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Show 0 o " FARMINGTON l,l ,T i Walter W. Steed. former' resident of North Davis county and now residing at Fast Mill Creek in' Salt Lake, is "doing fino iffl the L. D. S. hospital where he ts operated on for a hernia. 'fsly wife likes the smartness and roominess of the ford hut teSf- - Miss Vontella H. EuchhoTt returned home Wednesday from a ten- day business San fip Francisco. The following appointment t at the city council meeting by the new officers- Monday vev ing: For justice of the peace, reward B. Clark; for city health officer, Dr. George W. Buchanan; for city board of health, Mr. U. Sessions, chairman; Dr. ,Gorge Buchanan, and George (J. Knovlto The appointment of city wate . perintendent was defend nntil the regular meeting its March; ity marshal appointment was deferred ' until the February meeting. There were no othpr change on appoint-- . ed officers. It was also arranged ,,fr.r. a. refund of 50c on the annual if paid to the city treasur-e- i voluntarily befoiw February P. All dog takes not paid ob of be- -i re ' date will be aubjec to cfcilecticn by the dog tax collector . ith po ref uni The beet lione t. rill be at $100.00. Work commence! the lrt ef the o the W. I. A. Week . project fco install a new four inch cast iron .water line from the amusement hall ch first east street to the Lagoon resort to assure more adequenf fire protection. The line ia being run to a convenient Joca- lion inside the park. The Lagoon Management is cooperating on the I firm go'inff for arit, the twys lire givenfsufficient iwork i camp to keep them occupied, Barracks are ecrubbed. rlothe art washed1, end tho uifnp. w rpncrl i giveft a thorough r Ccchnifi -- right-of-wa- 145.2 s.-f,.- I I i In.' ic-- - EKtKttR.S i antages ef h font V-wondered boul in body. This it the engine whicll prosed sparkling performance1 end eight cylinder smoothness bate 0rt 4CQMtoicl if yow dual-dowa with Vrype engine draft carbufttof that takel the gat used by four and split it into eight equal charges. This is the engine you need fog e start qujck, eutp, that' winterthe -' engine ing tbh opened the eyes, of over fu 0tenthusKistic ford owners. Vou'li find iuch an engine in no other tar. at anywhere near the price of the Ford VS foe 1936 So why not Arrange to drive one. today? fieep known uniiputed d V-tjj- w engine eimplicity, tcoooniy, unu-- f actntss, cuggedneis. But until -- ford announced he first ford in 193 J, no one had found a iray to bring theie advantage u d the field. Since its introduction ihi engine has been constantly refined low-prict- features of ford design have ye enained ehrough the production vi oni ue million V-- 8 engine. Thit is the engine that powers the beautiful 1936 ford V-- 8 . . . and, because and compact, It is fives "all that extra room' (hat many a woman hat -- . . V-ty- p met to-wi- nmy 0 Amlbriu4 IW fix 4 met PU r.OUNTIFUU UTAH TELEPHONE 46 of a lawyer arguing a w'cck. Miss Frma Paris and Mis Martha Burton entertained at the . home Monday. Miss Fay " rnteriained at a lovely par. While Joe Wagner vvaa working ' in a North, Carolina factory the t.y for Miss Mayer, Saturday and coat-pock- case. . ' hold at the home rf Mr. Julia Gailey Thursday afternoon. Road-Darings a & b numbers by Mary r.ctt, solo by Miss Vera Layteft of Layton and Mrs. Jennie Under-Mrwood gave the lesson, A lovely lunch was served to a large puni- her of members. John Thomas art Lynn Mansell arrived home Thursday front a two weeks motor trip t outher California. Mr. and Mrs. . Joe Halberston and family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs! Parley Weaver and Mr. and Mrs. David Weaver of - Layton wera guests ef Mr. and Henry Graham one day last week, Ralph Williams and Lewis Gra-Mrham left Saturday for the east to drive pew cars d Bar-Sand- 1 all s, 45-4- CLASSIFIED ADS OR SALE CHEAP Pin. library table, dining room table and chairs. Mrs. E. L. Barrett, tifui t: 47- i7K-- j. KAYSVILLE ( . 