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Show Hif weekly News Express. ?.ytqx. utah -- SHORT SIGHTED Jtu ar way dr i'lt after t ve'U go.lno niattvr (th 1 iut hr gln," v only elropiwd faun.? ?. If f t'onl'f t. and to ftoh, hut nature. good thlf feoflh- ditnt lirff r twenty-fouy on'U tieidi. Xoure e man Mr. Wa thesis dajft. nr oung ::d Vtone, M kow. S:yr Stoim at ni J'IS eirlV frhui field, or. . . f)ont Entrust Yocr Own or Your Family g to Unknown . . ., ' . t . . t , . .. , . , t afiy flrtpaMr. know all about, tion you don i tor the relief of headaches; or the pains of rheumatism, neuritis ot peuralgia, esk your doctor what he hints abput it in comparison with Genuine Bayer Aspiria. We say this beceusfe, before Its discovery of Bayer Aspirin, most emailed pain remedies Were ad- wised against by physicians as being bad fof the stomach; or, often, for the heart. And the discovery oi Bayer Aspirin largely changed medical practice. Countless thousands of peoplt who have taken Bayer Aspirin year in and out without ill effect, have proved' that the medical finding? bout its safety were correct. Remember this: Gehuine Bayer Aspirin is rated among the fastest methods yet discovered for the relief bf headaches and all common pains , hnd safe for the average person take regularly. . You can Rtt real Bayer Aspirin at drug store simply by never asking for it by the same aspirin alone, but always saying BAY Eft ASPIRIN when you buy, . . , tote ymi ' .' , Bayer Aspirin ; BY T U i)oo.( the-who- le ft T . il .w'.illw-l- pt t; - hlt-ser- I J1; i Preparation! ... toEFORE .yULfjOUUM-TES- f toy Well-Bein- . here ' . . r, IIM f SAFE is Your Doctgf. Ask Him . visit ef Hefadaches, Neuralgia or Rheumatism Paini it ITon.iiisy the t4mai if yo WVH RECftMMEKDEft o? ynut luirliotlior iso. Of 1st anew. I e',.iv time i yv.ur own. except when I WfcoW wip' TUvt' bettie ?tir any ir ,? hta t.u definite wot goy gi4 im t t MfiU Slut Ti1.' t .!,. ,. like She picture?" Foufiit EfTectiiiv, t.iwiff Tslaug aa ur i.rq f t'l fle m fiesT. Tf Thuit ' leasm Mo ogetht. re. 4n Van llrnt Bo rt. Ha wee t r?i Vt ! kVNU Scrvu Siai VdIIi-th tl thank you A ftlhfT askoij Mono, creniij, B rvMiil f tesViflg ll.Gs. "f get you, end H ufts me t?iw Veit? )h, tny, yce?" iii!?orim . dlaifis. iiv t e ie, Utmie, whit's Side about filckeiis in eillu-blouft nielii- I toj all nlcM of ail j f,. e Itlctimonit flurry? will, didn't l aanlw fi Inf d .f the etgiwUrd 1ioatorji tobe A, st tlckllsl 'It'd i. want WietUod, tt is ooiicloib'iV thtit the nme eootw. tow htio." I ttilnW you cae wlng It. What did you alt pin yoe ti go ifnv t lllclimond, efaj Whole' hloivl te ? I fmt eflVrtlve ashed I.olT. "WWn i.ino t.nuie e Ample at daye, thou s dy a? bouM tiv t hied to from the Tenney yon ;, flock. t,.. two In tlivshlngUiw, VhS Idde f t Jofum beet Ur t.iM. tins the pill fun The Itjhe ntefliod ha te1 wood pick up any end all Information erae aoivmie." V ;as'r-iyep can get ehouS Cowy Ksljeit't tB lliiSNflchiesetto for the 1 had entne csplUil alii. :te life, Ale trlenUs, nrnd.e. 4usinis.t Jeer and Ba esfahlislivd tans were matt that this min should foe that eort T tfiing pullorum (Hea fryw dm Ve In ciiuatntpncee emS hnms UTe. 4, carry him ot andet thelt eery Mia one.' Ae flow uftiwed lifavf f Ions that tt, lUow in ooiw don't youre 0' & Male nose- Sd r.nlH Fairfax andheCore? S5M Seta Ms Mona had eat fli Iron hinfinpsl. 