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Show THE PAGE TWO Friday, December 3, 1926 NEPHI, UTAH S, LONDON 'EVOLVES FORTY KILLED in TIMES-NEW- DOMINION SYSTEM 1AD0ES ARKANSAS AND MISSOURI HARDEST HIT: WHOLE BLOCKS ARE DESTROYED 6UNB0AFS ORDERED rw a in vr i a News Notes ' a to Live f TO YANGTZE CITY v GRANTING COMPLETE AUTONOMY AND SEPARATE CONDUCT OESTROYERS POPE JOIN Each Colonial Government Responsible Desperate Situtation Prevail Report 8ay, Town Are Unprotected 400 Aliens Fear Provlaions Wr'el be Cut Off AND TRUXTON WITH ALIEN BOATS IN CHINA MAKES HISTORY WIN Rch Over Only to King; Britain Too; New Dominion System Is Evolved. 100; OH Camp Struck Hard; Tornado Cover Over Four State Arkansas Nearly two score of persons were killed and upward of 100 Injured in tornadoes which swept locol-Itie- s through a number of scattered in Arkansas and Missouri late Tuesday. A high wind and rain storm also struck in Louisiana, injuring The recent publication Washington the bases of the agreement reached the imperial conference at London supplies one of the most striking examples of the fashion in which the of in Briton achieves revolution of evolution. What the declaration actually constitutes is a recognition of what extwelve. It is therefore one of The Missouri twisters, which swept ists already. as far north as Competition, seventy the most astanishing bits of realistic thought in modern political history. miles north of the Missouri-Arkansa- s border, were believed to be offshoots And incidentally it is a tremendous of disastrous winds which tooks a personal triumph for Hertzog of South Africa, because it follows closely upon heavy toll al Heber Springs Ark. Twenty-ninpersons were known to the order of ideas outlined by' him at be dead in Arkansas, with fifty or the beginning of the conference. At that time the South Africa premore injured, while five were killed in mier said that the foundations of the Missouri and an undetermined numBritish commonwealth, which had to ber injured. The heaviest loss of life was at be laid, should be: "In principle, unHcber Springs, in Celburne county, restrained freedom of action to each where fifteen met death as fifteen member of the commonwealth. In pracblocks of buildings were mowed down. tice, consultation with a view to coopAt Oppelo a family was annihilated erative action wherever possible." Exwhen a residence was blown away. actly this has been arrived at by the Eight were killed and thirty injured at formula which has been hit upon and Moscow and one death occurred at the fashion in which it has been given form. Eheridan. The unity of the imperial edifice is At Brandsville, Mo., near the border, three were killed and more than preserved by sovereignty represented twenty injured. Nearly every busi- by a common king. The independence ness building was destroyed. Sweep- of the separate entities is achieved by ing northward, the storm struck Com- the fact that each cabinet, although acknowledging nominal allegiance to petition, causing two deaths and the same king, is within its own terto many. . Telephone communication was down ritories absolute master of policies and actions. Thus, if Great Britain is at many points in the storm's path. forced to go to war because of its Locarno commitments, for example, CanFlood Drowns Fourteen Men San Francisco Fourteen men were ada Is not automatically involved in drowned at Orlnda, fifteen miles east the conflict. It will consult with Great of Oakland, when the concrete tunnel Britain before the conflict breaks; it which they were constructing flooded will decide for itself whether the conas the result of a cloudburst which flict is inescapable and, whether its caused a coffer dam to break and send own interests are involved sufficiently a torrential flood into the tunnel. The Reports Vary on King Ferdinand men were working on the Mokelumne Paris Advices to the Paris Midi river aqueduct, which will bring a new water supply to Oakland. Oflicials of from ' Berlin by telephone, declare that the construction company verified, the hope has been abandoned for King report of the tragedy, but stated the Ferdinand's recovery. All dispatches names of dead could not be ascertain- received in Berlin throughout the ed until pumps had been brought to night from Bucharest. Belgrade, Budthe scene of the tragedy. That the apest and Vienna, showed agreement men could not possibly have escaped in giving this version of the king's condrowning was the opinion of the man dition. The Berlin reports to the Midi ager of the construction crew, who say it was decided to abandon the la it said that the waters from Orlnda minute operation once envisaged, at