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Show & o (&rtsrtv Y Gr-.if- ft); .VOLtJMfc IMM m " ft lift LAMPS', VI A II, JlM'ARY ?, IW5 llEVEJi in IHiiMiI M Minute of Meeting V,; Of School Board .. m Held Monday f gu!ar meeting ef lie board of education MJ at Ihe . office ift Earmingtoa, Utah, Mo. 4Ay, January $, 1938 at 1:30 p. n. Members present; St. W. Adams,' Joh Jt. Rampton .Ezra B. Tarnsb, ; Horace Van Flerf. amt David E. Cook. Also, the 4lerk and th stpe'ristendent. Vic president John H. Ramptoa, presiding. ... , Tfi nrttiutu st the jrv!ou , .meeting were read, amended and, motion ef Ur. Cool unanimom- fifirnffe J ! . . -. h approved. Cook nil , . Greeted hv Tihvt AHh-rircui- s los Event Extraordinary "Appearance of Thee will be a celery exhibit at the Ogden Livestock show en Monday, Jan. 13. Dv. A. U Wilson ef the agriculture gellcge has charge of this exhibit. The purpose of acmaking this exhibition is I quaint the producers with a nuni-b- e ef new vaeieties cl celery. fr, Wilson has been conducting a ntim bef of CKperimoirtal variety test of this cfop which las been produced on the Davis county expert mental farm. He ha some valuable . . . be m pfepaflftf uSnday conduct funeral, he suffered 0 partial trokv however, he bad with me time T suffered foe atomacb trouble. Hi wife tua lira bee Iff Ut month. Mr. tboMa it fe eon ef the late well known choir leaden Edward Thomas and Hulda Stoddard Thom as and was born in Bountiful where ke had lived until few years ago when he moved te Price, Utah where he has since lived. He is ebont 44 ytam eld and ftaves a Vife, Ida' Knighton Them-a- s n end. several children, f whoin, a daughter, is ritarried. Vw ' m- -i City Council Make Repty taArticle in ; . Weefcn P&pcr Ntluon Kd$? 4 Orva! Tbowiai, fuftera! iimtof, f formerly ef Bountiful, tow In rric, IJtal. mdie!thatef pneumonia the hospital ity pccertling t worj ftiv4 hrt by flativs SIXTEEN WWW iWWiH . By ATM iKWAftO I assVe a Tha Wvgtest nttractioq muViTlg is in last? I weeks iVch appear4he paper, that hgi teui eu way ha many ediisor ha.s , fcpeivdd the following month, i2 fiot yov.il, ivijllie rommunicatiea foip the .Mayer coffetf of Nelecn Edvly, apfttivny and fe' dty eouheij f Bountiful. ' nk th Balt Lille Ysbarrficfc, Wod-nusd- ty . ; . . . gte,riirwr. Januait V are Yfapt you.' do- exit . viurt Every reader of tbh psptf hftuwld isti V jfiv out ny false or mis- - . sifcrt Kt this epjjoftuVilljr ptis but leading efa'tements ia regard to , ' txy yewr CikatS tnirMediAtfly thus the Municipal Light Plant, and ' avokling ktrh liiBypointmr'tot ty that po would wait us. to curreet Uft sftUirf etifiiC Tie great ouch rro iironts 'statement that , asy "sbeiviacl will te filled Vith Blight lav appeased in.last.week4' , f fiends and Viv of in w 8 if. Urtich1 in yetir paper You must fi there This articl had scverAl glaring ' treat with them, wiisrtab-ment- Editor; 2934. Wv - . information for Utah producers. are interested if. celery raising should be cure te see bis exhibit at the Ogden show next AU who -- ,le tii Kaysville Council -- - Mates Assignments - yt-rs- a - m iws-mb- SixfyFour Out uf 80 Sports Carnival in Junior High School Boys Complete Farm Mr. & Mrs. C. Dayton ,11 Celebrate Their Golden Wedding I Projects Teacher Says l - 13th Monday, fsm-ilia- lr . I To-hav- i 1932-19- pre-ftent- e 33 ed lit t, cs J mar-vvloun- ly g-e- t thir t lov-jni- e i ! aut-lor)- - Bountiful City Council Takes Office Monday pro-tcxitio- - . n, V -- -- Layton Socks More .County Rrc Funds tst m, ar f, Ban-gerte- rs n, .. t -- eoach-.es,'as- f v ft I -- i k Former. Farmington Danker Dies of i, Ike -- i -- m r t f Pneumonia 4d-mti- M o. 