'fhe thxt'S ufV.uid lf blocks thatpldure o'rfiih disease, bvt' your at next day llevlng t pretending t heller the Sr o ba married . tho iiorsery tales that evt-rtoelllctent wholA ot fma cluhe, ask questlonsi fiul child mlndoillj n the table wl:t Lovell Terrace,' Long island lyni of yarns." ctia-l.oot?iii know old the to fixut both would a lairhward ta Interest flngve. will Siean thr J. her lady, make Lovell. ..ip pnt up iohn tvf (dd(and. "And what were th yafni! other, ha aalit; th girls llrot Cel tlielrcnpl for step In dlvense 7 adieu Hint fof thW young, ANvoys a gyod subject U r a " '1 gniher tlinf tnth you men era mother ta vorli os, at Vdtlnje,.wlth ml fry Industry. Orty. I hear there sre 4 lot. Thvn, ; and Petb Wilson 4nd Bob Coles, cajoled Corey, raptured him, Mra. Malitor. lova i with 4ivf tfi rhlld. td held fatllotin rf uiovt M'f la fu1t ushers. tf Washlrtgfogt,get of lerlllas brother, t e(j j,Mi ur(Jred him, and 49-f Sola, e'nrdtiy. !," f IMitfit auii-t rrturnoif Mood ronslsts of. four9 , 1a tVirleton and whole the yow tlou wery wealthy, Ha nfltlgen ttlrtyej Waldea the n, miens," ltpd but It'S tur use, aba tool on rue s e have some friend there she v a good qnal-Tt- y block Inch 4u fof eight and Perllla twenty-fourail definite The toet dilution. ttapipCd elarod at the Flensing Stone ft la 4 tnu love match. Everybody Meaelnwl rhllij. Yet fnr only a to month qiflltlng nmtprWiI and Intfoduoc yos- qiwintlUc of bliMid end intlcea. If "You believe all thatT la busy, Including Jans Latirfier, speaker. to you for 10 cents.' la efflclerft-aoclalw aha slie'a than wilt All nulled time from t vallo younger and their varle ghoul elpegses? taotity. rlh Sira Lovell'a pretty "No," Returned Garth, ipeaklris The eome work wont Mir. bother In, the out-- , her. However, th embroidery In field Wn fesullt lilt, your aecretary. Thera il a dress flute teetln. Miring pie "1 dont bellev the etorlee, rehearsal and Malijlm and Bob ace gravely,believe IUi If I ran help on Pile dctivttv T ready huyiey! line Vse tUch. tolor thread. . any very accordingly, tnfectwd tilrd they ere current li tork KStivio eent te get the Tenrdy glrla When I but i . 11 he A trnfMo.f-DeptAddles nlc Jtome that tuli th to a tklcif imlteill, I'v VMk thr reaction my plenty, Xo; ylvlng the party h breaking up the wight some Washington rirclet, end ere wd Nt. famls Ave., 8L MneU'entlr tml thivi t wire. wlttk Joy would react pride ill not fuils method j up big, Before th wedding. Malcolm aom getting more wlttely iuorr4. MoreoInclose a stariiped. ad- And fin Vould, Mo. tf. Gieki'Ilf" Woli Mow ghoSt yUir trople? the whole blisul leaf. plain of headache. Ton produce ver-some white tablets ad nearly every J "JUvonH ahV excriK lfthe. Fl! nvelov for reply wljen wit InqtilrrA Hir'd that reacted stfowgt.f Moreover Stond Srwk 14, 1f! n takes one,- Including. Corey. In lot Tm ff. To for Information. fl with hot At the a 4t nny but say writing weak tut test the ltl W, fc might give jfl breath f that libel, that Under, After the wedding. PerlUa telle her . ,. .. . ' would Iw 4 bit dlscuurtfoui, once?' blood whole lady with test. reaction th mother ttyif Bob had repeated his. heard up here, it wilt 1 very Boh It very eeet. , lb for, threat that If ah ever married any Yo, wy teAierrirw. f'fl 141 V Blood from lout bird produced Knitting Fna ra Preliistoric . an except him, he wtfuld kill her, hard with IeMlla MaUleft. And If Rut my admiration of th pa r today. delayed fVaotlon eriilch were mi qauirt fohlght, B It la enrrent tit Washington It must Arctic Circle Settlement th bridegroom, or hlmsplf. eiv rattier artlv tml a than ?nke I tort, battef Toild the birds' bail trail, 4fte high? only telle Baltimore hotel room Corey become known hers. will ? Unles It oni rerrlvr encourageTM 1 tell Perllla been returned tw the flockt'sflppo-edlPerllla, "you wont llkw my mUher.l H lllH't. Trelilstorlc knitting needles, fiVe- th ment iut Ik 4eid She lanf lovable,1' then dropa to the now.