creek rose so raipidly that the men the king fainted twice Saturday afterworking in the tunnel could not have noon in less than three hours. Tho strictest censorship is reported over been .warned in time to save them the Rumanian press, while the people eelves. generally, unaware of the exact nature of the king's ailment, are most unMexico Takes Eight Planes Santa Monica With their exact des easy over the political situation and tination shrouded in mystery, eight speculating whether Prince Carol will make an attempt to come hack. 0-Douglas-buil- t type airplanes left Clover field Wednesday a. m. for deFignt Follows Graft Charges livery to the Mexican government. Rome Senator . Filippe Cremonesi They were expected to cross the international boundary line at an early resigned from his position as governor hour. The shipment will be followed of Rome, following a free fight in the by an order for thirty-siothers, capitol. There are several versions of cither to be purchased from the Doug- the affair. It is reported to be the relas Aircrcft company or other Ameri- sult of Vice Governor Basellis's jealousy of the assumption of supreme aucan plants, according to information here. The utmost secrecy prevailed thority by the governor. Vice GovBardesia and ten rectors joined during the building of the planes a,s to ernor the identity of the purchaser. This waa in the fisticuffs, according to report, explained in a semiofficial report to and all have resigned. Mussolini has Prince the effect that revolutionists across accepted their resignations. the border would employ every means Buon Compagni will probably succeed to prevent the planes from entering Cremonesi. and an entirely new admin- j istrative staff be appointed. Another Mexico if they learned of their exversion of the cause of the resignation istence. of the governor and the other officials Is that someone aired "grafting" ' 25 Perish in Alps Landslide Nice, France Twenty-fivpersons Canton Army Force North are known to have perished In landAmoy, China The victorious adslides in the village of Roquevilliers, Canton Southern Chinese in the Alps Maritimes department, due vancing to the recent heavy rainfall. The en- army continued to forge its way north tire Belvldere mountain is suffering and was within striking distance of trcm slips of lands. Part of the vil- Foochow, an important treaty port of bus been evac- 700.000 population, the capital city of lage of Bollene-Vesubluated. The total fatalities in the Fuklen province. In the general disUrickct regions have not been ascer- order and excitement which charac tained, i nd it is expected that n long terized the advance, plunderers were j With the advance of the active. time wilt elapse before the exact numSun Chuan- - j ber is determined. The victims are southerners. Marshal to continued an ocFrang give ground, buried under thousands of tons of rescuers have been cupation to which he has become ac- - j earth and would-bcompelled to give up their attempts to customed in (he past three weeks, j having been forced out of two of tha j flig out th bodies in Ihe fear of causfive eastern provinces which he dom- - j ing further slides. mated as military governor. Mexico Await Move of U. S. Coal Production Breaks Record Mexico City Refusing to comment Washington While bituminous coal tin the notes exrhanged with the United States retarding the Mexican production, stimulated in the United alien land sud oil laws. Foreign Sec- States by the British mine strike, ha retary Suen asserted thiit the mutter been running to high levels for weeks, felted with the Washington govern- the bureau of mines reported that all j ment, which may declare whether it in records hud been shattered during the i week ending November 20 when Mexico's explanations. atiafl.'d tous were produced. High as The Mexican government, he added, the whs a production then, preliminary courteous to hud attitude, sobering replied to all the notes sent by the returns for the first two days of last AtnoricHii state department by setting week indicate that the record Is likely to be broken again. forth the Mexican views. - m-- E miracle is wrought again, e Lamb of God is born angels sing the song of peace VI Abo ve the earth this mora. Myton Acordnlg to A. O. Nord, supervisor, of Vernal, final arrangements have been made for the transfer of an area of 30,000 acres from the Wasatch to the Ashley forest. The area embraces the east fork of Smith's fork drainage. This is done for the purpose of facilitating administration of the forest unit. Glenn A. Lambert, ranger, will have charge of the Ashley forest. With 100 additional Farmington head of swine Inoculated