Show KITCH KITCHENETTES EN ETTES I L. L OILED rice rico must always al bo be lightly B BOILED handled It should not be stirred with t a fork tork or spoon v Always put a n. cauliflower In plain water so as os to draw out the time insects If It I salt fait is placed d In the water It kills the tho I insects and the they are left in the vege ese I ta table bi e To make oatmeal Jelly boll boil four tour table table- o of oatmeal In one runt pint of water in a double boiler for three hours u adding water from time to lo time and then lien strain When hen making baked or boiled custard the milk to be bc used should be scalded and set outside to cool Then make a custard In the time ordinary wa way and amid It will t willbe willbe be he perfectly smooth Lamp chimneys 15 and other glassware ro boiled In salt water are ae considerably toughened tou Wicks leks which have been used a long time and 4 smoke moke when burning burning burn hurn- ing inS f should be e soaked for fOI several hourIn hours hour in vinegar and allowed to dr dry thoroughly hl when tho the flame lame will ill burn with nIth a n renewed brightness If It a little vinegar ar be added to furniture furni ture tUle polish It will vilI he be found round to t time the ht dead deul oily oil look HO so HO often orten observed ed a tier fitter cleaning furniture Always rub ruh the tIme thea a way of ot the time grain when polishing smooth st-smooth a piece of ot furniture 10 TO CLI L To curl ostrich plumes mes fill flu a flat fiat pan p with whim salt alt and make makl it Iter er very hot then hold the plume over the time salt snIt and time the heat hlat thrown out will curl the time feathers t without Injuring them |