Show fiNISHES fIRST lint hut Fine Ioe II Bont n rut of Sp Speed l h by Gunderson Almost Fades ChampIon lonc Wreath of Laurels Chicago Jan 12 Robert nobert Robert McLean of ot Chicago international ice s skating champion won tho the mile halt mile and two mile Illinois state championships ps outdoor in the races hero today un under er erthe the auspices of or the Northwest Skating 1 association i W. W i K O Gun Gunderson erson finished second In all three events In tho the milo mile Gunderson Gunder Gunder- son finished n a foot toot behind McLean cr nn McLean tool took the lead bead at tho the start of or the time mile but allowed Gunderson G to set the pace after atter yards ards McLean made mado madea a spurt yards from the time finish but Gunderson was ready roady Rn and challenged cLean McLean with a 3 fine burst of or speed They finished so doze together that only emily tho time ju judges es could decide e tho time w winner I n n er |