38-3- right-of-wa- 3. ms teacher of the kindergarten William-Lawson- 44-R- 10c - . Chili 10c 45-4- News Notes From SHERIFFS SALE STALEYS Farmington Bay LET US SERVE CamnNuroto after-spendin- LUNCH YOU For all kinds of HAIRCURUNG Headquarters Co. sl a i 2. Coffee & Roll s. a , -l Mr' - at Stoker school ,and he rewarded. 4T FOR SALE One good Jersey-Durha- ni cow. 2nd house south of Bamberger station. Bountiful. 44 FOR SALE Hot Point white enameled Electric range. Very good condition you, will have to seei this range to appreciate its value Bountiful Light &. Power Co. 48. FOR SALE Good used coopeH clad coal range, Acondition! chen-pall at1, Bouniful Light 4i Power Co. . 49- FOR SALE Two hole electrio range. Very cheap. Apply to Henry. Schulthies, Cleverly Crossing, 46-South Bofuntiful, Thone FOR RENT Three roomed house either partly, furnished ot unfurnished with two stoves end hot and cold water. Flora E. Mom 46-phone Bountiful 203i - home-turne- t CALL y pfo--ra- m Virginias F-3- s, Beauty Shoppe h to-w- it - Phone ; - : -- . , i NATIONAL PARKSA1RW AY, INC. - A Bank Acco record of more than forty-thte- e With -- e RAINBOW BALLROOM e COME WHERE'..': st -- .YOU ARE" SUREOF UAIAO satisfaction;; . this years bank affords its customers the advantages of ample resources and experienced servic h SMEDLEYS BARBERSHOP Bank Layton, Utah FARMINGTCIJ at wnioonc" i I MMOL j flEORGE W. GRAHAM MORTICIAN vnrurw rare beauty. preciated. - FOlt RENT Four roomed apart Went partly furnished; located ono mile west of the Junior high school on tho .new highway. Enquire Glen Ingles, 47- Bountiful 240-FOlt SALE Holstein cowl will freshen this month. Apply D. K. 47 Davis, Bountiful. LOSTi A very small white dog has strayed from J.,H. Burning-haresidence. Anyone having any- information as to its whereabouts kindly notify Mrs. Fames, Ernest Blood Monday after- a machine caught his drive belt-o- f coat and hurled him through a win noon. Mis Major i to be married dow. Joe was only bruised, but fct next week. ing a e a Mrs. Susannah Robin fi f pendhad to buy m new coal. "The Fort Douglas district tia ing the winter with her daughter, Verna Mrs. Neilson in Long Beach, been organized for a basket ball containing, net 5.12 acres, ' Kenneth Mrs. Sheffield entertain league. The teams which will be in more or less after deducting division one contest of the Cottonstreet." Mr., ami Mrs. Floyd Foster ef e4 the Lantern club al het homa wood camp, end- the headquarters Soda Springs, Ida., ate apemlinf Wednesday afternoon. Together with all improvei io Dee Williams and ments Grant the hot detachment; the Farmington Bay appurtenances a few weeks at the home of Mr. and thereunto Woods Cross and ia belonging." the camps Ogden. pital and Mrs. Roy Green. Dated at Farmington, Utah, this the Bingham ' and this Manilla Mr. and Mrs. Dalt TolmaJI of The American Legion held their 2Glh day of December, 1935. CCC week-en- d tho of enrolleea were last Only Logan camps.guests meeting Thursday fvenijng in the JOSEPH IIOLBROOK, ' of Mrs. Tolmans parents, Mr. and will be allowed to play; officers, Reflex building'. of Davis Cpunty, Utah Sheriff technicle foremen, doctors and Earl Robins. Miss Fay Bob- L. Tall entertain A Williams, attorneys. Mr. E. and Mrs. Johnson A federal judge and a socet ef , educational advisors are prohibited 8 ed at a bridge party at their home ins spent the holidays her and to-of lawyers and attendants were routconsist will to Mr. with referees For Logan Sunday play, ed from 'a Newark courtroom, when Tuesday evening. Thera wert '29 and- Mrs. Tolmjlft. one enrolleo from. each camp coninvited guests. . tear-ga- d bomb exploded ia the Glo A. Mrs. of J. Curtis, father cerned, or selected by mutual conThe children ef Jack Barker and Robins Is i winte sent of each teem ffbrtl local talent spending the Well Streepcr hate the acarlet . Calif. JUDICIAL The location of tho league play off N THE SECOND Englewood, ever. of DISTRICT TIIE COURT SunMrs. winners bo Wilcox announcod after will George spent Harold Wilcox, returned home 536 each division Is' determined. Date STATE OF UTAH OF IN AND her Mrs. Carl with sister, the holidays