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Show WEEKLY'NEWS-EXPIJES- Act The Part Until You Acquire the Art happy brush strokes or harmonious living may take encourage.. ment. the art of is to master t in us and practice under living. Study are needed to conditions ra.:3 life artists of us. A young man feeling anstitf urg inga but who had a cramped thumb, and forefinger would try by exercises to limber them up, not getting desired results he might have a surgeon loosen a ligament. Some morbid people are so sometimes not because of a POORLY MANAGED personality but because of a HANDICAPPED personality. We are told for instance that a lock of alkaline balance can binder a naturally joyous disposition from expressing itself. Some doctors are saying that a billious condition due to over eating or wrong eating may make a person appear dull to others and the world drab to him. A person may be able to help himself by diet and exercise r ho may need a professional physical check up. We read in medical articles that certain glands failing to function or over functioning put the personality in a fog so that it is not seen as it truly is nor can it see the world normally. In this da yand age when things are happening which make old time "miracles ea3y to believe no, one should give themselves up as hopelessly restless incurably easily worried, naturally morbid or doomed to unhappiness. The fact that persons expressing these qualities want to be different is natures way of urging them to try because they can. You cant fool old mother nature. You c.an appear to be a miracle worker by making conditions favorable for her to work with you. v S, LAYTONj UTAH, JANUARY 9, Mrs. Flints parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Adams. , LAYTON . Leonard Layton entertained, the her employes of the Layton Auto com. Bv John Edwin Price pany at a turkey dinner at the home in Morgan after her xT liht pap1 Cobble cottage in Ogden last Satseveral days as guest TWwrf- - urday evening. . There wouldnt need to be so an Mrs. Jlaefin cnts,.Mr. . Mr, and much acting connected with the Mrs. Joe Day werfe f oieflrfieM. of "Gerber art of living if people knew some Sunday Richard of guests Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Loren Ellison at their home in Salt as of the simple satisfying ways of Years New Kaysville spent Howard Lake. living artistically, naturally. guest of Mr. and Mrs. The sons and daughters of Mr. There are restless people who Getz at Tremonton. 5. lay-to- n and Mrs. make believe they are at ease but Henry Morgan honored Mr. and Mrs. Thomas who are not. and family have movtd to Los Mr. Morgan with a surprise party There are morbid people who Tuesday evening at his home. The Angeles to make theis home. make a heroic effort to appear Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Layton and occasion was his 76th birthday anmentally healthy. daughter returned to theis home niversary. At a late hour a Some folks are like El Greco the luncheon was served to the at Sparks Nev., Tuesday after as Mr. and Mrs. Henry following: Spanish artist who lived from holidays the having spent about 1545 to 1614 and who seem Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spack-maMorgan, . , relatives. of guests ed sorry to be alive at all, and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Bennett of tried to explain all about it in his Mr, and Mrs. James H. Morgan, ef arrival the Kaysville annoeyice Mr. and Mrs. Allie Green, of Clear pictures. a daughter. ahd CaiM field; Mr, and Mrs. Henry Morgan, They are the work of a man Frank lllrs. Mr. .and whom some inward sorrow kept of Ogden; Mr. and Mrs. Israel of Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Edgar from seeing the lovely and the fair Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Glen of Ogden spent Sunday as guests either in men and women or angels Reeder, of Ogden. Utah. relatives at Fountain Green, There are unhappy people who Bishop and Mrs. David 'Parkin-seDee the at is who Irvin Woods, would appear, in public at least, and son, Lloyd, of West Portag ill was in quite Ogden, hospiai life and to wholesomely adjusted ah, is spending a few days v?He! Wednesday, with peritonitis. life to them. i the visiting relatives here, Mrs. George A. Evans is Fear of disapproval and pride in Mrs. Orville Ramsey will be Dee hospital. hostess to her bridge club Friday appearing normal make them act school Dean Simmons is back te ' the parts .they would like to live. afternoon. few ill for the past after being The ast and West Layton ward Acting these parts is good. It weeks with