Show LONG DISTANCE E liNE FROM LOS ANGElES TO ATlANTIC IS PlANNED SpecIal to The I Denver Colo Cob 12 The The annual budget of or the Mountain States Telephone Telephone Telephone Tele Tele- phone Telegraph company compan made malle public pub pub- lie lic here hero toda today contemplates the expenditure expenditure of ot In until entirely cly I new now line Une extensions and equipment in 1 1910 1 It Is estimated that tho thy cost of or operation ope ope- ration taxes and Insurance for tor the I year car In Jn Utah an and Montana will be 1 Improvement and extensions in that territory will be at least 36 Additional toll loll lines and IO toil loll circuits and antI improving improving- toll transmission bj by loading wires with coils colls to Utah Montana Wyoming Colorado o New Nev ew Mexico ane and Arizona points wIll require the expenditure of ot 1 Owing to the amount of or money mone spen spent in 1912 in Salt Lake In Improving and perfecting the tho plant j says ays s 's the tho budget it will v not nut be he necessary to 10 overhaul o or orI I extend tend to n I any great extent The bulk built of or tho the appropriation for Cor that In h. h n In district n GUU Ing- Ing tributary lines In the tho northern division dl 1033 miles mUes of at ud additional toll lines Jines of or copper wire viro wilt will bo te Installed It is estimated that for Cor th the present year th the he company compan will spend pend on Its entire system tem for operation repairs and taxes In a addition to its appropriation of or for tor n new w equipment making a total of or to be put In circulation rut On One of or t the tuo 10 greatest achievements of ot the lie year ear will be bo the completion of at a long distance line from Crom Denver Dener to Los Lot An Angeles Angele The line lino will complete direct I telephonic communication from ocean to ocean |