Saturday, the hog cholera epidemic which has been prevalent in Davis county tor the past bix weeks is practically under control, according to W. J. Thayue, county agricultural agent for this county. The outbreak reached its peak last week and since that time the effects of wholesale inoculation of hogs in the county have begun to show. Vernal Indians in the Uintah basin this season lived up to the state game law better than they have done heretofore, according to a report received Tuesday at the local forestry office. The report adds that despite an old treaty which says the Indians "can fish and hunt as long as the water flows and the grass grows," no one was seen killing any but deer with horns or hunting out of season. The report states that there were thirty-sideer killed in the Uintah district during the hunting season, although conditions were decidely unfavorable for hunting. Price Probably the most important step in the big improvement program of the Carbon Water company has been finished this week with the completion of the section of the canal to replace the sidehill flume. The Austin, cut near the head of the canal was cut to grade for the first time since its construction three years ago, and the temporary flume across Gordon creek has been cemented up. Salt Lake Announcement Is made by state road commission that, both iu Utah and in Idaho, work is to be begun next year, with federal aid, on the Snowville route, connecting Salt Lake and Ogden with the Twin Fails country and the Pacific northwest by way of Brigham City, Tremon-to- n and Snowville, Utah, and Burley and the Raft River valley in Idaho. Gunnison Ed Cox, ranger for the Mauti National forest, reports the snow in the watershed in the east mountains is about eighteen inches below normal. The measurement at the sawmill at the head of Twelve Mile canyon shows one foot of snow, while last year t this time there was two and one half feet. The snow thus far. however, has packed well and condition will bo splendid for the December and later snows. Mr. Cox says there should be ni alarm at this lime concerning the water supply for next summer. Bountiful A graveled road replaces street car tracks between the two concrete strips through the main street if Bountiful. The rails were recently torn up and have been removed. The ftate highway department graded th old trackbed and installed a covering of gravel. The road will receive additional gravel and . will be graded again In the spring. According to Mayor K. M. Madsen of Bountiful, there is little prospect for the paving of the erstwhile car line roadbed during the coming year. Salt Iake Ways in which the productivity of the great cattle and sheep ranges of the west may be maintained or increased are described by the forest service in a bulletin just issued. Recommendations made in the bulletin are based on studies made at the Great Basin experiment station and In other grazing belts In the Wasatcb mountains in Utah. The bulletin included a discussion of the forage types on the ranges of the Wasatch. Manti The first year of the Imperial Poultry farm near Mantl. organized about a year and a half ago by a number of Sanpete county poultry men, shows the high production record possible in Sanpete flocks. November 1. last year, the farm began a yew's Irapnest record with 550 pullets. The records have been checked by poultry specialists wila the Utah Agricultural college. mm fill the an mankind everywhere. e tit v Tr, e e I e ) ' Mexican Silver Peso Declines In Value Mexico City Conslilerjihlrt uneer tarty has been created in business rl'les by h further slump In the value tit the silver pe-which has le rn f:r some linn. At present 100 silver are woith only about. !2 pesim-nr '.i?, pesos, gold. The drop in the silver In Tendon and New price of r Y"rk is i.nising some Mexican mine tiWri'IS to reduce npev;i! foils lny ,ff M klnen. It is reported that some of !!ipTn will shut down completely un-ss 'tie silver r'tiiation improve. n, . War Preparation on Foot in Europe I,ontlon Tiie London Dally News state that It is learned that within ths past week tho Italians have stationed ISO gitns alone the French-Italiaborder between Sun Homo and Ventimig-lin- . Military roads have been built throuc-th mountain and block houses itnd bastions have been erected. In spite of denials, the Dally News understand that fascists crossed the Vrder a week ago, but the affair ti hushed up. On the French side forts have been rearmed and reoccupled. destroyers 'very heart there wakes anew t yearnings and desires, At prv Vi rvm a Vi ccct is a the nnstmas nres. c-- anti-foreig- M 11 V 1 ubiand fear have fled. .rvu nate ana All