- I'll sew to ftiat. Not frw from pullorum. With th 1 t That true. Fartnas the combs and sjuions of mauimoth teeth floor dead da he tmlde her In hie tesldee, tlul till rqean Communicate with you openlyt laboratory tulm method such hlrd arm bone been found It an ancient Alone, except foa Boynton, one to head off. And It niuet be re- you, Hob, It' a email ha,ve compliment were detected without flelay. Yes, It Isn't really secret servth chauffeur, gnd Sarph, her India, membered that all i'armana talk U nour Obdorsk, northern settlement 0 evpresa ITectIoi t one 0 re- ice, but s! Farman, and ae Perllla ha Boynton telethon her th The whole blood teal canrud Tn f Madame Malden result an bj Siberia, expedition sent out by father t ceme by plahe with Mai tle etetlm of (real trag-d.- where w atanA. . Goud-by- , Cole. rrrled out tn the field with any law. Ive cently of Anthropology an I Institutelife volm. A physloiYn'idyi the death hatbed of her daughter-lDrop In this 'evening Tor the Hat." degree of uniformity. Besides the bit lnce resulted trofti natural catfses. Whgn dQWt there Qtlll 'of the Academy of bod Dob departed and Tarlntbm In the whole Mood Antigen I;thnngrnphya Though Tony had disavowed hi IVItb PerllU arrivea at. the Maiden home j Science Af theV, S. S. It. It has exdeath) fn, th el(i danje deep love for terllla, Fleming Stone Fleming Stone sat down te think dilution, etich factors a temperacavated -, 0(X) articles of pottery and hou;h Be ecad tt I the troog over what he had done. ture, Ugh!, dost and speed nifty eabone, some of w'lilch .are Unique. night she enters Pbrlllaa room by ajaiiy way. lliat lrl It tru bin Mttl Ji! dreamed whf would rn objections! Influences on th Besides knitting needles, combs nnd balcony window and Perlll has herl.Tfiere'a no eall to defend her, but amV Vlilthe bis fear result of file tost and lead to In. removed. Whvp Malcolrp errlyea the happenv n- from to yoasoa her keep great spoons, they include miniature hoes next day Madame Atalden. professes I f should be directed. effective erndlen'tlon of tji dlseaoe fm on must I ausPlclon. Jus' for .fieri fields, pieces of melting aiy tilling he' threatens friendship after, 1 friwu poultry (locks. . for metal, 'nnd hones of animals May I telephone before with the madhoure, but Farman. ' way, Ston pots While his new assistant wn away Madam Malddn1 lawyer, does not j 0? nild- birds whiolr no longer Inhabit oA his Washington trlyw Fleming disguise hi suspicions. Corey's will1 tinier Surw, Xtlght tho Yamal pcmlnsuht on which Obther. OZ fog CaMiOUmi lvOlSlIlg leave the greater Tart of his- forwas doing all he could t0 I one." want booth. There dorsk stands. The numerous remains tune te Perllla, When .she reaches Pla'R found slimy's that the peninsula, clear up outers Bgiflnsf Jila retura. h la' Turkeys, New York after the .funeral, Oh, noj .thl Is all rliriit There wevw.so many thing b in statb ef collapse! .Malcolm, arwhich U wlthlif the ' Arctic circle, Turkey raising would', lie placed Fleming Stone sat In broodlh ta as wise . let It riving later, reports that people in Uilnk ahoiit as on basis t.he afttne production number while Garth dialed wa otw densely populated. Richmond, Inftuenoed by Madanje lyrlila tart off .an that' California chicken growing wilder I research Malden's attitude, tre gossiping. and had a short conversation. There trip? Re. aadf no reason against program being worked out hy the Be Nil a consult Fleming Stuns! .fawas vagu reference 0 A registered fmmoTtel Seed He tails her her ' mous deteotfva. It, uni hawaighid iq 4nv Bob ko MlchlgiiB Agricultural .Hxiierlmept Tcmfer words find dovlng deeds parcel. suspects one of the' wgd.dlng guests, Along, station. It'a Just to hadp Ftohe broke seed that 'will spring knmortul are nd asks her samples of the Stone Imd carefully stiidtl-- the l,nte snmrncr bafehed poults bow up In everlasting beauty In our own handwriting of the wedding guests, forth, a Garth ceased talking, "to scmtis-crf penmaivdilp 'that 1erllla Are In th rearing pens a piirt f and to. Invite some of Corey's friend think