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Show THE Friday. December 3rd. 1926. TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH S, Local Happenings ADS CLASSIFIED PURE BRET) CHESTER WHITE BOAR kept for service at the cor ral of Lavern Bowles. man so careless of his loved ones.as to negledt laying up for What To Give That Pleases J. E. Reid. manager of the Toggery was in Salt Lake City Wednesday, on business connected with his store. He was accompanied by Mrs. Reid. CHICKS BABY The Big Question Is Elijah Salisbury of Ogden, Utah, la spending a few days in Nepht this week, visiting with relatives and friends. We buy egga, veal, hogs, poultry and cream. G. W. Lunt and Sons. THE PAGE FIVE White Leghorn Chicks From select ed hens mated with record males. Safe arrival guaranteed. December, Dana Parkinson, who Is in charge January $13 per 100; express pro- - f "public relations," at the Ogden Graham Hatchery, Hayward, Forest office, and Charles DeMolsey paid. ol5tf forest supervisor of Provo, were In California. Nephi Monday. The above officials FOR LEASE Irrigated farm. Chas. together with forest ranger A. P. Foote and Sons. Christensen, made a trip to Maple them something in a bank will leave a mem- WANTED Barnes. ory they will regard with careless disregard. little 20 Phone Canyon, 261-- j. FOR SALE Young Jersey Cow. Jenkins Bros. FEMALE H ELI WANTED LADIES who can do plain sewing at home and want profitable spare NO CANVASSING. time work. Write (enclose stamp) to AMSTER DAM DRESS COMPANY, Amsterdam N. Y. d3tlp THE TOGGERY We carry a complete line of Everything in Jewelry Here are many items that answer satisfactorily and completely the most puzzling of all questions what to give for Christmas. Many beautiful and useful gifts arriving daily. d3tlp. Watch REDUCTION on Repairing cleaning $1.00, main spring $1.00, clock cleaning, $1.00; alarm clock, 50c: watch glasses fitted, 25c. Jew elry repairing. Look for the sign. 196 West Center Street. d3tlp NEPK1 NATIONAL SANK Christenson wrist watches, fully guaranteed. Also Diamond and Weddings Rings. FORD COUPE for Sale In Good Condition. Cheap. 196 W. Center street. Mr. WRIST WATCHES Keep your Radio at its best by the tubes. testing and We are equipped to do this work for you. Silver Maple Service. "Whatever Ycu Earn, Spend Less" Monday. states that this Is one of the scenic wonders of this state, and it is well worth anybody's time to make a trip over and see It. Ralph pigs. Keep Elimiiiative System Active Qood Health Requires Qood Elimination is when there ONE can't feelofwell poisonous waste FOR RENT Good Home, partly fur nished. Good location. Call 69. in the blood. This is called a toxic condition, and is apt to make one tired, dull and languid. Other symptoms are sometimes toxic backaches and headaches. That the kidneys are not functioning properly is often shown by scanty or burning passage of secretions. Many people have learned the value of Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, when the kidneys seem functionally inactive. Everywhere one finds enthusiastic Doan'a MARRIED FOLKS' DANCE North Ward Amusement Hall, Tuesday December 7th. Tickets 50c; each 50c ticket entitles holder to 2 chances o Christmas gift. Extra lady 15c; o 25c entitles lady to 1 chance oil d3t 311 Christmas gift. R. C. A. Radios users. Ask WE HAVE SIGNED A CONTRACT WITH THE RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA FCR THE FAMOUS R. C. A. RADIOS. RADIOLA IS THE LATEST WORD IN RADIO. SEE IT HERE. BUY IT HERE WHERE SERVICE IS ALWAYS RELIABLE AND CONVENIENT PAYMENTS CAN BE your neighbor t DOAN'S PILLS 60c Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney n IT PLEASES US TO PLEASE YOU Citv. Utah, on or before the 28th day of January A. D. 1927. DANA T. SMITH, Administrator of Estate of Frederick A. Wann, de. the estate of Frederick A. Wann, ceased. Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 508 Date of first publication, Nov. 18th; Deseret Bank Building, Salt Lake Date of last publication, Dec. 10th. N OTICE TO CREDITORS Co., Mfg. Chem., Buffalo, W. Y. ARRANGED. Judd's Garage 3E NOTR E FOR PUBLICATION S. Department of the Interior, U. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 30, 1926. NOTICE Is hereby given that Herbert H. Greenhalgh. of Nephi, Utah, who, on Jan. 21, 1920, made homestead entry No 018464, for NNEVi, 1 .i -- EHWVa, NW4SWU Sec. 2 2, N w Vt see. 23, Township 13 uary, 1927. Claimant names as witnesses: Edgar E. Joseph H. Greenhalgh, Stanley, Alva R. Belliston, Frank P. SS ito II M South, 1 If ' L! By F. O. rinta nf first nublication Dec. Date of last publication, Dec. EE New Metal and Silk Hats BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT COLORS GREAT REDUCTIONS ON VELVET HATS Also see our line of Silk Lingerie, Hosiery. Woolen ladies 3rd:t .,ah i,nvj'- yc'oc Too YoUKxl 3 1st. and Silk etc., for and l" ' J I McCune Millinery i EE I NOTICE United States Land Office, SaT: J Lake City, Utah, Nov. 9, 1926. ' " To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Utah has filed In this office lists of lands, selected by the said State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, viz: S4SE'A Sec. 21, Lots 3 and 4 Sec. 22, Lots 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10 Sec. 28, Lots 1, 2 and 3 Sec. 33, Twp. 12 South, Range 1 West, S. L. M. Serial 042104, List 793, U. I. U. Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to said tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted In this office for inspection by any person interested and by the public generally. During the period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before final approval and certifi cation, under departmental regula tions of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against the claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdlvl slons hereinbefore, described on the ground that the same In more valu able for mineral than for agrlcultur al purposes, will be received Bnd not ed for report to the General Land Offire at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest, within the time specified, will be considered sufficient evidence- of character of the tracts and the selec Jons thereof, being otherwise frea from objection, will be approved to the State. ELI F. TAYLOR. Register. First publication, Nov. 12th. - mm Alici ELI F. TALOR, Register. EE Scarff., 111! IBs! s Gloves, I UDBW 1 NW'i Greenhalgh, all of Nephi, Utah. Vest. Salt Lake Meridian, has filed not Ice of intention to make Range In three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the riprk of the District Court, nt 1V Nephi, Utah, on the 10th day of Jan Lust publication. s oA&mn Chevrolet fH-v sr. In 1925 Chevrolet astonished the automotive world by attaining an annual production never before reached by any manufacturer of gearshift automobiles. Yet, so spectacular has been the increase in demand for Chevro-letcars,thatane- w and even more brilliant record is the climax for 1926. Thus, for two years in succession, Chevrolet has broken all its records and has set a new mark in automotive history. This splendid achievement re- pre-vio- us suits from a steadfast adherence to the fundamentalChevrolet policy of building a car of the finest possible quality to sell at a low price. That the vast majority of buyers now demand a car of this type and that Chevrolet has been successful in building such a the highest degree of smooth performance, smart appearance, and economical operation is proved by Chevrolet's car-posse- ssing success during the year now drawing to a close. Come in and see this record-breakin- g car. Small down payment antt convenient temxt. Alk ahouf wr 6 Purchate Crrtficale Plan. Sedan 7M, London $76. 'A T Ttmnnf or Rn,lrr 5IO, Cm.h or Coach TtMck 49J (Chawu tmly). All pr.c f.a.b. Hint, Mien. TrnckJ75 (Chau !), t4i, Grace Motor Co. Nephi Utah non-miner- Dec. 10th. QUALITY AT LOW COST |