day Sunday FOR DAVIS COUNTY Green in Clearfield. in California with relatives Steve J. Oitafiir, from Acron, for league championship play. off W. NEWTON, plaintiff, vs. C. Erwin Sheffield visited ia frov Ohio, who was working on the drag will he March 20 and 21. Mrs. Bessie Boyd and lames Flet ELBERT H. ELDREDGE, and irfo Monday evening had his hand EVA ELDREDGE, hie wife, and cher returned to. their homes in Sunday. W. Mrs. T, entertained Epperson 940 WASATCH. OIL:. REFINING 111.. owa and "iruhed. which necessitated ampu- Tuesday after spendi- the Bay View club at her home ution.at the wrist. He is at the COMPANY, a corporation, defend-aptng the holidays here with' relatives Co the disbandment ef CCC afternoon, .uDe Wednesday Eort aMo a Douglas hospital They were accompanied by Orval To be sold at Sheriffs Sale on Alton Hadlofk ih home from the and is getting sJong as well as can company 957, twenty members of the 18th Estes and Fred MacCuUom. day of January, A. D., transferred that drgamzation were Miss Edith Hyde entertained he! hospital in Salt Lake where ho une expected. 1936, at the hour of 12 oclock e a e to this company, tfily. twelve bf neon at the north front door of the derwent a operation two weeks bridge club at her home Wedne-dathe twenty "have sctoally joined County Court house ia th City of : ao. This camp tmd their weekly evening. this company. The remaining eight Farmington, County of Davis, lit. and Mps. Riilon Killian and, Mr. And Mrs. Alex Cridclle anThursday, Jan. p. Those par 4 of certain untf that State Uah, at are piece or camp remaining family of Orangeville returned 'to nounce the arrival of p son horn icipAting were, Miss Sara Mabey of situatet in in.Davis parcel property the tvorlf disbanding num-ierpecessai'y their home Sunday aftea spending Friday m a Salt Lake hospital. ho rendered several musical County, State of Utah, described i some time with Ms. Killians mothgave their tormer company Is cqniplete Miss Virginia ilepw-ortMr. and Mrs. V. D. Thofrias cele ; r as follows, er, Mrs. H. J, Sheffield,-Jr- , brated their 32nd wedding anniver- a nujnbur ef readings knd Alton at a point ia "Commencing tKeeu weather stops work If. ' the Centey of a certain four Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Nance an- sary at their home Saturday even Call offered musical selections, on 228-- J In rod Street, running Worth and nounce the marridgq, of their daugh ing. The evening was spent in his ukulele. Miss Burgensen, a E, on the job, it doesnt stop it the camp. When a drift is too deep Tor .X who South, 6 14. rods- South 147.7 affer spoilsorcd which J.te hundred Carl fire E: teacher, ter, Fdrbs. of Evelyn, playing Oge AA aa 1A1J A AAAAa TTTtTTvTTT 7TTTItI VIJ 4 den, Monday. They left Wednesday a two. epurse luncheon was served program also lpd the group i the felldws to get 'through, or some, rods East and .301 'feet .North from the Northwest corner of other obstacle pVevents Xhe.usua for California to make their home to Mr. and Mrs. Maben Fox, Mr, community singing. Northwesl quarter of' Secthe, T The American Legion auxiliary and .Mrs. Roy owan andMr.-antion, 25, TownsWp 2 North, will meet next Monday evening at Mrs. Seth Blair all of Opden ant Wes't, Salt? LakeRange, the home of Jlrs. Louis Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. George .Briggs :' Meridian, United States jSurt Mrs. Roy Kilfoyle . .entertained Laytbn. Mrs; Fox was the assistvey, being the point ol the & commencement of the .bound the Evening bridge club ..at her ing Ji.otess. it being; their, wedding Salt Lakh Municipal Airport, Telephone Wasatch 3631 tbenefi and North ary, running home, Thursday. Wasatch 1510 anniversary alstf. , . City Ticket Office ia tJtal Hotel, Telephone Miss Virginia Mayor has bedh . Tke Supflowey eemp of The public to given peveral showers during this Utah Daughters of PioneVrs was . With the dawn of a new era, the fcreat. Let us help the service to of realize value this the age of rajfid business. . efficiency, the f tribute a is more tl community, truly for demand rapid