Maldcn'a old mother lives and In .the lives of those that f1 liftd duflfullji collected for him. te her room. the station's rxperlipqnt to deter-tpl- n Como after. blame for all the Farmna rumpus. .While they gnve tiljn bo exact In TsIiaJl-hato go down there. S whether Jt Is practicable nnd ferinatlon It did Stic' his Imagl'na-tlofCHAPTER VI Continue want t6 aewthon fylewls of 'prnfMiihle to ralsp w'lntpr turkeys that t leajt two o'f the wed- for spring mnrjiptlng. If tho proj.too. Carmjohnel and, what 9 : ding . party im. criminal tendeubles, ect proves A Buenos, It mny pnv la law study. Out the other wneT .Carletonf Do you Yon need a while toor or five were Ihira. waa as as sound a' Malden know them?" th .way for placing turkey orey rntduint to realhow tWs took lie. Inforinatlfln, . on .pippin1 . production ly end Dandruff "Only slightly. TM yoa fefAthm,. ever, with a graljl of anlt, for his and the itching What killed him, then?" as plilcken raising, . )nB there's no chance ot hushing U 11 knowledge of graphology was. not if causes. So Between you 'and na?, T thfnle lie upy Previous xj)erkiipnt8.hnve shown jLJ ha fdlt efhautlve. r But, was put out of the way, only theres fott dctnnnd stop experi. consflBH-that turkeys Qf course I shall hush ft alt np, Use bits lorecorroli mencing. of tray he Rosslblo why that' could have h course of time, but It will cap be expanded. ahd advanced Into Glovers Mange ! orated tits suspicions, .at' lefrst that latP summer and .happened." j take 4 loqg early fall. In the too be and Medicine and may tlfn, In was a step, the eight direction, If b thing did happen there ate Also, It will take Intlmldatloft, farmers have depended almost ' past, shampoo with But depend upon them, he did must be B way ft couhl happen, ven'thredty and those aft sot Gloveri Medigoej pfL cated Soap reg- ; And. If we consider foul plhy, we to irse." t elirlr. Srartradit! he feel did, motive. Ipter consider mpst Do jou know Fartnanf At ell or us eioies. t es( In thd atatlst,lca that, jo'4 Motive aceleglon, Never saw fclla.' .What Soft. U money gt stake;. By the way, what ,he?"I I 'll- -' Poultry Classified about the woman wfio stole tjie "Not a good sorb.. He 4s My, but bJitoken hla depravity to th layman" iirepils. nd fnrtetles- of poultry uecklace from' their Vdsh- plausLble ; clever, iwt sneaky ;marl, I the srt features f the Lyet A physician experienced la I are ciussUled. knovt-- as American, ' ! r iostoji hotel?" . .. . Lbu4: trlckv." .. . Shftf faded out T'heyx? chas- - f b" . Infc her In Wawhngton,. But it wasnt Jimf. ? ,n weDt ,to ,tbe a diamond necklace. MaWbn had a I Free Trial Relief duplicate made In paste, same time more The classes... tlIta ?ot You are taking fox . ,nilchoa oy Bob If 1 rula, Br GRANDMOTHER CLARK L . ti'ii-in,- , ttttiethef the Remedy . J Quilt of Block That Picture Nursery Rhymes l t. ee.-iv- The Man Who .. Knows e ri4tw te pr. V ftr. 6A Those who are proficient, but not good natored, think very Httl of t. r He - s I nwif-friend- bbt ... s I lehcf-CoreyM- a ?, r, t I' 11 - . 1 I S'rii tt y I bark-grouti- t v - a bn (j, 1- ?.' I e Club' Usefaf tl require? a grldlton. club everywhere to toke tbs hokum out ef geopl?. . FRIEND SOLVED HEADACHES . Saia Headaches were making her niserable. She felt tired. , too. Then she found that Natures Remedy (NR Tablets) really corrected her , .Intestinal sluggishness. NR Tablets are a combination of laxative elements provid ed by .nature in plants and vegetable Try them to . night. Note that they give you. thorough cleansing, action that leaves trial meanssomuen , fiesbed and invigorated-Thito you and is so simple to make.NR'scootaia no phenol or min- , eraWerivative , s .... ALmL (1 , form ins- - Only 25c Non-hab' it all druggist .to-ge- Mal-den- g, ble ' , 1 Try Famous Lakatiye, She Michim ?, H year-roun- d I f - s Wea-pon- y-o- ltfi There . " , t tae optimist .will find .the grlb la rrlnd. . . . . , ! ' . r over-grea- .wlth-aHtha- - . stops DANDRUFF -- iny.