Show UTAH NEWSPAPER ME MEET TODAY JT AT T CO C 1 Beginning Beginning- at 10 o'clock this methe mo me moral the tho annual meeting of ot the Utah JT Y association will be bo held nt at Commercial club with a a. program o addresses by publishers different parts of at the th state At the session this morning wI will transacted 1 the regular order or of i- i ness nese including the tho annual officers and reception of oC reports retiring officials Following thi members of or th the association will willI 1 U Uto to tho the following followIng- addresses s Ilia the tho Making of or a 0 Country by C. C K Jl Huish of ot tho Eurek Eureka porter How Row to Get and Collect by Blood o 0 ol Logan Los Republican Proposed Jj paper Legislation by IL II C C. Ric HIe tha Provo Post Can Wo Wa Land th h Adjer Advertisers Ilow How by Charles Charlea s land of oC the Logon Logan Journal At 6 30 In the tho evening the i m mom m will meet In tho the dining dining- room w wl they are to bo be entertained in v solos by Horace Ensign and Mrs Masters Master and tout toasts by bL Governor lam Spry A A- A. A N. N McKay King and an and Jacob |