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Show ! ITE9 WEEKLY Jack The American animal flnt The Jack was the bur- carrying for man by Ike- L one - N .v; v'Txs',J ears WWW1 gyi ' ..;.; 'At ;' "'A ' NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH mm THIS WEEK s' ; WU-so- $ ' ' f ? ,' v si V nett saya he will prove, In a book, that Wilson war la and waa kept out of It ' by three men Champ Clark, Congressman Flood and Gaude Kltchln, Democratic floor Wadef f. j the house, wanted 1916, .. Hpw debp should we btfVe Sunk in our tlepreaslon If Woodrow WU son had carried eut his allege plan anJ started the yar ojig. jear ahead of time 4n 191C? How many millions of American would have been killed ftheywere always honored Aith front rmA tens of bilplaces)? Hcf ma-nlions wdald have been added to the public debt a ad the repudiate debts pf Europe? , . CV- i . . iv t s i if her one hundredth anniversary as an American commonwealth, la n - it.-- . unique among her sisters In the Union. In fact, she Is the ldg sister" of them all. Into her 203,803 square miles could be dropped all of the six New England states together with New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania, and w there would still be room for Ohio and Illinois. As a matter of fact, when ahei came Into the sisterhood of states DO years ago, she brought with her a much larger territory than that Altogether there were 3S!),10G square miles of It, For, aa the map above shows, It comprised all of the present Lone Star state, the western half of the present state of Oklahoma, the eastern hnlf of New Mexico, an Irregular but sizable chunk of Wyoming and a larger segment of Kansas. But It Is not In the matter of size alone that Texas Is unique. She Is the only one of the 43 states who was an Independent republic before ahe Joined the sisterhood of Sfntea. As such she had her own army and navy, she sent envoys to European courts and received ambassadors at her capital in return. Six flags have flown over her lands. Spain first claimed sovereignty, bnslng her claims to Texas on the discovery of'Amerlca by Columbus, the O ' .... v Bki 'Cv. I fe'Tf . . d, yya; ir'lij? r -- i Aaciaml ... HiitarA ah-ele- nt tlme.-i-CoRie- X V Introduced Study of Gramma Crates of Mnllus (Second century B. CIcillan Gneek granjniarlnn, editor of Homer and librarian ai Pergamus, Is said to have first Introduced the study ef grammar It Rome where he was a lecturer. eqe-ha- e a a . d),i HERES THE. concert.-agains- '. , Rome calls the Generar diwputch "customary . opian lnaccurhcy." 1 . David. Crockett pres-Ido- nt . ." ttt !u-e- Nippr . . ' . t , I ' - ' ' ' SAFEGUARDS EYESIGHT! v v , f ' b Ethi- - ? ,'i . Dejaz-matc- i s aYfti V . , " " Former .Goverttos AlfrM. .E. Smith, booked for a Big political, tdlk In Washington p. c, nd in- vited by Mrs. Roosevelt. tt st6p tbe White House during ,hls sty in Wwshlngton, declines the tavltje, tlon, expltiiniifr that he will have too big a crowd with bha. Politicians do ot t hi pit that the only reason. They expect Governor Smith to tcut loose" and say tilings about the administration Ibut woulji not come gracefully fsotn a Wtjite s , . House guest. , . J JyfW v r' i , 1 r. a THAt Involved. They say the Italians are Catholics, therefore, not Chrlj-tiun-s which would amuse the Italians,' If they had time (or amusement rlght-tewgr- d 7V V ...-- e LAMP . Mr. and Mrs. Triplet of.JenklAs, Ky, tgho have Just received, (rom. . , j Hitler knows what he wiuj4. tells tbe rest of the world, and thus far the world has let him heljf . b known , Lamp, sight-savin- .. ? ad as, light ' i , '- F in- SvndicatWalaw WNl S.rvte. tf. . . - , , y . ' Priced as Low as' ,,.., Easy Terms.. -- V . Wc he glad to help you with your lighting problems , VU1 i 9 C t Sic it, in our .nearest store, or phone,. and 'vc H bring one out for your inspection. . . -- Austria will pay Uncle Sam on account of debt thirty million schillings, payment In American" paper dollars. At the current rate of exchange Uncle Sam will get $634.xi0. Our paper dollars are, convenient for Europeans? for they know, although we do not, that our dollar Is worth 39 cents. the new I. E. S. Better Sight combines every good feature g . himself. , He wanted an end of the ter-- ' tallies treaty and got it Jle wanted the Tight to build a'strong battle fleet and Englund consented. Now he say! he must have an air force as strong as thar of France, and will proceed to build it He demands also thtoreturn ot all colonies taken from denyany, .. a say: te t . Tkfe tump .is an. important contribution to B sttef - Light .Better Sight in the