scarlet fever. is better if they are acted not from Mutuals will sponsor a dance Frientertained Miss Isabelle Parker fear or in defense of pride but at the La tone hall day Parker the friends a of a number Mr. and Mrs. Golden F. Layton willfully as a means of attaining home last Saturday at a kitchen the state of mind they are reign-in- :. her Bister, Mrs. entertained at a dinner party folshower in honor Orion Tqge, who was recently mar- lowed by bridge Saturday evening, One of my college mates had a at their home. The guests includried.' ed: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore--hous- e, weak, high pitched voice. Since he Mr. and Mrs. Dick Adams are was intending to be a public speakMr. and Mrs. James Murto be in the East. They expect gone er he realized that this would be dock of Bountiful; Mr. and Mrs. drive sew and car a three weeks a handicap. Sa in his room and Joe ' Mr. and Mrs, 0. M. McCann, homo. . , jokinfily when he met his friends Mrs. Annette E .Sevenson and Erickson and Mr. and Mrs. Clair on the campus he would fake a Miss Cleone Adams arrived home Whitesides. Cliff Edwards left- last week for. deep, guttural tone. He kept this Sunday from Los Angeles, Califorto purchase a new oar, up for four years and foun that ho Chicago nia. Mr. Joe .Stevpnson accompanlaid developed the muscles, which Mr. and Mrs. Diamond Adams ied them homo and will Visit here were orgi.nally produced the deep tones dinner guests of Mr. and 4for about three. weeks. with difficulty, to the point where Just get off by yourself and be Mrs. Dave Wootton reCook are Mr .ahd Mrs. Lloyd Saturday evenfce could at their speak more easily with quiet. Dont FORCE yourself home ing in Salt Lake. of a over the arrival them than with the muscles which just LET yourself let loose. Enter- joicingMrs. Cook was Miss baby Mrs, Leonard was hosLayton Faye had produced the original light tain no rankling, passionate or huf girl. tess to her club bridge before her. marriage. Wednesday Stevenson, thin voice. rying thought. If you must think, Mr. Irvin Wood is suffering with The cluh members were: Mm. Joe He willfully assumed voice tones recall happy memories. Heres a Day, Mrs. Glen Layton, Mrs. Frank infection in his jaw. which wernt predominant until soothing bath for irritated nerves. The family of ,J. W. Johnson is Moorehouse, Mrs. Marwood Lay-tothey became predominant. Miss Evan Ellison, Mrs. Clair under quarantine wKh scarlet fever If you are restless, worried, Whitesides, Mrs. Otha Green. SpeMr.' and Mrs. John Matchinsky morbid or unhappy you can help cial guests were, Mrs. Harold Ellihave returned from San Francisco yourself to attain your desired atMrs. son, Kennon SCHOOL where Whitesides; Mrs. NEWS they went, to spent the titude toward life by acting the with their son and daughter-in- Golden Layton, Mrs.' Eugene Reed, holidays ASSEMBLIES fart until you acquire the art. .. -law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mat Mrs. Lewis Cook and Mips Geor G. S. A. the D. and chinsky. Wednesday, ' genia Whitesides. n A; B. S. D. gave separate assemMiss Dorothy Harris entertained Miss Ileene Talbot Is spending a blies. The girls assembly was held few i weeks in Preston, Idaho visit- Wednesday of last week at a dinIn the auditorium and the ner party followed by bridge at the boys in ing relatives and friends. the gymnasium. Miss Ruth Laytbn of Tremonton home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. VARSITY PLAY By John Edwin Price ,i the Week-en- d with her moth- Jesse Harris. He guests included The U. of IJ. will present the spent t A painter who can with his art Mr, and Mrs. Sam Seoffield, Miss er, Mrs.' Ruth Layton. Fern Inspire those who- look upon his varsity play for Davis student M.iss Clara Bone is visiting with Fisher, Miss Delma Nelson, canvas with the feelings which dy Thursday, Jan. 9. Miss Evelyn her Charles. Nortberg, Dale' Holt and grandmother, Mrs". Venable, in ' atirred within when he was trying Blood, a former Davis student, has Ogden for a few weeks. L to express himself in color is some- attained the lead in the play. Two The family of Chan. CunningMrs. James E. Ellison is spend-n- g ther students formerly of Davis, ham is under thing more than a a few days with her, daughter, with scarquarantine ' Ilis ability to express himself Keith Brown and Wayne Tolman, let fever. Mrs. W. Prescott Dunn, in Salt . with brushes and paint may have also have parts, Mrs. Helen Tanner has been 111 Lake. Mr. Brown has been chosen the been developed by study and pracpast week with the flu. tice but the true artist is so by dramtic manager as well os one of Miss Nelda Gatley, daughter of CENTERVILLE the characters. nature. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gailey, had e v e v . The same is true of a great been chosen as queen to represent On Friday, January 3, the first the West musician. Mr. and Mm. F. W. Cottrell' left Layton ward at the gold ( Those of us who have strong assembly was held for tho year and green hall at Kaysville, Jam. Saturday for Los Angeles,. Cal. to sppnd two weeks. desires to express ourselves in 1936, in the Davis gymnasium 81st. Mrs. Della Everett and small tho first', league football wholesome and calm, confident, The Columbine camp, Daughters daughter, Donna, are visiting with game of the year, of the Utah Pioneers, will honor her mother, Mrs. Anna Bailey of Coach Worthington introduced Mrs. P,' Adams at a social far west. Mrs. Bailey was released all tho basketball fellows, Dick at herGeorge Monday from the St. Marks hoshome today. I Camp gave two harmonica solos, pital, following an automobile ac Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Muir, at alumni students spoke and Bountiful were several cident; Si guests- of Mr. and The Book of Mormon class of the the yell lenders' led the assembly' Mrs. S. D. Adams Sunday. Centerville First ward .Sunday with a number of yells and the Mr. and Mrs. George B.- Flint, school, entertained at a party Moni school song. accompanied their son .and daugh day evening at the ward hall. An : NEW FACULTY' MEMBER Mr. and Mrs. Leland enjoyable evening was spent playDavis high school is honored to B; Flint, of Salt Lake, to.Dttroit, ing games and refreshments were have added to their faculty Miss Mich,, where Mr. .served to 85. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Rose Reeves, who is taking the attend the ElectricFlinty JY., will Refrigeration David Smith of Murray, former vacancy left by Miss Myrintha convention. residents of Centerville, was buried Burningham, t Jan. 2nd. He was pnjy a few Miss Reeves is a graduate of Twenty young friends t! Mar- here old. hours Mills college at Oakland, California tha Knowlton honoreJ her with' a Mrs. Herbert Streeper and daugh and had been attending the Uni- surprise fiarty at the home of Mr. ter, Miss Carmon Streeper left versity of Utah this fall, after hav' and Mrs. Clifford Smith .lat Sat Friday to visit Mrs. Charles Nelson ing spent thtf supimer touring urday afternoon. Miss Knowlton of Redwood city, California. Mrs. .. . With Nelson is a sister of Mrs. Streeper expects, tq leave hfa week-en- d Europe. MYs. "F. Mr. her R. they will be away three weeks. Mrs. Horten C. Miller parents, apd at ij' Mrs. Richard Sedgwick of Lay-tohome make their Knowlton, for tp present filling the vacancy left by spent several days last week Miss Martha Ross, English and the next few months at Hurricane, her sister. Mrs. Celia Roberts with . . Utah. art instructor. , Frank Worsley, Sr., of Los AnMr. anfl Mr 5. Elmer Flint of fait . F. Cal., is visiting his son, geles, Club pins and, emblems for the Lake is visiting thfs .week with and other relatives. F. F. A. have arrived. The emblems are small replicas of the club insignia, and worn on bluo ' sweaters. The pins for the first V year students are brqnze and. those for the second year studepts are gold. Rehersals for. the, a'nnual play will begin January .14. nOe of the set of films fj m Akin and Bagshaw. of Denvei is expected Wednesday Jan.'8. Wc; never forget that our reputa On Friday, Jan. 10, approximate tion in the community was built, ly ninety students will attend the and depends, on fair and square annual Ogden Livestock show. They will leave in buses in the dealing And friendly service. morning and return In time for for yourself, we are more the buses to carry their regular Except t loads. Mrs. Everest refuse 193G0 to- - W .WITH LESS GAS ess oil.. Hess upkeep J - two-cour- se I n, "A:..: ? e m i . . , . - n, DAVIS .HIGH . : ;. . IMPROVED GLIDING Ypn may as wcll save . . . RIDE money particularly, more tfca motoring wlien you can get tmoorbaif, safari rida of oil pleasure in addition to subs tan tial pavings . . . and that is the , ENGINE happy experience of people who. buy new 1936 Chevroiets. firing avan balfar parformonca With This new Chevrolet is fasti Its ' van la if got and ail piritedl. lt goes places as you want. your new car to go! 