'thV.p piifi-ljc- Clearfield Council Members Installed !, -- eif-citi- ci-cfn- . ' ft ( ji I rAKaS."" - V 'Ccnterviile JIaydr $ h. ts dp-ipa- nd . Davis County Drive Nets Biff Return his-earl- jt tru-gee- s. -- OpcnS Second Term al i d ,$ dis-pair- ed .w eJ . " ot t ., reported that be eliited neighborhood in West feint . arjd failed, to give Moeiday. And. South Hooper where Gamer Of tho ftest rtirt ct th Aay, important hgurfs bropgljt .Vut at . . DeiORE NICHOLS . bus .travel and the residence f her ia hi er wore tiodet and the founcjl mpeting showing tiaW County Agricultural Agent, .. renter on Mrs. TarJap living ufusssuitirvg than this fleet f epulae the Municiptl plant Jiacf saved ttie fiers form referred to in the last .' f it s! alwsl ty ionsideraWe amount. uigef. il meeting. After explaining the lo-nvefntfehf. . lrliaps Fiewt Naughty llf let us- state that - . .AftMty, the present baa route, and Mariatta," lh vnovinjf pietijr .of Hose people wfiom your .article . lh6' condition of the road, he Virtor Herbert's tunefut tight called taypuvors1 w6f& the fptlow-ia- g that the route be elianf-a- d la whirls he with epef, pvrsonsr i..D. )tghdovinr itlip- -' . Cafnmitfee assignments for Kay eo that the bus will travel west It i very probable that funeral added A hi ager tJ th onH.titie MacDonald, Jeanette, light com- t Th priests rf fti H wife 'to George fair corner on services wil Ibe held. in Bountiful ville city vtmrcilmen were announc ahrlna lsni-Lhap- , Ivessul I tJtelr rsre- pepftlarity. Thi frictur wa tije Joha I. R. . Burningham, the street running wet passed the and that burial will take place in ed Wednesday by Mayer Myron nmlaj testinenta and wearing long eona shaped tmta, waiting to rtrflv till nf being th Uek fictara of Iny; Alvin NewUm Mosj," SmitK.lt and, W, Phillips.' Mr. rhillip and the fiuyilaia tuttlng and Arthur K. Vernay, who aflev five gross vt ni;otl-tlonWest frint achool; thence north the Bountiful cemetery. lb year. "This never eetilj have was these well known' citincns who-councilraea were (rrtntttd to enter l.tinva, th holy tty af Ylbct. They wer were installed at a one mile; thence east i mile to A sister, Mrs. William fiurtilng-hahappened without Ntlao Eddy. wer tiad enouglvCo offer us ad- ihe present route. ! explained is in California foe her hus- special meeting held at U city (vllvctlnf aM(tiroi'loirl uinterlnl foe the Amerlcna Muatuus aad inr His glorious tarrlon spic thrill- vre en tiowr io run our sVptem, hall New Yeara day. taukat peclntens for tie Sev fork ttoranlcwt GanWna. that tha street' running east, here bands health. v , ed 11 time mho board him. Jusl m Vv g.atual 'for cotapet-i-lIt wotild The revised list ef Committees referred to, is.not graveled, so that His mother) Mr. (lull Thomas, Wilt he thrill thn thousand who Asbdwvc to, submit to you' or follows: Judiciary, finance nd an bad weather it. may be necessary and several slaters also eurvive, ahnll next at us figure Wodnesday (hat wuld; lACempt to . Vz mile north then light, If. J. Carnes and Frank L. . U gcr another Pthe taWriukd with. U mooderfnl aid hi iial' east add back eowipany. We deny .the cor-Layton; eewer and sanitation, Mr. the 4 mile in order Coutiva V reetaes of his KgurfB, And we es- . r Layton and E. V. Sanders; water to keep of graveled road. 4 was Ajnerir nothat that there jwcially stale be . frouff Eddy will and fir department, Mr. Sander Ur. Adams moved the approval hor vithia fts boderi. Ilia birth increase in the-lttax levy as hw -and John I!, Blood; streets and . Jan- f the recommendation, Mr. Tar would was indicate. The Municipal . . at Providence, Khod Islajml, highways, Mr. Blood and A. W, fish seconded the motion whieh White a lad ha 29, 190. plan Ira Vocationsl July rfiarges only fh tame rate , definite .The is Ab ytt ... Nani r.amps Jenkins, agriculture and cemetery and publie was discussed, put and carried unhad te b self aupperting and alaa m t eoftipt-tition plant did for are the Ike and ly l)ern, Nance upward Mr, path, Armstrong judging grounds) and Mr. animously. hi aid stlset mother mas Fifty years age young man Barnew ia wiYwed who Jights from a rtatixtical repoit isut4 by past years. 