home . . . .. l t .. Leaven their third set of .triplets, We are Juft tickled to death, but Imagine our surprise." Besides nine triplets, th happy couple hhVe one set of twins, all eleven fllvjng and all fortunate, Tbe baby born in a family that want) babies-I-s fortunate child. , For the woman (ft man who does not want children, th? wise thing, is not to Have them lift the childrens sake. . - ... H A check-u- p UTAH lf a Ethiopians persist In .their theory ,9 preses-vatlon- ... r'A Did Not Know Hi Calendar Aa Egyptologist points out that Mohammed was ao Ignorant of the nature for the prnblem of a calendar that he forbade Insertion of months, s device necessary to keep his moon calendar In step- - . . . laa-guag- that they are Jhe only. Christiana signer! In Philadelphia (X) years before. That muu was Sara Houston and he did It on the battlefield of San Jacinto on April 21, 1S3G. So ft was only natural that Houston, like George Washington, should become the first of the new republic which he had heljied to establish. The capital of that new republic was named for Stephen F. Austin,. the Father of TexnJ," and by act of Iti congresa In December, 1S30, a blue flag with a single golden star lathe center became Its official flag. Houston also became the flrst governor ofl in 1843. la Tejtas when It entered fhe Union the a'ddltlon of Texas to the Union by annotation dies another of Its claims to being unique smolig the states. For Texas Is the only one w hlclf ever had the right, to subdivide itself Jnto several states If It chose Jo do so. for the The treaty of annexatloa,.rovlded future formation In the said territories of at least two states, and If more than two, then four states, and If more than four then six states, to be hereafter admitted Into the United States of America." The reason for this wording lay In the slavery dispute which was beginning to become acute at that time. If the new state was to be divided, there should be an even number, half slave and half free so that the balance of War Bepower would be kept even. Since the tween the States ended forever the question of slavery It also virtually ended the possibility Texas being subdivided, although many believe that the Lone Star state still has that right Not only did that war put an end to one of fhe factors which made Texas unique but It als added another to the number of flags which have flowA ovor Texas. For four years the Start Dd Bars of the Confederate States of America was the flag to which the Texans swore alwas back in tbs legiance. then once more Texas Unlonr under the Stars and Sftlpes. 100 years Now, Texas, looking back over her thela all the of flag of Is proud of history. Spulti, the lilies of France, the banner of Mexico, on her own bright tone Star emblem, her place tn and her star Cause "Lost the of the symbol 47 For others. the bliie with along these men on the field of composed of sovereign states, to a consolidated, other man to finish the 79b of the glorious history that ha Brazos In had started bnrk and the which all with biiivfy tfiey every up speak despotism, military central, hers. la disregarded bqt that of tbe army and the words which they had written Just as George Usioa. words had hacked eternal are enemies which e Wntitt of the tin up Washington both of the, priesthood, st - - . . y bear-hunte- resi- ' .. Wrought Jroa Iron Is the puregt form Wcoujrht ofjron commonly known to arts and Industries, containing about of 1 per cent of carbon. It Is mndfr directly from orb, or bypurl- fylng (puddling) cast Iron In a ftjr nac or refinery. - p rs r. r- - planted far martial camouflage. Ilailu Kebede sends cheerful news to his royal mftster: , We fought and beat. the Italians' from duwn to dusk.; 200 ItaK lan while soldiers, twenty Italian otlicers, killed. Cannon,- bombs and Innumerable batteries of machine guns made murderous us, but God protected your humble' Christian soldiers, and the Lion of Judu-- was .victorious." conquest of Mexico by Cortez, and the explora- set-tie- - - Th PaHbejtre X pallbearer'ls so called, frbra the fact that originally he was required fo hold up the corners anfl edgps of the pall hovering the coffin. The word paV is derived from thh Latla "pallium," meaning a cover-, let. It occurs to the English as early. w ' about 1440. . , If The Alamo the v. Peg Over Keck ef CibraheA Over the Rock of Gibraltar at erf. tain times of the year, a large, low, poos Her cloud formation, called tha "Levant" becaush It fs created by moist qasterly winds Impinging oa the. cock, .remalp& stationary for a long as 12 4&)'B at a , Are-lan- ' V tions by