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Show THE Friday, December 3, 1926 TIMES-NEW- PAGE THREE NEPHI, UTAH S, Winner of the Schneider Cup and His Plane Sydney Sends Fine Painting to the President 1 'irj-1WIS l;r 4. d -- "it i A rS. 1jff n i. tj ii 'in utiiltiiniiivii i Ta ' 19'J."i, t, This large oil painting, showing the L'uited States navy nt aiw hur in Sydney harbor, Australia, was presented to president CoolidKe by Sir Hugh I'eniaon, K. B. E., the commissioner for Australia In the United fitates. The presentation Is made by the citizens of Sydney to oommemorate the event The artist la Cliarles Bry-nt- , R. O. J., a native of New South Wale. Auntruila. The pointing will be placed In the national art gallery at Washington. At the Itft of the picture (left to right) : J. J House, representing the Sydney citizens' committee; President Coolidge and Sir Hugh Penlson. SecretHry of the Navy Wilbur and Secretary of State Kellogg are shown at the rlht of the picture. lr July-Augus- Air. r Tj ! ;4.Mihi4 imxr i -- f" ii - ' ii st Miami Dedicates Boulevard to War Heroes It Virginia's Czechoslovaks in Celebration ! a" 11,1 MaJ. Mario de Heniurdl of Italy on board the Mncchl seuplane with which he won the Schneider cup race at a record of 246.4 miles an hour for the course. Norfolk, Va. He I " . 'a !r f; . 11 ' i - ? p" Blscayne boulevard, on Miami's waterfront, has Just been dedicated t the heroes of the World war. Trees were planted along the boulevard, each tree representing a different big city of the United States, being donated by a leading citizen of that city. 1 ,, t. : 1 .. KtsrA r nf tlie tV.e. linslDvnkluii republic was imiiorcil at lVtonsliurg, Va., wht-- Minister Zdeuek Tlie first mini-siMof Czwlioslovfikia btstow d on behalf of his government the order of the White Lion. The Czechoslovakia!! olony of Virginia, In native costumes, turned out to dance in honor of the occasion, while (Just to the right of the nan In uniform) Covprnor Byrd, Richard Crane and Mr. Ferlinger looked on. ..w S 1 f -- i : , ri as ft t'er-linge- PRETTY DEBUTANTE Seventeen Killed in Explosion I- Ik pit, V.t3-.- 1 w Iff? I - 41;; ' Biggest on the Pacific Coast GETS PERKINS MEDAL , rv w , - . rvi.M,:1 ;!!! !!! - , M XI v F , 'v - 'x .r-- ...' V J- ' . r 11 VV,' SIRIIIP' ji r ' t( V k:.t- - - 5!i I ; bl f Scvcntetn men wcro killed jind tunny Injured by an explosion on the Korweglnn oil tanker Mantilla In dry dock nenr Balllniore. This picture was made a fw minutes after the explosion, while the vessel wan burning. w "... MI.--h Alice C'uttn, daughter of Col. and Mrs. Richard Cults, who is one of the prettiest of the Waiihlngtori debutantes of this " ' p m it ,11 i u - 48 Dr. John K. Tceple, New York city chemist, has been awarded the Perkins medal for 1027 for his achievements in chemistry, particularly the development of an American potash Industry at Senrles Lake. Cullf. lie Is secretary of the American Chemical society, a native of Illinois, and graduate of Valparaiso college and Cornell university. :k ; k. ll Is?! 1 FIRST LADY OF SIAM READY FOR DEBUT Minister to Hungary on Vacation I tfii'i'ii inii'rii'fc iiiiii mmifcT I mWii i iiar 1 1 ri i '"irrm 3 Ilus.s Imil I Largest ofllce hiiililing on the Pacific count l.s this thirty-storIns Jut re'ted In Sun Frimclsco. It cost more than $0,000,000 mill i The land on which it stand wn owned by about a thousuud for $17.50, and Ih now valued at $2,r00.0 n). bought by I. C. C. Uuss In t'rom !St;j to 1!XH the ulte was occupied by the Hush house, famous old t i . i 1S-I- P."C Author Nature Lover A 1 . I'.inN and llowcr meant so much that sinthe late tiene Stratton-Porte- r enjoliicil tier neirs iroiu ever nariii ing them. Here U nnusuiilly strong Intiguiige from the gentle author of "The Magic Carden": "And If I ever turn over In my grave ) and In the spirit swat my heirs with nil the spiritual force I have got, II will be on the day when they kill one tree, dstroy one Mower or allow dogs and cats to drive away one bird homing on my small mountain. "And what the I.ord d'd on thnt little ir.ountain and what He evolved An esoeclnllv rt.o.ed tx.rtrait of ' there, and wmu loveu 10 live mere. Her will go right on being exactly the same of Hiam. Queen Prajntipok most beautiful one the wiiy It was before luy ownership." Is of uisjesty McCull's Muazluu. In wouieu Slam. - :A ' . . ., .: -, .. . - ' f - . a I", i "V L4 - B .. i ' ... ' ".- - y P.r'liti;li", lirrivnl hi ister tn ii( ctl :i v Cti nf". Is k ffti : - iM't:''if'- -. Ur. Bn iitii'M. Ii.'i Vir t 'i "i : mi whore the I! hi- : Mrs. tlu'lr tmd Ilitngsry, iliit'"'.V .1 ": . 'lfe r . :H - 1 " . ""1 . 1 . I If I Am Mii itn r.reiiiHiKi. TluMMlore b y A. -- iniuiMtcr " - 1 Ft. i v 11 min- O Me 1. i' Kllxnheih Clem, diiughter ol fien. John I., Clem, retired, will make her debut Into Wash'nirton no eiely this winter. General Clem, prominent In drain Army of the lie- public circles, la famous ns the drummer br of Chlcka maugu." Mis M11J. ; Only One Left The ctir had broken down, and '' piilr of legs protruding from and v. to Indicate that r'm:ri ere In progress. "Ilnd n breakdown?" Inquired ;i imsserby. se k "Oh, tto; nt.v playing hhle-nnwith the works," came a muffled vii-- i from underneath the car. Put the quest ivner was d daunted. "What power enr nt pn-i'- Is It?" "Korty-horw.- " What's up with It?" as far as I enn see." the enr owner, "thlrtv t it i.f the horses have bolted nnd the r 'lininlng- one Is too upset to oiifw "Well, n- r |