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Show THE PAGE FOUR 1 if . I r V,"vf.- - The Times-New- vi fa TIMES-NEW- S, Fridav, December 3rd, 1926 NEPHI, UTAH 3E EE s Every Friday by the Times News Publishing Company PuMIhIimI A. rr h. GIBSON. Editor and Managei 0 Subscription Hates: Six Months One Year $1.00 $2.00 "THE SPIRIT I THAT V -- g? JL- WINS Seal Am the Before You Sign It 4? Just A Moment if (Continued from page one.) northwest are not forging ahead as I Christmas Is Los Angeles? Why is It that Los than more people Angeles proper has I bring a message of gladness, are in the state of Oregon? Why Is I bring a message of weal, it that there are more people in the I to banish sadness, help Los area of Angeles metropolitan I am the Christmas Seal. than there are in the state of It is simply because we of Mine is the doctrine of kindness, the northwest are waiting for our Sickness of body I heal; ship to come In. Cali.fornians do not Lead men away from their blindness; wait for their ship to "come in. They A kodak records happy events that bring back I am the Christmas Seal. go out and meet it. We are like happenings of the past and recalls to mind Micawber waiting for something to Buy seals to help those who ara turn up. Things do not just happen. things that would not otherwise be remembered stricken, You have to make them happen. Cit is my earnest appeal; That ies do not grow out of the ground. Share in this work of Let this ad make an indelible record humanity, It takes human hands and human Seal. I am the Christmas upon your memory that we have a brains to build them. People did not. wonderful assortment of Christmas flock to Los Angeles by accident. Contagious in That Sense and New Years cards that are worth far They were attracted there. What are "Now, sir," said the professor of we doing to attract population? more than the price for which we sell of class to me what "tell medicine, Signally Blessed maladies insomnia belongs?" "Why them. Portland, Ore., has a million nat "It's ural advantages that Los Angeles er," replied the medical student, heard a contagious disease." "I &ever Displayed in a "Serve Yourself" Cabinenever possessed. Great valleys pour It so described. Where did you learn 10c and 15c t-and favorthat wealth their endless into priced at 5c of this?" "From experience. Whened city. They have the world's greatever my neighbor's dog can't sleep, I'm HOLLY BOXES . est fresh water harbor. Los Angeles Just as wakeful as he la." would bond itself forever if Portland We also offer a large assortment of Holly Boxes 4 would transpose. the Columbia river NOTICE TO CREDITORS suitable for Christmas Gifts, large or small, and with its vast irrigation and power Estate of Amos Stephen Allen, priced at from 5c to 20c. possibilities, to their door. Portland deceased. Creditors will present Cashas 1500 natural lakes in the An early selection insures entire satisfaction claims with vouchers to the undercade range alone. Los Angeles would in Nephi, at her residence signed gladly pay the debts of all Oregon "We Are Here To Serve" on or before the 3rd day of and maintain all the governmental Utah, A. D. M 1927. February departments of Oregon for a thousLouise A. Christensen, administraand years if Portland would place trix cf estate of Amos Stephen within 100 miles of Los Angeles the Deceased. Allen, Geo. D. Raymond, Owner. gorgeous natural scenery that is Will L. Hoyt, Nephi, Utah, Attorney to be found in the state of Oregon. 3-for Estate. Give Los Angeles the Crater lake !5rd. Dec. 1926. First Publication, alone and they will make it pay divi- Last publication, Dec. 24th, 1926. dends on a valuation of ten billion Deceased. vouchers to the undersigned at Filldollars. more City, Utah, on or before the Grover A. Giles, Attorney for The Wonder City of Idaho NOTICE TO CREDITORS first day of February, A. D. 1927. Fillmore, Utah. Thousands of people on the Pacific Estate of Magnus Larsen, deDate of first publication, Nov. 26th J. NOBLE ANDERSON, Executor slope are wondering what has hap- ceased. of the estate of Magnus Larsen. Date of last publication, Dec. 17th. Creditors will present claims with pened in Idaho Falls the last two years. Two years ago they knew Idaho Falls as a city that was drifting like a rudderless ship on a trackless ocean without a compass