bitterness an Our joy is now to fill another's ne d serve, . stmas peace and love and cheer Could live witl 1 our hearts and souls Through every daV and year. U would that And all its lie y ' American strike. Hundreds of miles away, In Fuklen province, Chinese officers of Marshal have professed tholr Sun Chuan-Faninability to guarantee safety of foreigners at Foo Chow, which is menaced by the advance of the victorious Cantonese forces against Sun's troops. In still another section 400 Americans and British, many of them invalids, fear that their provisions will be cut off at Ruling, a mountain resort neur Kiukiang on the Yangtze river In Kiangsi province, and they will be endangered by ag- round the whole wide world ew hope and faith and love TjO The Truxto and Pope hare been ordered to proceed up the Yangsze river to Hankow, 685 miles inland, to aid other foreign warships in protecting foreigners, as a result of Chinese labor union threats of a general mm u v Pekin,, 4 itation. The situation at Hankow, where th bolshevik Cantonese government headquarters have been established, is regarded as serious. Since the Cantonese drove out the northern troops In September, they have been busy in organizing all classes of labor into unions In a manner similar to the industrial Soviets of Russia, feeling has been engendered and with the progressive stoppage of employment, due to labor demands, has come the threat of a general x Anti-foreig- anti-foreig- strike set for December 4. There are Uritish, French and Japanese concession districts at Hankow. Projects Plan Means $97,000,000 Washington Specifications for a $97,000,000 program for completing reclamation projects already started were made public by the interior department, covering twenty-twareas, but calling for no new undertakings until the old ones are out of the way. The projects to benefit and the sums it is planned to expend on them are o CHRISTMAS An Old Engl ish KINGDOMS all around us. lights arid bells confound us; Streets that tingle with tle glovj Of bright windows, rcrsP by row1. Tinsel gleaming, candles red, Mot to light us unto bed. But to glow for us in glory Round the pine tree's Christmas story. Christmas kingdoms whose are they" But these little hearts of play These that come with faces gleaming. Wearing wings of elfin dreaming, Dancing, skipping, gay and sweet Through each kingdom's dazzling street, Swinging us with them again Back from all our husks of men. Christmas kingdoms here they shine Where the wreaths of holy twin Where the crow sfcot in between Spreads its lace of living green, And the red balls and the blue Deck the street and avenue. Blazing all the way vitk glory Of the Christmas kingdom's story1 . CHRISTMAS Carol & tuaa il)t tjeato an angel sing, V'Ctji rtiatjt fifjall lie tfje birlfc-- kingdoms . , jTosep!) nme l Christ, tfjt ftcabenl? fetnjj. flat in tfje plate of paradise, $?ut in an ox' stall. "tyt ndtijcr JJfjall be clothefc 3n purple nor in pall. JSut in rfje - fair tubite Itnrn all. tEfcat uscn faabic "$?e neither gfjall be rotbto 3n stlber nor in Qolb. in a toooben manger ffrjat restett) on rbe moutti." JBut St 3Toepfi toa There oft an angel sing, flnb iHatp'S chilb at midnight da s born to be our ing. tTtjen be pe glad, good people, tEbis night of all the pear, Sno light pe up pour tandle. jTor ftt star it sbinrth rlrar. CHRISTMAS GARLANDS MINOLTA By MINNA IRVING CHRISTMAS EVE a .lender boy ONCame singing in the now, His arm were filled with holly wreaths And spray of mistletoe. The curls about bis forehead formed A golden diadem. His sapphire eyes reflected still The Star of Bethlehem. Ha pointed to the Christmas wreaths, Bejeweled, red and white. Hi voice rang out like silver beTJs Upon the frosty night: "These scarlet berries ar the dree Of blood that Jesus shed; These pearls upon the mistletoe Are Mary's tears." be said. Christmas Time 5lNGofthe f Fei Hm mm. no important. tkatyctJU jr. dieted, tad bwvd. and pwrd with ill Met. LAe t "Sou ol , who wa old and ihrumalK. - Twa fnafly dmrd. to the wtbratm toy Of bthn. and motha. and Bobby, ihr bay 1 have aicd tathn, who. cafehmf a wavt Umaual at Iroflh. caufhl the mraaar gav. "Comr oukL heoifd tlmlly. "twnr an. tiam ho Ta iha attaiisral eU mnaafr 'k had at yras The long room wai dim wah nVkmig hgU; Tht aulada, oiatt hnaty. br mam led m win). Rulln. and dwi thrwonj "P. Qaci. CUc buu Caanr thraurK Int Kom, rigjil ool al lh aSy. 