Show DIED DID AH ARNOTT At At At tho residence of ot his daughter Mrs Irs Clarence Merrill 1 1263 1265 6 HUI hut risen avenue Emerson ward Januar January January Jan Jan- uary 1 12 of ur general debility Henry Henr Arnott Arnot In his seventy first year native native na na- na- na tive of or England formerly employed at atthe atthe the tho Knutsford au and tho the old Townsend house and a resident ent of or the Seventeenth Seven Seven- ward at 33 W. W North orth street for tor the past forty five years ers Funeral al services will wll be bc held Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- da day a at al 2 p. p in m. at the Seventeenth ward chapel Friends are aie invited to attend i and the thc casket will wi be opened at the I chapel on day a of ot funeral from 1 30 to 2 1 i P. m. m J. J Interment In City cemetery R At At At E. E Belmont avenue January Januar 1 12 of ot general debility lianna anna in her seventh year ear native nativo of ot Sweden an and mother i Of Ir f Cherubim r. r Funeral Funeral Funeral Fu Fu- Fu- Fu services Tuesday at 2 p. p f. f in m. m at atthe atthe atthe the family ramly residence Friends are In Invited invited In- In vied to attend Interment In City cemetery ry SALISBURY At SALISBURY At the residence 50 S. S Third East Eat street January l 12 12 of old ar age Eliza Elixa Elza Darke Salisbury Salsbury aged SU years ears a native of ot England and a resident real resi dent of ot title this city since 1861 1861 Announcement Announcement Announce Announce- ment of ot funeral will vill wIl appear lat later I SA SANDBERG In lEnG In In this city January 1 12 12 CarolIne Carolino Sandberg Handberg aged 76 jt years ear wife lo of or P. P G. G Sandberg 2 28 S 8 S S. Twelfth East Eat Boe Body at the parlors parlor of ot Eber W. W Hal Hall 1 Funeral lator lalor HATTON At At At 3 8 W. W Sixth South street January 12 Garnett daughter o of Sid and Amanda Haton Hatton age aged 1 year car interment will be to today a at 4 p. p 1 m. m in SHy GUy cemetery |