came tbe :: the of unbusiness to the sagacity means of transportation, and that actuated them to der these conditions the airplane management wonderful aerial field. :i position in give ns this las takn a fore-moother comis no There probably, field of service. Located in Salt Lake City on 6th South Between Main and State. theThe size the in this country munity airplane for commercial purBusiness men that has better advantages in this yCOUMT Dancing Every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. poses 1b unsurpassed. should who wish to fill an engagement of respect and the enterprise YUS GKVAY receive undivided an ; support. deIt should be a source of great satisfaction to the people of Salt any nature in some distant city Information as to the of time reliable and safe a find this will Lake county that they located here a ball room which it means of transportation. Further- parture or arrival in any distant all, and courtesy more, by the use of the airplane city is free to. next time not surpassed in any of the service. marks their one largest cities of the U. 8. A. service you can not only saveother you are thinking of aThe to some trip taken time up by half the Where people can find a or : distant entertainment for pleasure city delightful evnings neans of travel, but the savings :: and them business, telephone makes that : n time by airplane with Vend Breinholt orchstra. The band that puts music means of transportation cheaper they will advise you in every You of tha service. under your feet. in the end. And besides, the dirt feature find the will a safe, sure, airplane of travel by bus or train it comThe Rainbow ballroom features Such entrancing music is furn- pletely eliminated through he use clean way to travel at prices satisA easf to the indirect lighting system not a ished by the orchestra that the of this modern mode of travel factory to the purse. JThe management and assistants here, new treatment enterthis The management of rf tiueriewi light is visible and think of it, 67 hours seem to fly on golden wings. men who dispense good cheer are in this Rainbow Ball at has which htt dunged dm a the training special prise change's of lights during a waltz. Everywhere all the way and are among The sound system installed in the Room here is life, color, motion, important field, and is offering the the along mental attitude of business men of this advanleading section the music beautiful this of women, charming people Rainbow, is the most perfect, one community. We suggest to all read thousands of women toward all flowers of and the city any metropolitan fragrant things tages can hear a whisper. Lets go tonite with in life that thrill and amuse. Look right here at their very door. The ers that each one hair coloring. Dancing is gaining popularity as n in tneir modern field of enis endeavor such cost an of initial Is and can there you always all of the time. It has been endorsdeavor giving them a trial in something attractive to please the an investment of many dollars. the nearbyfuture. ed bv medical authorities as Clairol will cover the gra highly eye and bring one to the realization The operating expense is very beneficial and the nublic dance has there is always a new thrill hairs and blend them into largely succeeded the occasional that in the offing. of of gathering C. the natural tones yesterday. your In making this review we are If you really Jike to dance and to hair call the so they attention the own of perfectly, make merry in an environment glad nublic to the dances a the Rainbow Maximum Insurance correctThe detection. which o is Licensed fth defy ebest, go to the Ballroom. Rainbow Ball Room. Here you will For Each Depositor ive oils in Clairol improve The Rainbow Eallronm is the meet your friends, and in an addition to newest and latest the enjoy the hair health and keep the atmosphere of soft music and entertainment attractions of Salt PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD twt BOUNTIFUL, UTAH deamy lights amidst decorations of Lake. It must be seen to be aphair