-onl- .. m w 1 - (IKIN', I. I' j Ip c .i.r " RHEUMATISM America a(re qlflsses: Amerl-,d- l terra ntan, and class Is Atncrlehn thflr IMyrnoulh Ilcodwr (it ChJladl-- 1 I . . Siinpsoh. Stone rose Just Of the tfi-- 1 ;. a- P1 minor are whaf ways; Vneri 1And . yor but , j wllywer tlot 'really frlecd. ratig Youn ColtNSJtook th JeaL srnd nerifylng rumor or suspicions; Jt proved t0 be rIiia. ly wltp Llm." al4 at onrt, t Jiave come, to setf uterwlewlm? inlnqr. fliafactdrs. or roBd. to dinner, sh& silld., 6otpaj . vwy. not? Im 1 tD-9,w llttla chummlnijpp v!1 ltness,e; ppsslblb Dunno, Exactly, but some club piunflinniy motor trip. Stone weht ly. .T dont .mean actual efiemles, j1?,0? jt-- p , which there arts, several oarletjea.: tlfe'Wyandot tea, uf wMch there are nine aflptlerf ; the Rivls, Jnvn-S- and Th Ascitic. class several others contains the Brahmas. Cochins, and I I -- , 1 0 . v.. If you prefer no drops, or throat sprar. call for the KEW MENTHOUTUM USUI3 In handy bottlo with drafper WNU Blghlr MafntUd Arid CryttaU No matter how Ion you bava Buffered, try the madlcat dlarovary Ruloxol, endorsed by I. '.'00 phyalclane and many thouaanda of former vlotlme Who now work, play and aaln enjoy Ufa. polaon acid cryatala carried by tha binod Into body tleauea and joints cause tha pains, swellings, stiffness ot rheumatism. neuritis, sciatica, lumbago. . To dissolve and expel these add to cry. Isle1. and so gain relief, write 111 Matthews Laboratories, Pert. W. 17th St.. New York City for an absolutely Free Trial Treatment of Rutoxol. W Break up th-i- t 3- -38 :... NEWEST SALT LAKES HOSTELRY Ov lekky Is ddlgkttaHy cooled dariag the saaatr air A AmH far Every Room ZOO Roomo-2- 00 BothoJ ' I . sons unknown." J Bob 4s . den," Caskell yon ahtf Mr. CartV Then youre no longer Interested I by nature a teftB, and on her wed- 1 And wbjr we twoT I In the health ,qf th victim?". more or less he bothyreM Elimination Vercant inspect ding day "lei, I am. Tm Interested in I Perilla, and now hei Jorrye did." Jane yr Hilda of any disloyalty to everything about him. Do yon know "Why confess that to me?" asked Perllla. We cant Imagine Malcolm J Stone In aurprlse. wUag he said Ahe or Tony Jn the wrong; I am Inno- ypu havent told me?" .Garth looked uncertain. Stonel same to Mr a Malden?", Cent, but I a n't think you wanted knew he had In mind something hlaKhaf Bob broke party gathered for no reason I In, have," Yes, very definite, but wasnt quite aure I courage returning as htf noted at all, p I deduce youliave a hank- be wanted, to tell JL "1 Stone's friendly manner. "And she erlng to suspect Mr. Garth. You Out with It," said Stone, Pm has been good enough to (call ft and he are the only ones presentyou want to help Lady square and let. me be. friend wlt-last night whom I didnt know I, welL" Perllla ss much as I do, and that her again." deterred by some.reasoa of yout-I am truly glad, but! again 1 Fleming Stone broke Into laugh policy. Better be frank." must ask why this U retailed, to ter. "Go& deduction, Bob, If It got I suppose ao," and Garth sighed me." . us anywhere.. You say youre Inno- . , Well, It's .that there Is more or Now for It," said Tony, looking cent, but bow do I know it? I r less hinting and whispering about at the blushing , Bib. sureyou Ive as much reason to on In her goings Washington young friend thinks he has de-- pect you as Garth." I circles. It seems that wretch- tectlve Instincts" Suspect me of what? ed Farman started It, and you know a to "Ah, become my boy, that's Just IL What detective "And wants how a rumor spreads. And on their and wants me to take him .on as Is It that anybody is to be suspect