or a guide. Today they know it as a booming city that is thundering ahead with a million dollar building program In 1927. They know that it ranks as the second richest city, per capita in the twelfth federal reserve district. They know that thousands cf people are planing to move to that place. They know that it is impossible to find a vacant room of any kind in Idaho Falls although two years ago the same city boasted of the number of vacancies that it had. What has happened to bring about this magic change? Nothing but this: We transplanted one tiny seed of the California spirit from that magic city of Los Angeles and when it touched our soil it grew and Idaho Falls is the wonder city of the region today. That is all there i to it. What Idaho Falls js doing every town and city in Idaho can do for Idaho is not 0TTe are glab to announce developed. No town or city in Idaho ifyat our rarbs should stop growing until every natural resource in this wonderful (Sjor Clrtstma9 are nob on state is fully developed. If your town Is not growlng'lt is your fault. btsplag, The impassable cow trail that we foe're nb Ijappy to tell jou ued to call a road Is also but a memfoe're transis motor the of This ory. day proub portation and we are paving our CDf tlje shouting in eberg foay; highways and building our bridre-to stand for n hundred years. With Jtlle'Il sag no more Ijere, but us the day of weeds and willows on . route titour roadsides and In our fence line 'plraee bo, is gone forever and In the placo of V a iiib tle rarbs urill speak fox ramshackle fences we are building Wash-ington- Before you sign any contract, no matter how trival it may seem to you, take the time to bring it to us for inspection. Our experience will aid your judgement, often saving you many dollars as well as many hours and days of trouble. This is but one of the many services this bank is prepared to render tothose who come here regularly. ST NATIONAL B I Please Nephi Drug Company ": CM' Er-ecut- A New Brunswick for Christmas , I The Sign ofMusical Trtttigc nmswicl rHONOCKAmS AND R.ECOADS (Eljrtstntas (Iratfutg (Earite m I inter-mounta- in THIS MODEL FOR $210.00 EQUIPPED WITH ELECTRIC MOTOR Terms If Desired COME IN FOR A DEMONSTRATION WE HAVE THE LATEST RECORDS THE MUSIC TORE Robert Lomax, Mgr. far PROTECT YOUR MOTOR lETR0tEUK WATGH YOUR MILES! Next time you need gas and oil, drive to this station and fill with PARCO Gas and PARCO Oil or VEEDOL Oil. Then check on your starting in cold weather, on the steady flow of power, on the smoothness of operation. You'll like these excellent petroleum products. They win friends and hold them. Always service with a smile! Judd's Garage G, R. Judd in charge Nephi, Utah Hudson and Essex Cars one-tent- BP h i of woven wire and keeping them clean and attractive. The day of the log cabin is gone and modern farm buildings are taking their place. The electric light has supplanted the tallow candle on our farms. In the pas'. Idaho Falls looked toward the west toward the sunset. Today we aro looking toward the east toward the sunrise. Forgetting pessimism and gloom we are forging ahead and building n new Idaho Falls a new Idaho a new empire. - 1 w mm mm tlemseluea to you! m AsU to see V V Card samples T HE Yul etide Season is again before us and our customers are beginning to place their orders for XOTICK IN THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DIS TRICT COL'KT IN AND FOR JUAU COUNTY, SATE OF UTAH. The Sta'e of Utah on the relation of Harry A. Crane, Plaintiff, vs. Maryland Casu alty Company, a corporation, Jacob C. Hawley, O. A. Anderson and I. N. Hinckley, and Phil Peay, Defendant. Notice is hereby given, that any per son having supplied labor or mater ials in the construction of the State between Chicken Creek Highway Dam and Millard County line, Ubder Federal Aid Project No. 17IJ and being unpaid therefor, may Interveut in this action on or before January 3rd, 1927. II Y ORDER OF COURT. P. N. ANDERSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Nephi, Utah. Date of first publication, Dec. 3rd: Date of last publication, Dec. 17th. 1926. our Christina 'ZiJ Christmas Cards. Our lines have a large number of beautiful styles which are appropriate for business as well as personal use. Samnles $3 are now ready for your inspection. if&ffC . F ; Vf iv.-'- l |