'IJ they to everyone in Davis county. Hills were presented, approved and his in Nclaof 'n very tendet youth. Ha hav establihhed a pdw lower rate,. charming bride took their inF. Davis in who Thoeb Kamil are Smith, interested sports high by the member, passed and order-a- d marital vows In the Logan temple attention $ wieet thiy structor nd reunty supervisor of and, skiing also know ef Tat loved to sing, but what ehanca was it it. paid. and went to Layton to make their music there , ' rat. fof teacherf. vocational agriculture, Wednesday OSchockm: nd Alf Engek i The auditor's report for the per- home. That was New them enquired mony and that was ltd ft give an example of many years ago During 1933 HO boys commenced worlds record ski jumper, . iod covering the school years and many changes have taken what lis- I small saving that our lug lacked. tut.t ouli 6ft We with believe tho uf the that Municipal projects, people f completing and 1933 and 1334 was place in the face of progress thru- oliows. South Davis county will be the first ts nta the phonograph and flay plant has given th city over the the work, quired report elm and Gvi f the grading and ejccepts from it read by out the world. Yes, changes that Seven youths who did not have f over ami aver again records mad competitive plant. ;Duri,ng 1935, ones have the pppotfunity superintendent, on motion of have meant sorrows and pleasures. for actual crop production seeing all of these famous sports- by the greet baritones ami try to our plant charged tiro city. $239.34 Ur. Adams the rpport was receiv- Yet, through all those trying times of , for power used on the cify pump ' in spccisl studies under men under" one roof at th rame sing like they. I developed, ed And ordered filed. that young eoupl af the yester- - ? started Wednesday. A total ef angsged how but irksome .ho well; the competitive plants rate hava n thcr workers Mr. Bmitho direction. Only nine time. Fof at Bountiful next Mon to walk th Thd Superintendent reported im- - years have stood by theif solemn T foe a similar servide would have ' to itrwta failed to complete work, while 1 day evening at 8 wclock. in the trying yvovCment noted 1a the conduct of vow and their love has never tv fcc.e!l t,v, been ISIO.RO1. '.This is a clear sawboys romplcted two projects each. Junior 'high school, all' f thse work to da. He began as mxnd tudents riding the Bamberger changed. They kept their faith fof a . .. ing of $271,45 to the City. boy chncirn large The shows nawspeper also that CO men and several ethrTs, equally report trains-an0 read a late from Mr. T tf4 ift sorrow In addition ,the pump Is always nd and to arose the bert cent gradually the ef nalr miles long, will ba covered per group finished theiy noted, wil? appear ia a grand BamBerger in which he pcknowledj pleasures. Kroked up io the power line to be reporter en th staff fof tki. daily f four work as outlined, with credits sports carnival which is being publjcatiei. as a pidch bettor condition. The im ppth The young eoupfe in gueition, used 'ef fire. If the pump to nd $8824.26 total Bountiful sponsored by tha South t drainage will amounting has. been brought about Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Uyton incheV On nil were hocked up to the competitive charges of $4936.16, leaving a prof ward. Ihysrcafty fie ll ft master, aUmJ- wlc through the actions of the student are now aged and in their declin- - "eesltat building a new "would w plant, have to $ap g... it ef $3,688.10. Iaid labor amount' In addition there will h t learn ing ai foot one. A Ti'gge4 phyfeBC , body at the school where a student ing years. Yet, they smile aver !" monthly charge ef $62.50 even 4 $629.! 8, leaving a labor in- of r.Vordspien front. Salt Lake give sique and healthful living combined court wa$ established U faquir their hardships and live again thru KDV1 Wiseman will superintend ed we. did not pump a drop of though k which will cost f8.742.J0 come ef $4517.28, or an average f angxHibition duel with awords and fo giv Nelson Eddy a fiealthy Into complaints, their pleasures and happy rtminle- . vratef. . $70.68 for rack boy. en life. Whjle be any be rahers.