'And ALL THESE FEATURES AT es with less gas and oil All of CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES .which naturally makes it a much better investment. a ride in this Come d cor and AMD UP. fin prim a fhm SmtAmi only complete .' value. Coup a ml Flint, Michigan. With tampan, of its greater .get proof spara tin and tinlack, U !S CffKVKOLKT MOTOB CO., DETROIT, Mica. here-- KZW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ' . KNEE-ACTIO- . a tafstf and Onoathagl avar dotal dpo4 N i . ' ( 1956 CHEVROLET FOR , when you drive more money In your packet More miles- of pleasure " ?' , M HIGH-COMPRESSI- 6afiaw SOLID STEEL TURRET TOF . for fraat af tphfif trowa of beauty, a . GENUINE FISHES ' NO DRATT VENTILATION In New Turret Tap Bodies VALVE-IN-HEA- t . ' the mo! beautiful and ccwiforfoble bodie avar created for f lotrprkedsat D 495 in-ta- low-price- .! thaliit-prhe- SHOCKPROOF STEERING taolu ng driving nailer and taint additional,. chon an Moimt Models only, 120 additional. Prices smarnd ' in this other tieemenl orelitl at Flint, Muhi- - , fian, and lubject to thongs without m dips., A General Motors Falun, Arw Grwty Reduced Q.MA.C.TIME PAYMENT PLAN 'before 67, Tha lowest financingChmaUFt emt in G.M.A.C. lam da- Compare, titered pruts. . Mastering the Art of Living - John-Adams- . CoJ& Vpn Smifli (Chevrolet Co TELEPHONE LAYTON, UTAH 216 brush-mechani- c. : I 9. v Rates Lov Night n oil siation-to-statio- calls begin at 7 . . $mwi aw! err (KskVjO (Ssfr . F.-A- 1 . v I i Ji M si I - Saturday & Sunday She Couldnt Take It George - kJoan Bennett' Billie Burke - Wednesday & Thurs. Double Program . The Carnival Lady Steel Bullet : Ray Smiths farewell will be gelek, 'California. held Sunday evening at 7 oclock . in the Centerville- First ward., A THOUGHTS FOR SERIOUS" arbeen very good program .has MOMENTS . ranged. Mr. aad Mrs. son Life is to be fortified, by many and daughter, John and Dawn f friendships. To love and bfe loved Magna, Utah, visited Sunday' with sthe greatest happiness of existheir daughter and Mr tence. ' S. Smith. Mrs. also Mrs. Lester Burgin-and The wind and waves are Fred Burgin, , always The funeral Services of Mrs. the ablest navigator. Mary Ann Lowell, who passed Gibson. away Thursday, at the Salt Lake hospital was held Sunday in the Twenty-Fourt- h ward chapel in Salt Lake. Mrs. Lavett is an aunt of Mrs. Fred Burgin,. and has visited in Centerville on several occasions. Mrs. Joseph N. Ford is. visiting Ji her daughter, Nora, in Los An- - Chas.-IIowter- Raft Walter Cbnnally , Fri;, Sat., ahd Sun. Broadway Gondlier REX THEATRE son-in-la- w, , a. . . " (0T? - Open For Business Interest'd in the satisfactory, i Arctic- T Monday; V daughter, the Funeral- services . will be held Sunday at 1 p. m. in the 17th ward chapel in Ogden and burial will be in Mt. Ogden Memorial park ceme ' tery in Ogden. - ter-in-la- Pearys P-- m. Enjoy iciiat with members of your family or friends in - . t other towns., . ; - . Admiral . pre-ceedi- I . Marie, who was bom in 10. Without a will. low-co- The place for Friendly Service Doughty Chevrolet Co. Bountiful Phone 80 i3th Auto Repairing st operation of your Chevrolet .than anyone,. That is why the entire efficiency of our modern Pervice Department is organized mound the single aim to give you the best service at the lowest cost! January Several boys are' entering stock in the club division. Rex. Robins of Layton is entering some Holstein cows, club division. Taul Riley of Bountiful is entering some Jersey rattle, club division. Charles Mann of Bountiful is entering several specimen of registered Suffolk sheep, club division, James and Allen Burns of Bountiful are also entering registered Suffolk sheep, club division. The Intermountain Seed show i3 being held in conjunction with the Ogden Livestock show. Boys from the Davis chapter are entering truck garden seeds from Bountiful and pea and bean seeds from Sinclair Gasoline and Oil Accessories . Used Cars have taken their usual drop in price since January 1st and yon can save money if yon see . f. - v pa Sale first before yon buy your next used car. From $15 to $100 under the mi prices asked by other dealers, in some cases. Besides, you save by using our GMAO terms. Sure Well trado. m MCDERMOTT AUTO SERVICE Doughty PHONE 252 BOUNTIFUL, "UTAH Corner 5th South and Alain Chevrolet Co. Bountiful Phone 80 i i JANUARY 18 and Return Limit April ' Make . . ' 15 yout plans to travel on this Excursion, and ride 0 straight to Mid-print- er You'll enjoy comfort.. .safety, speed, courteous service every mile oi the way. Union Facific offers .truly luxurious transportation at remark- ably low cost. Midwinter Excursion tickets "..are good in standard FuTlman cars, the last word in travel comfort. Liberal Stopover Privileges Visit Boulder Dam Enroule Other Lent) RcunJ Trip Fartt In Cffcct Every Day O For Full Partimlara Consult Local Agent i |