimMifrinr mii idtmiumn m,iim m 'ti iiWit PHOXE 59 FOR APPOINTMENTS STANLEY BUILDING MAIN STREET t TH'ii im inn 1 "t ft- - - '""'"Z. Try this test any snowy night. Tate two bottles and fill them ons with Texaco and one with any other oiL Leave them out overnight. Left in a snow bank SILV ERWARE In the morning Texaco flows all of it. overnight and in the morning TEXACO FLOWS But you need to make sure and Texaco of crushed ice ture will drop WE GIVE VALUABLE COUPONS TO OUR CUSTOMERS WITH EVERY PURCHASE i 0 ONE COUPON WITH EACH 25c PURCHASE. ON A NEW CHEVROLET WE GIVE 600 COUPONS, AND ON USED CARS UP TO 300 COUPONS. IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR A CONSUMER TO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THAT THE MERCHANT WHO GIVES YOU CARDS REDEEMABLE FOR ROGERS SILVERWARE DOES SO ONLY BECAUSE HE IS WILLING TO SHARE HIS PROFITS WITH YOU IN RETURN FOR YOUR GOOD WILL. GRACE MOTOR C O M P AN Y NEPHI, UTAH to about zero, yet Texaco flows freely. .When it begins to freeze, any motor oil not free of paraffin, begins to thicken Ask Us About Our Free Silverware Offer THAT IS WHY IT IS TO YOUR BENEFIT TO DO ALL YOUR TRADING WITH MERCHANTS WHO GIVE OUT ROGERS SILVERWARE PREMIUM CARDS. not wait for the first cold, snowy night of your oil. Try it with any other oil anytime. Place the two bottles in a jar and salt for half an hour. The tempera- If ra I w ' I Then begins the starting resistance that burdens your battery when every moving part is wiping its working surface bare of lubrication. One short minute of this action is more destructive than many miles of ordinary driving. No such condition is necessary Texaco Motor Oil flows at 32, at zero and below. For Texaco is" free of paraffin wax, tars and cylinder stock. Be sure that your oil meets the severe test of winter-driving- . Golden Texaco does. TUB TEXA5KXJMPANY, U. S. A., Ttmem rtnl-- m Wm ! TO MOTOR. OB. made by The Texas Company, makers of the new and better Texaco Gasoline that starts quickly |