- This ia an art that is well Superintendent Burtofi reported cnce ef days gone by. The eity.ow has ample fire The 4 a haeheler ?ie Is neverthemost termed know And countries profitable projects European . that Myrinthn Burtiingham has re- -, Tuesday evening this aged tow-p-i vid the dijizqns may now were dairy products, raising peas Is well worth neeing, although less a devoted son to that dearest looked back uyon.thos yestertigqed her. position at the high save further y sum by not nead-is- g and Soul him. to fiis another,- She lives tomatoes, with melons showing there have bee few exhibitions of vchool and accepted a position in years and rejoiced. They were celeta carry siwh high: insurance; a loss. Mr. Smjth traveled 45C8 aueh- in the West. On the tame and moves in him and has eertain-l.'Salt Lake Qity. To We-- , the place ho brating their Golden Wedding an' suggest that miles in supervising the boys acti- program ill much ef which. to several be competitor be II proud. given Dr. C. J. Stocks started hi sec'recommended the appointment' of niversary in their home.' They wer Ashdowru submit his figures to onr . he vities, with ilivs in Wrestling exhibitions with wne e Beverly Hitts, Miss Rose Reeves who is new at surrounded with their children and ond term as mayor ef Bountiful two bojting bout, as well. California, fils, fa 'mail exceeds plant manager, rftther than to the the school filling the vacancy. On grandchildren. Mark ef many following inauguration ceremonies .Ab Jenkins holds 4h worlif any other actor e star ll Holly new8jpapjebs..Our manager, who is mdlion of Mr. Adams, after a dis- mot years of qU vanished from Monday, an expert, can gjvo them their record-focpntinuaiu driving and wood. This Indicate bis startling Other officers Installed with hha cussion the fiecoramcndfttioa was their faocssmilea beamed f the an5 ndvie us about pfopc has. broke more '. rpeed etvords i ih hearts tff his peopls. . approved. happiness flowing from ,, them. their were, John C. Bangerter, Jr., four than any living cnaa. In wdditlo ta I , His .career Is Ih most Import The superintendent reported the hearts. Friends passing ky tailed year eoupcilman; Durell T. Bun-haWe lru(5$ tbat servants of the Kis tejling ef yome f his experaj his He life. tivt gnd taxpayers, we shaH James E. Bums, Steven II.! King ja wish them well. eignation.of Miss Rosa from the for a moment "always plac Ivaylo town board members, iences, ha will biiig with hint the scathes his efngs. He is thei intprestj "alievg those of thft .High school faculty. He has been It was a glorious event for all. ' Runiel, 4we-yeeotyicilmen. Mr.' qnalfy f his raeps at 8 with tbs great masters as conipctkive system. . Rumel succeeded Georgs Grshsm Tneeting with ihe Davis epunty moving pictures take Mr. Layton Vas bom in Knyt-villm&bleas yet to fend a satisfactory on This with old melodies asd ballads. His beds KeWora. salt eomtriissioticrs, thp asked at,' Monday, that' on the temDee. candidate for the place aftd is eourcit ft is also Mr. Utah, IT. 1868, and his Respoctfully submitted to tho the one lcm would iqnke tha eofccerts aver the radie have on .present $1000 fire department thing first elected term although porary usijig Mrs. Iontf Osmend wife, Victori Jno WglkJr lay-tocitizens e$ Bountiful - cleared film t tfie musical was born in Croydon, Morgan he has been serving for eome time maintenance appropriation I rais- entertainment ufficieitlT intemtMiller as a substitute until a teach ' publie. r to $15QO. ing te way onn. His programin Galt Lake. will bb er is secured. Da motion .the ftctio county, Utah, July 1863. She ws under appointment. J. A. Tayor ed Declaring . J. Cl STOCKS, it' ) that o at ena be will oh Armstrong impostho first wbito ehjld lor in that is th holdover ou Heilman. sur fo fleajsa 11. Eve h hrmt approved. JQHtf G. BANGERTER, sible tfr the locAl department lo Americas famous. foetLali d He reported thgt Mist Lettie community, i is climod. feast' mosj gxacklsg shall havl Lloyd S. Stile was returned to . '. Ds T. BURINGIIAM, bis .fostbaH l5ng 4h'be rejnembeced. Quoting hps take offico as recorder and ftello S. continue nswewng. calls autfkle Thatcher of the Junior high tchdel They are th parents JAMES E. BURNS, t frofis