Show NOTICE OTICE UNION JORDAN IRRIGATION company compan Principal office Union Utah Notice Notice hero There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account account account ac ac- ac- ac count of assessment of or 10 cents per share sharo levied on the ca day of ot November No No- vember ember 1912 tho the several amounts set opposite the names nameR of or the tho respective shareholders ers as tono follows s 's No No o. o Ami Arnt Cert Celt Shares Shares Due J J. J W. W Miller Iler 1 06 Willard lart C. C Burgon and I 47 i J J. J W. W 60 antI 91 2 24 2 Rupert K Brown Drown nl 1 1 12 Levi Naylor 52 I 78 K Fl WIlcox 26 O Carl Lundquist 8 35 7 12 Ceo Geo Markus Maricus 29 1 1 12 Seraph G. G Kemp 29 f 5 r 59 Matilda E. E Swenson 32 40 Ii O iO Baumly 34 1 12 G George 1 orge 1 12 Samuel M. M I. I Se Sedden den 36 35 G Maria cr 4 1 o 47 Thomas D. D B. B Shelton 24 1 12 David Smart 3 36 Orson Newbold 4 40 Timothy OConner Sui l 1 li H 18 13 Carl Peterson 06 Bessie Larson J 06 06 Rudolph Groberg Grober O i OG 06 Hyrum E. E Smith 9 14 1 F. F Foreman 1 5 6 59 I John i 06 Virgil VIrgi Foreman HS 3 32 luc Lucy Graham Green Green 10 1 00 And In accordance accordance with the thc law and an n order h by Iho Ul board of ot directors made macleon on the d day lay of or November 1312 1912 so soman many man sharl shares of or ench each parcel of ot stock as may bi- bi necessary ar will wil be sold at public auction at it the residence of ot the secretary S. S State street E. E Jordan Utah on the Oth da day of ot January Januar 1913 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m to pa pay the delinquent assessment thereon t together with costs of or sale of or advertising and expense UNION JORDAN JORDA IRRIGATION CO A. A E. E S ITH e ITH Secretary P. P O. O Sand Sandy R. R 1 F. F D D. D No o. o 3 3 Utah |