'Am cwuung At Christmas snow, whiteness; Sing of Ihe Christnas tree. All thlnlng brightness; Ttll the old ChrMmat tale Stable and ttar Ltfl up the Christmas song, Send it afar. Dells ring and voices stngt A 11 earth shall hear Uou happy Christmas tim Crowns all the year. at Hudntyht -- unit bKwtra ana, rThe nofinf of brflai anrf ih nar of tht m Thea Hopped, t oaa Sama. and aul al ihr aa Caawthrplradnnjo(ckildfn..nowanladkHiiilirie. Some tailed from the taa-- earaled Indu'i aSorn. Samr Irani the lat bopK. aome Itom the Aore AI Eurnpr. in fenmt the wwd -- Gn.k "bringing napnas For thoar who air aiget. and early to nae May poaajUy are me -- Ka early onea may -Fm I bop Ml my sirahtp and haaten away. Dararded. aiyJfljh. with the dx that are gana, WJI coma with no (oarnh, kelh) or al ham, am cofntnt." aa may jhcar tl pfll of ckna ffij hugt paclefa, and hwnediy pa IVj( yym Aa I . 71 ffl (id ATI o ect. Wyoming. $5,1!!5.000; Garland, -- J 1. tw Fifteen Men on Boat Injured San Pedro An explosion aborad the Union Oil company's tanker Warwick Tuesday set lire to the vessel and six of the crew of fifteen were injured. The flamea were extinguished with chemicals, after the blaze had spread to a few of the tanks, no estimate of the loss was given. The fire for a time endangered a sister tanker, the Cathwood. and the company's oil d The blast, which rocked the harbor district, came from the after part of the big oil carrier and the resulting flames' spread quickly to the oil tanks in the forward part of the ship, which at the time were being filled with gasoline. Company employees, aided by fire fighting apparatus from Wilmington and San Pedro flooded the ship with chemicals and the' fire was brought quickly under control. Livestock Rates Increase Halted Washington An increase In rate on livestock from New Mexico to principal marketing centers was halted by the internist commerce commission. The Uock Island railroad proposed to iut Ihe Increase Into effect, but the tornmhsjon ordered present schedules maintained until March SO. Mean' while, an Investigation to determine the Justice of the Increases will be made. Illustrating the effect of Ihe st'hwiiiltH. th commission said that the pri'M.tit rale one livestock from Murray The Murray power plant at Iiawnon, N. M., to Omaha is 51 cents Granite, which was put out of comper hundred pounds. inie the mission Saturday by a break in lb schedule would make It 58 cetls. "Y" connection, will not be in operation again r about ten days. It was Fellowship in Germany in Sight reported Sunday by Bert Proctor, chief New York Twenty In Mr. Proctor operator at the German universities for the academic said that when theplnnt. weak spot snappod 28 1927 of are to be awarded year the pressure was so that It broke Americnn students, it was announced open fourteen Inchesgreat of concrete floor. by Dr. Coil J. Frlnderlch. director of The plant has been completely drained the American German student of the water, but it cannot be put tnu The German universities have operation again until all of the established Hie fellowships us an Interequipment is dried out. Annational exchange for simitar follow-shipother item that is delaying matters is established by American mil a new "Y" connection will have to be versltle fur German students. from Pan Francisco, Cal., ehlpp.-Salt In two ImportRate Hearing Gets Under Way Klotix Tails. 8. D.- - Ilonrlnga got un ant late ( uses during the year will lis lor wy here before an Interstate com- celebrated at tlc unnutil meeting of merce commission examiner on Sxufh the Utah Shippers' TruCic association, Dakota's reiuest for reduction In which will at 12; 13 o'clock Monfreight ftttes on coarse grains from day afternoon in the hambr of this stats l'i eight western stdtrs. DeiuiN of tl datibl" William Chesclillne heard evi triumphbuilding. will in tint annual to dence support th slate's contention r tort tif J S. Kfrley. of socrctary that hnuth Dakota, producers and J'ssoriatlnn. Total sating obtained f'r shippers are unable to get Into the I't.ih and the Interinotinfaln region by markets In Colorado. Utah, California Iho rate decisions amount to nearly and other western states Ixcsuse the ten niill'ntis dollars a year, uccorrt ti rate are loo nigh. lo Mr. barley. l-- s d and Ana. and AJma heard. For all had kavdm and Yuma, Arizona-Calfforni$1,291,000;" Stony Gorge reservoir and canal extensions, Orland. Cal., $727,000; Grand valley, Colo..; $1?,S,000; L'ncompahgre, Colo., $500,000; Arrow Rock and Payette divisions, Boise, Ida., $6,334,000; American Falls reservoir and power development. Minidoka, Idaho, $S,42.1,-010- ; Echo reservoir and Weber-Provcanal and other divisions. Salt Lake basin, I'tah. $12,400,000; Riverton projWilliwood and Heart Mountain divisions, Shoshone, Wyoming, $5,19:5,000. "J&e mttfjer tfljall 6c fcorn 3n fjouecn nor in in J Utah w t Injured and Mlfnfl Privilege Iake--Victorie- iri ont-nterc- j t- |