Lajrtow ynles additional fund are , mediocre fiosftion be on from friend of iNglsdi Eddy's, had met wnth a serious autqmobile hom ro still Jiv Sessions, as teasurer. ' H. RUMEL, 'S. ef secured the delegation explained thp best in the "United States. ha lslike LinCdn, of the, people, Appoinive offices wetw filled' As that , accident Wnd will be olit of Ichool ing; Jamel Archie Layto, Layto J, A TAYLOR, Ira Dorn, nly twe ef 15 runs fnade in OTSchockef, follows: A. iaytoh, Los for several weeks. Mrs. .Virgin! reef ily by lh pwpje And for th people Hejjwbrth, ity 1985 Angeles; Ad City CounciL. Mayor in . . werp Sharman, pnd'othea faipoun-weest-Layton, Ffcrrish CJiamberlain la substitut- Lrttoorn Alice and Elizabeth always, He wantp Tu3 pfublic to ntrshal; Frank Vann, water and Action Lay will ofr the exhibit thqlr devfrest enjoy fiis matte was deferroad superintendent; James Stacey ton; Layton and lave eight ing In hor lace. fonpertnu TaiiTiftakin grand red until the hols and will the care thefiistjves f engage , tho Justice The superintendent ec6mlhftd- -' children, of . ait'me.ting geqco; Aaron Sr, ls(always excrcisod ia his se--1 . ip several exciting bouts. Mr. and Mr. Laytol Lave flection at umbers, .thifs ajsufing the purchase of a piano for the Dr. D. L. coramissionyri, George, poundkeepwfr; the fameu? 4Elt .all who attendjust? what.Vicy de; .. Jew music roorf at thp Davis voted their livas to their family, Kesler, wig physician; Charles & G. Couynittee fnemburs trer Lea ,Alf Eng,en to ski i ant Sandali, hoard Jumper wjio . holds the ire Frtfe "from wil mannerifira president t high. On motion ot Mr. AdamSj the Church and, the oommilnity.ta Trump, fire chjef.All except Mr. Vifd worlds Cook, 281 record. . Daniel feet clerk; ... and singing vifirt utmost base, yet Sullhah, . seconded by Mr. Van Fleet the fee Jhich they nave made tUeis home, Man pd Vr, Gsorgo are acw tonard Laytw and J..W, Vara, JumP He will fptalV.iif hi Ails with s6ill V ach number, 4h Theiy days lave boesi tnany onfmendatfcn wae approved, appointees. . . ,and .ski cortdme andteH us hbw o has thehr haeniories Jie 'clerk Cdnarittee assrgnmirts gpffov-- d trustees. message ot the Composer sifrely reported that the flcraqe W. Clark .former assisit feels ihe tp fly lr through for reaches ares received Jby the tant cashier of the Davis County Waterworks eut.and at the Davis high chool, fs funthf. enjoy and ( yublk Inis Jorig distance, and o othe'i; vast apdrepces attpmling hip . J3anl ot Farmington, died at the property, Ni. Bangerter; watef ,, finished. He read a latter from tfce ones linger adventures ift Ikiing. - ; . Dee hospital in Ogden, Wednesday such P. W, A. aesidbnt inspector and -' wold, fisance and license kntl everywhere. Ije is.jn modest prices yill frevaif Very f pneumonia following a four day . that Ceg A. it one from Me. Pope, tbfe architect J. JiJu 'waterrflcessapy ANSWER Taylor; property, . all Illness. pnd funds will tKe ' to to befusb yountlcas invitatitms 4 go pne-works, stfeets gftd .public property, stating the work finished, on Jan, k w 1 was the son of the fit Clark .Mr. of the South installed toyn Bountjful Sunday 'sing and tours alraagd for .him. V 2, 19o6, j , , speakers has the Mr, Rumel; stpoets fiwftice and li , . , and Susan Leggitt T. E?A Kchool. latq "Clearfield, Monday "Mr. Adams meved th adpptjon IIcAise.of Representatives TbadJ eftse, healfb.;ahd sanitation, Lake is most, cprtajnly1 Clai'k and was born in Farmington fjalt jy 1 a resojuton to accept the vfork, ,2. Whf wm Marta Luther? Burningham; balh"tfnd sanitation, r!ght at a melting held at the foltunate in securing .Nelson Eddy and would have been 54 years old Smith Cannirig company office. AVhere 3. Dr." Stooicp; health is G Talfttino ? the 23rd of this coming March. gjve notice of.the occupancy of the nasanititioa, , Tax.)