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Show PAGE SIX THE TIMES-NEW- S, NEPHI, UTAH Friday, December 3rd, 1926 A LOCAL NEWS HAPPENINGS Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Glazier are J. E. Memmott is remodeling his rejoicing over the arrival of a baby home on South Main street, making bunggirl, which was born last Saturday the old home into an alow. June Kendall believes in the use of Lowe Bros, paints, and is having E. L. Mikkelson and family of his place of business repainted this Duchesne, Utah, spent Thanksgiving week, in preparation for his Christ- in this city, the guests of Mr. and mas goods. V. J. llenroid is ding the Mrs. A. P. Chrlstensen. work. Mr. and Mrs. George Goble and The regular monthly meeting of three children returned to their home the Nephl Service Star Legion will in this city, after two weeks be held next Saturday afternoon, in Southern Idaho,spending where they visitDecember 11th, at 4 p. m. A good ed with Mrs. Coble's sister Mrs. program is being arranged and the James Sidwell. They report having officers are desirous that all memb- had a very plasant trip and stato ers be present. that the Idaho potato crop is a wonderful sight to see. CARD OK TIIAXKS When A. W. Clyde went to work We wish to express our sincere last Saturday morning, he found that thanks and appreciation to the many the roof of the telephone office was relatives and friends who so aided leaking, and upon investigation was us by their sympathy and help, ana surprised to find that a fire had been also by the beautiful floral offerings, started on the roof of the building, following the death of our beloved burning a small hole, but had been wife and mother. put out by the rain before it' had JOHN COLEMAN and Family. gained much headway. ".V & VENICE a 1? te f HEAL MUSIC v THAT With an ATWATER KENT RADIO you can get all you expect and even more than is ordinarily sought in Radio Reception. Atwater Kent Radio for Christmas SILVEH MAPLE SERVICE . Wipi... ,tJ, .i:,.....M...-......v.j-a,-,Tt,-- l , ,L,p, Mfm . FRIDAY FRED THOMPSON IN "LONE HAND SAUNDERS" j SATURDAY COLLEEN MOORE in "DESERT FLOWER" SUNDAY and MONDAY REGINALD DENNY in "TAKE IT FROM ME" TUESDAY SERVICE STAR LEGION VAUDEVILLE Also EDMUND LOWE and ALMA RUBENS in "THE WINDING STAIRS" WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY MARGUERITE DE WILLIAM BOYD, and JACK HOXIE in "THE LAST FRONTIER" Special Music on this Bill 'H..HKPW ..m 3 LA-MOTT- E "THE MAGICIAN" COMING SOON NOTICE Will Be O pen so And will offer you a Bigger and Better Selection of Toys and Gifts than ever before, especially in our Gflifia and Silverware. SILVER-- 4 5 W We have taken the agency for the ous HOLMES & EDWARDS fam- non-miner- al Super-Plat- Silverware, formerly sold by Jas. e A. We also carry Community Plate in 25 and 50 year guarantee. Starts. Ayr-- f thereof, being otherwise free from to the objection, will be approved State. United .. States Land Office, Salt ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. Lake City, Utah, October 29, 1926. First publication. Nov. 5th, 1926. Last publication, Dec. 3rd, 1926. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that tt?e State of Utah has filed in this office NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lists of lands, selected by the said 6 of the Act of section under State, Department of the Interior, U. S. Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Indemnity School lands, viz: NEViSWVi Sec. 14, Twp. 13 South.. Nov. 5, 1926. Range 1 East, S. L. M. Serial 0 37150, W.NOTICE is hereby given that John Boud, Jr., of Salt Lake City, Utah, List 2274. Copies of said lists, so far as thoy vho', on Nov. 27, 1920, made homerelate to said tracts by descriptive stead entry. No. 024101, for EVaW, subdivisions, have been conspicuously SVaSEi Sec. 10, sy2SW',i, Sec. 11, posted in this office for inspection Township 15 South, Range 2 West, by any peron interested and by the Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year Proof public generally. During the period of publication of to establish claim to the land above this notice, or any time thereafter, described, before the Register of the and before final approval and certi- U. S. Land Office, at Salt Lake City, fication, under departmental regula Utah, on the 14th day of Dec, 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: tions of April 25, 1907, protests or and Hyrum contests against the claim of the Walter F. Brough State to any of the tracts or subdivi- Brougb., of Nephi, Utah; Preston sions hereinbefore described, on the Nibley and Neil M. Brough, of Salt ground that the same is more valu- Lake City, Utah. ELI F. TAYLOR, Register. able for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted First pub. Nov. 12th, last Dec. 10th. for report to the General Land Office We pay top prices for cream and at Washington, D. C. Failure so to Nelson-Rick- s Creamery. protest or contest, within the time eggs specified, will be considered sufficWANTED Pork, Veal and charactient evidence of Cy's Market. Phone 7. er of the tracts and tho selections 3 ? pi . Exercise is a fine But running thing. downstairs to answer the Telephone isn't Exercise. It's WORK. Install an EXTENSION TELEPHONE in a handy corner upstairs. . And go outdoors to get your 1 for Our Christmas Stock, We Are Offering 10 D iscount on all Ranges Hot Ha sts an exercise! COSTS BUT A FEW CENTS A DAY! Gall Your Telephone Office anor r urnaces TP1 If FILLMORE AND SALT V 1 LAKE BUS LINE Operated under authority of Tublic Utility Commission. Passengers Protected by Liability Insurance, as required by law. Leaves FILLMORE 9:00 a. m. MONDAYS Arrives NEPHI 12:00 Noon MONDAYS Judd" Garage Judd s Oarage Leaves NEPHI 12:30 p. m. MONDAYS Elite Cafe Arrives PAYSON 1:30 p. m. MONDAYS a Bus (under same Connects with management) at 1:45 Orem Station. Semloh Hotel Arrives SALT LAKE CITY 4:00 p. in. MONDAYS SALT LAKE CITY 9:00 a. m. Wednesday Semloh Hotel Arrives PAYSON 12:00 Noon WEDNESDAY Elite Cafe Bus 1:45 p. m. Orem Station Connects with Arrives NEPHI 1:30 p. in. WEDNESDAY Judd'a Garage Payson-Eurek- t Payson-Eurek- "TE3E GIFT STORE" PHONE NO. 1 NEPHI, UTAH a Arrives FILLMORE 4:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY PACKARD BUS Carries passenger.i for all places each way. JOS. CARLING, In Charge FILLMORE, UTAH |