in condition. j 47 FOll SALE Four Charters oil burning incubators; in first class running order, 458 egg capacity. Call John II. ltampton. Phone Bora right-of-wa- . ' Bountiful. . The Farmington Bay CCC basket ball team played opposite the Centerville Second ward team on New Yrars eve at which gave the later won.1 Then Saturdy Jan. 4 they played another game and the CCC team was Victorious, the score be- la , Smiths TO f!E FOLD AT SHERIFFS vM E, n Uu J3'h day of January, A. D., lO.'Ki, at the hour of 12:(N oVlork r oon f raid day, at the north front door of the County Court house in the City of Farmington, County of Dav!, State of Utnh, that certain piece or parcel of property situate in Davis County, State of Utah, described as follows, Commencing at a point in the center of a certain four rod street, running north and fouth, f,25 rods south 147.7 rods east and 173 feet north from the north west corner of the north west quarter of Section 25, Township 2 North, of Lange I West, Salt Lake Meridian, United States Sur- vey, being the point of the commencement of the boundary, and running thence north hlong the center of raid street 128 feet; thence weal 202 feet, thence south 15 feet, thence west 1311 feet, more or leas, to y the east line of the of tho Denver k Rie Grande Railway, Company, thence south 9 degrees west y along east line of said 145-- 2 feet thence oast 13G3 feet; thenen north 39 feet, thence cast 2G2 feet t the point of commencement, tfxtr tin txtrm. Cmi fermi lbro&k Vnktrtul Crtdit Cm, tml4rt tnd project. i.rhieo IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TMfi SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN .AND FOR THE I'OUNTV of HUTS, STATE OF UTAH. C. W. NEWTON, T'leiAtiff. tlOCION A. ELDREDGK. and LILLIE H. EI.DKEHCE. his and WASATCH Oil. RKfTNING COMPANY, rerj'vration, tlefend-an- '. 1rI936 SlUihIt4 Mis Were SHERIFFS SALK tOtH OCAifft YOU and Virgil, played iwllert guitar and banjo very well liked; Chaplin llcfinioo, keeping in una vih he nouh sea amosphere, told vonu inter feet about Hawaii. cold-weath- end improved bur the bjrir dog-rvx- , r scry entertaining .i;rt. The Drainey 1. ! t the point of commencement, containing .5.12 acres, more or after deducting' less, net, street. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging. Dated and issued at Farmington Davis County, State of Utah, this 2Cth day of December, 1935. JOSEPH HOLBROOK, Sheriff, Davis County. Johnson & Williams, attorneys for plaintiff, 311 McCormick 8 Bldg., Salt Lake City, Uah. rt.vtiT fu.l'rs; hula davicv n V- - , ; feet; thence Last- 1341 feet; thence North 15 feet; thence East 262 feet 4'l.apTiti Wayn Bennioit eiiited .. l? Thursday flight and -- . center of eaid strfeet 128 feet; thence West P5.9 rods, to the East line of y of the Denver the &. R?o Grande Railway ComWest 9 South thence pany. along the' .East line of said along the : elcning. SinnctftneS, even a atorra h it advantage, , , u Mr.. D. .C. Sanders is improving very iatisfactorly at the L. D. S. hospital in Salt Lake, where he . has been confined for the past three . week?, suffering from a stomach infection. Brief fuAcral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the grave i4'e in tire Fgrmington. city ceme- iery over the remains of the little infant d&yghter. of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Anderson, of .Salt Lake. The thiid was born December 23, but pass'ed away Monday evening. Mrs . Anderson was 'formerly Miss Ruth . Stevenson, daughter of Wilford Utevenson' of this place. On acoount of the telephone company removing the pole line from Main street, it ha become . aec.essary to change the treet lighting frutri the center uspen- -. ; aion to arm .bracket. This action is taken with the view of clminat-- . ng as many poles from streets as possible, and these lights have keen suspended from the telephone Company poles on the west side. a Me 9134 iijf nil Hr II,17 ifc l.'-- T. h'b 'ji ill f "ii x STAIR BAG DEPOSITS INSURED The Federal Deposit Insurance Cc7L Washington, D. Opr Vli V, SECUITIT. |