- . for .this onceytt and it is strdngly on ife'lived Other in Salt Lake (luring installed a effi;er,s so Carl Dr., Keeler," rooms, and instructing the clerk to urgej that all attend whp possibly he attended school B.. Green, G Wilfcrd Guthrie, Dawhere life i. Jlufry act rowhT Secure yoyr iw , notify the Pft W. A. officials aqd for some time in After vy Layton .and D. M. Ntlrion, town ricket-8, 'Which is .the Iargest make final application Jfor the at oned from GI.n Brotlier Salt Lakeworking the contirnt for telephone com-- , A hoard drive to collect delinquent ta- - Music 6 V ho Eait: With Ctant ftjnds. Thl motion was sec- South on Main v Clark moved malice to FarmiMr. (kurfany .a pany, In Davis county, , JJr. Smith "apd Mr. Layton .were oded by brought a to-- stretj in Salt Lake City..' This at- ngton to work in the aDvis Counook, discussed and ward rone, with tarity for bJIV9 . of $37,153.03 Into the county's traction is T.Tien it is noon irr New reolgcted "to. their respective nosi Qrijcd unanimously. " York sponsored by the Ex- ty Bank of which his father wa coffers. , tions,. . . 3 in Los Redemptioh DivisiSn certificates tension of the University one of the founders. He later loMeeting adjburne. Angefes? . numbered 454. Henry. A. (ilevelaxd, for tha parj cated in Clearfield where he resid8. Wha is , , . Utah. of , wampum? rour pears presich?nt of the town , , ed until 1925, when the family-moveThU 9. drive, Yhowas tne Snow Baby? Mrs. Floyd Huston, of Ionftt, u JOKES rponsord by the . boards started his Etcond term tliis to Ogden. He was engaged E'ate 'tax commission, started Nov. Mich., is proud of her black eye Mrs. ICathryn C. Miliman has in the life insurance business at; week after Jy3,bond3 were approvSurffJaj School teacher: Chaxles 1 and ' ended January, 2. given acdden'Jy by her Eon. The t ed were, approved ky l&frd mem can you tell me why the lion failed to discover any, special the time of his dpath. Partial ANSWERS " blow caused her towegain her sight payment certificates Besides hi3 wife, Jeanette Ben-zo- n bers. eat Daniel J , .t , fjint four-lea- f in charm a Fifty-Eigh- t. 1. numbered 128 Clark he is survived by six possessing and in the eye that doctors had amounted Charles couldn-V'butOthers also ir.Ettfiled at the" meet another to , 051.28. 2. and daughters: Mrs. Alton Leader tons colThese of Las the for a the clover; of. although Protestant Ref inj included: Clarence Reeves, Hgr Lr;ght boy had an answer ready; ments partial payon delinquent property rro. lection of 500 she notices no Halverson, Mrs. Earl Dudman, formation in Germany. bert Haacke, Wallace Walton and "Because mosf of him was grit 'ide for Allen II., Maurine, Horace W., Jr. 3. At the eastern end the extension of the tax A state highway patrol officer of John Q. Adaens, trus'ees .All ex- and the rest was backbone. and Lyman Clark .all of Ogden; & change in luck. ale date for one Mediterancan. year8 time, Coun and ten brothers and recently was arrested by a city cept Mr. Adams, a holdover, were Mike Nolan, foreman at the Fort grandchildren Laura ty Irrasurer 4. Eenjamin Franklin. Jacobs said, Mrs. in officer Committee Che sisters, elected at Silver, lira. motorcycle for speeding appoints include: Fimunicipal elections 5. Asia. a Alice Steed. Mrs. Sarah Knowrltcrs. transient camp Morgan caught Raleigh, N. C. held Ncvember C. nance, Ur. Cleveland; roads and C. Lincoln. rattlesnake with nine rat- Mrs. Annie Tanner and Jose?'. An Oregon man, John Woodson Mrs. Ida Perry of Illinois was five-foHarold Roberts and LeRoy Dun- sidewalk, Mr. Wakon; water suSalt Lake; M. C., Edwin, L, 7. 9:00 a. m. was burred about the face when can .both incumbents, were install- perintendent, Mr. Haacke; public drowned in a bath tub when her tles and a button. Nolan offered Clark, D. and Nathan Clark, Farmingt: 8. Beads and shells the shell" rims of his eyeglasses used bv the ed as recorder and treasurer, re property, Mr. Adams and public head became submerged r.fter she the snake for Eale through the and Wilford Clark, lullen Indians for money. fainted. want ads of the Mobile Register. caught on fire as he lit his cegar. sanitation, Mr. Reeves. ppectively. ,,Mr. lie l . New Varieties of Funeral Director Celery to be Shown Oml Thomas of At Ogden Show Price Utah Dies . 1 |