Show l AND NOTICES Consult coon county connly I cIr h or ur t. t I. I r en W. M f ru r r t loa irwin 1 IN THE TIlE DISTRICT COURT OF 01 TU TIlE THE Third Judicial d district in and for tor Bait Sait Lake Lako count county a of Utah In the tho matter of ot the lie application of ot the tho Sego ego Implement Vehicle C C CompanY a corpOration for voluntary for tor dissolution tion Notice of t application tion of or corporation lon Notice Is JH hereby given that the Sega e Implement Vehicle Company a a. corporation corpo corps ration raton organized and md existing un under or orand and by hy virtue of ot tho the laws of ot the state of ot Utah and having its ita office and principal prin- prin cipal of t at Salt ke TI place ace business Sal City Salt Lake Lako county State of Utah has made mad and on the day or ot Do- Do comber cember 1912 1012 by order of ot court tied filed in this court its Application for assO disso- Julon pursuant to chapter 7 72 com corn compiled piled laws of ot Utah Uth of ot Thirty one 31 days days' das notice of ot said Bald application ordered to tu be given by publication pub pub- I I cat on Date Data of or first firt publication December I 17 1912 L' L V to satu bo boDied filed tied before expiration of ot tion ton I MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk By fly J J. J M. M Deputy Clerk Clork Booth Lee Lec Bad Badger er Rich lUch Parke Attorneys for tor Applicant IN TIrE THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Third TH Judicial district In and and for tor Salt Sl Lake county State of ot Utah Utah In tho the matter mater o ot of the application of ot the Mill Creek Power company a corporation cor cor- 11 to dissolve Notice of ot appU- appU application cation to dissolve I cor-I caton To all al whom it may conce concern concer I Notice is hereby given that the tho MillCreek Mill MillCreek II Creek Power comp company ny a corporation termed and existing by virtue of ot the tho Jaw of or the State of ot Utah with Its ita 11 principal te place of business at Salt Sal Lake Lako City Salt Sal Lake Lako lako county State of or Utah Uth has presented to the district court of the Third Judicial district In and for tor Salt Lake county count State of ot Utah a 0 pe petition petton pe- pe praying to bo allowed to corporate and dissolve that Friday the lay day or January of-January an Januar A. A D D. 1913 at 10 o'clock a. a ITt in or as soon thereafter as counsel can cn be heard beard has been appointed appointed appointed ap ap- ap- ap pointed as tho the time at th the s courtroom of ot the said district court In Salt Sl t Lake City Salt Lake o Lal county count State of Utah a's as as the tho Sal place at which the tle sal said application appl- appl cation Is to be heard and that at any timo before the tho expiration of thirty da days davs s 's from the date of ot this notice any pe person on may file tUe objections to said ap ap- ap- ap In ton witness winess whereof I have hae hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of ot let tho the said district court this 2011 day of or D December A. A A D. D 1912 MARGARET ZANE ZAN WITCHER Seal Clerk By J J. J M. M 1 Deputy Deput Clerk E. E E. E Corfman Attorney for or Petitioners Petition Petition- Petton- Petton ers and Corporation IN THE DISTRICT COURT COUT PRObate PRO- PRO TiE bato bate division dl In and ald for tor Salt alt Ll Lake e county count State of ot Utah In the matter mater of ot the estate of or Walter Valer M. M 1 Thayer deceased Notice Notice of Pearl Thayer Adams Adam The petition petton Pell praying for Cor tho the or issuance to Otto Oto E. E Dornberg of ot letters of or administration leters In the estate of Walter Waiter M. M Thayer de deceased do- do c- c ceased has been set for II hearing hearInG on Friday Frida tho the da day of or January A. A D D. D 1913 at at 2 S o'clock p. p m. m at the county court house In the court room of ot said sald court in Salt Lake City Salt Lake county count Utah Witness 1 the thc clerk of or said court with the seal thereof affixed this Hh day of or January Januar A. A D. D 1913 MARGARET ZA ZANIS E WITCHER Seal Clerk By Seal L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk Cerk Howat Ho a Macmillan t and R. R II H. er or Butterfield Attore Attorneys s for Petition Petition- Petton- Petton I IN THE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO bate division 11 In and for Salt Sl Lake county State of ot Utah Department No 1 In the matter mater of ot the estate of ot Josephine Josephinc Droubay deceased Notice The petition of Paul Droubay prayIng prayIng praying pray pray- ing for tho the admission to probate of ot a a certain cerain document purporting to bo ho thelast the tho last lat will wJ and testament of or Josephine Droubay deceased and for tor the grantIns granting grant grant- lug ing Ins of letters testamentary to Paul Droubay has ha been set for hearing hearIn on Friday the ra day clay of or Januar January A. A A D. D 19 1913 at al 2 o'clock p p. p m m. at the tho county courthouse in tn the tho court room of ot sal said court in Salt al Lako City Salt Sai Lake county Utah Uth Witness the clerk cleric of said court with the lice seal thereof affixed this Oth da day clay of ot December Dp A. A D. D 1 1912 MARGARET ZANE ZANIS ZArE WITCHER Seal Clerk By L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Clerk CIerI Smith McBroom Attorneys J for tor torPet Fe Petitioner t i ti one r. r Pet IN IX THE DISTRICT PRObate PRObate PRObate PRO- PRO bate division in and for tor Salt Sal Lake county count Utah Uth In the matt matter r of or the estate of ot Charles F. F Warren deceased Notice Notice The petition petton of ot James W. W V Collins Frank L. L Gardner and S. S C. C executors of ot the tho estate estate of ot Charles F. F Warren deceased praying for the partial distribution of tho the residue of ot the to the persons entitled has been set sel for hearing hearin on on Friday the da day of ot January A. A I D. D 1913 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at al the county count courthouse court court- house in 11 the tho courtroom of or said court In Utah Salt SaI Lake CI City Salt SaI Lake Lako count county Witness the clerk of ot sal said court with the seal thereof affixed this day dayot of ot December A. A DJ OJ 1912 91 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER WITCHER Seal Seal Clerk By L. L P. P Palm Palmer or Deputy Clerk Dan B. B Shields Attorney torne for Cor Petitioner Pet Pet- Pet Peti IN IN THE HE DISTRICT COURT COUnT PRObate PRO PRO- bate bato division In an and for Salt Lako Lake count county State of oC Utah In tho the matter of or the e estate of ot Alvin negar Sr deceased Notice Notice The petition petton of ot Sarah E. E Brown ad administratrix administratrix administratrix ad- ad of ot the of ot AlvIn Vinegar Sr deceased praying for an order of ot sale of ot real property of ot said decedent and that that all al persons interested inter Inter- ested appear before the said cour court to show cause why an order should not be granted to sell sel so 0 much as shall be necessary of or the following described real estate of ot said deceased to wit wi All Al of ot the north half of ot lot 7 7 block 84 84 plat pint C C. C Salt SaI Lake Lale City survey has been Bet for fo hearing on Friday the lith day dayot of ot January Januar A. A A D. D 1913 at at 2 oclo o'clock k kp p p. p m. m m. m at the county courthouse In tho courtroom of ot said court courtin courtn in Salt Lake Ct City Salt Lake county Utah Winess Witness the tho clerk cleric clerI of ot said sald court with Ith the seal thereof affixed this 31 t da day of or December r. r A. A D D. D 1912 MARGARET Z ZANE J S Seal ll Clerk By ny L. L P. P Deputy Deput Clerk W. W H. H Wilkins Attorney for tor Pet Peti I U toner one r. r |