day In Washington Perllla appeared apprentice while he Is learning," ed of? Yet there is suspicion In the at two of the biggest houses I dont Stone said, with an air mostly air. I feel It nnd so do yon. And mean the best bouses, I mean the bored, but showing a slight glimmer Ill say right here that I do want to ones where the gossips gather. Her of InteresL enghge your help. This Is too big too widespread for me to swing beauty and poise made her conspicYes," cried Bob, gleefully, "and uous, and when Farmana remarks youre going to do It, arent' you, alone. Your first assignment would were tattled around, the young peo-pi- Mr. Stone? I see It In your eye!" j be a trip to Richmond took It np and made whoopee "All right by me," said Bob, na"Theres a sample of his detec- of IL Plenty of . those girls had tive instinct already." laughed Gas- - auccessfully trying to conceal bin et their caps for Corey, sod they kali "How about it, Stoner dellghL niy pM-eeded- . -- . - h ilC- - e 1 HOTEL Temple Square Rates $1.50 to $3.00 Squtrt he 0 The Hotel Temple frirodly lmot-- p dnlriblf, hihl; Itimmoo ol You will find here. way and ulate, ounremely comfortable, thoroaehiy iinc.ble.You can tbera fan under tand why tkii hotel Tow HIGHLY RECOMMENDED mi alao appraclata whyi otOMtmcOom to tR ifeaotmark tMi Surtfel hertehy ERNEST C ROSS1TER. Mgr. '.. sua-Ou- 1 go-cl- e month,' I aupposA.Ij - Thla whole affair is KUng on my nervefl, I thought I but the doctor adwai Tl8e me t0 ?Run along, then, but don't stay too long. There are many things to be done. I may havi some facti by- the time you get home again." I hope so," said Perilla slowly. "And If so, do you think wed (ef give up the quest?" (TO DE CONTINUED) Vearly -- ' lege of Agriculture. For this reason the poultry raiser may well be justified la retaining a large number of the yearling hens for their second year of production'. Few birds should be kept f07iheir thidr year, he bcilevea. awa7- - high-producin- ,wa7-anythin- g g , - . In the Poultry Yard If too much corn, especially new corn, Is fed to turkeys on range before they are gradually made accustomed to It, they may get Compel Point et North Polo' scours. Old corn, therefore, is conThe points of L c compass north, sidered better for turkeys than south, east and west, relate to the new corn unless the new corn Is earth only. The North pole Is the well matured and dry. e e e point of converger.ee. of all the earths meridians, and every point Eggs contain a beneficial gas, caron the earth's surface must be di- bon dioxide, which helps to hold rectly south of this polnL Not the original quality In the eggs. "south by west, or south south- Cooling them to 40 or SO degrees east," or In any way Inclined to Fahrenheit retards the loss of car- any other point o the compass, but ben dioxide.' e e directly south, because Its meridian passes through the pole. To an obThe simple flock record Is essenserver at the North pole, therefore; tial In order that the degree and the points of tha compass as w amount of profit (or loss) doe to know them, are wanting, for. la the operation of that flock najr .t whatever direction be may look h definitely knows, la always looking toward tha soutk Perhaps th surest way te prevent a CoU from ''catching hold and getting worse la, kstar-at once, to FREE ney. Do It the pleeaent lea cup wey. Flush the tysSass 0ns 1r" cample .smlm u'ithehoteupolOarKcJJ Tea dmildesy-at5BrklyMLY. Ilqddlexetlv. At m uj-Kar-ti Gmiraiji I ! HEN kidney function bedly md you suffer a nagging bckcli( with dixxiness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up ! night; when you feel tired. Mivoa, 11 upset . , , use Don Fl.li. Doan's r especially foe pocy working kidneys. Million of boars re used every year. They are mended the county ever, Adt y: 3 ntfghboel I rJ!U |