Cabeza de Vaca, Coronado and Pe Soto, France disputed Spain's claim because In 1034 La Salle, searching for the mouth of the Missis-sipi river, landed on the coast of Texas and planted the French flag there. But La Snlle w&s assassinated by s'ome of his men and prance e never made good her claim. . So the flag of Spain waged over Texas until o t civil liberty, thVever-readminions of power, 1821 when the Mexicans gained their Independand Hie usual Instruments of tyrants when, lorg ence from the Spaniards, and for the jiext 'few of tile Constitution has departed, after the years Texas was a part of the republic of moderationspirit la at length ao far lost by those Jn Mexico. t , of freedom Is power that even the ' seiublant-The year before Mexlao threw of the yoke of removed, and the forms even of the Constitution Spain Stephen F. Austin, the "Father of Texas," discontinued, and so. far from ther petitions left Missouri with a colony and settled In Texas. ahd Vemonstcancqs being regarded; the agents 'Other Americans followed anil by 1327 Texas who bear them are thrown Into .dungeons, and had a population of 0,000, Three years later mercenary armies set forth to foce a new gov- It bad grown to 20,000. Mexico began.tar be ernment upon them at the point of the baywet alarmed at thla Inrush of settler. Qn April 6. when, In eonsequence of bhefi acts of mal 1830, the Mexican congresa parsed a law ferhld-- , feasance and abduction on ,the part of tht- - gov, ding further colonization. ernment aagrchy prevails. and clvh society Is Bnt that did not .halt t!!e Americana Soon dissolved Into Its original elements In filch a , there weae clashes between the American crisis, the first law of nature the right c? and the Inherent and Inajleuable rlj;ht of and the, Mexican officials. B 1J535 there was a state' of open warfare for the Americans the people to appeaf to first principles and take who had become Texans were resolved to be thblr political affairs Into theft1 own hands In themfree from Mexico as tle Mexicans had resolved extreme cases, enjoin) It as a to be free from Spain. President Saqja Anna of selves, and a sacred obligation to their posterity, Mexico came to Texas with an army of 4,000 to to abolish such a jrovernuSent and create another crush the revolt On February 22, 1S36, he be- In Its stead, calculated to rescug them from Im130 pending dangers AQd th.secure Jhefr welfare and sieged San Antonio, which was held Texans commanded by CoL William B. Travis. happiness.1 After listing thelr grievances, Is In nuiliher. On March 6 Santa Annaa hosts swept over tile walla of the historic mission, the Alamo, and hey concluded tflelr work with this statement; The necessity of therefore, slaughtered Its defenders, thereby making Immortal the names of Travla, James, Bowie and decrees an eternal political separatlom . We, therefore, the delegates with plenary Davy Crockett the Tennessee had Texaa of a patribts meantime group In the pdwrs of the people of Texas, In solemn cont&e vention assembled, appealing to the Judgment of gathered at tbe town of Washington on on 2 March they adopted a a candid world as to the necessities of our conBrasoa river. There document which began with thla statement: dition, DO HEREBY DISSOLVE and declare that "When a government haa ceased to protect the our political connection with tbe Mexican B'tflon haa forever endtd and that the people of Texas Uvea, liberty and property of the people from now consfltute a FREE, SOVEREIUN.and INdo whom Its legitimate powers are derived, and DEPENDENT waa REPUBLIC, and are fully Invested It whose of happiness for the advancement with all the rights and attributes which properly a from ao far and guarantee being Instituted; nations and: conscious of for their Inestimable and Inalienable rights, be- belong to Independent our we confidently and of rectltute the Intentions, evil rulers In of hands the comes an Instrument he Issue to tbe(declslon of the commit fearlessly Republl-caFederal the when for their oppression Constitution of their country, which they supreme arbiter of th desflnles of nations." Thu the Republic of Texaa canfe Into existhave sworn to support no longer has a aubstan ence. of But the revolution In Texas did not end whole govtheir, nature the and tlal existence, ernment has been forcibly changed, without their on that date any more than any earlier revulu consent from a restricted federative republic tlon ended n July 4, 1770. It remained for an- church d lead Across crushed nalle Selassies fighting flea. HkJ e . mornlitg glory; October, hops; Ne Decent vernber, chrysanthemum; twr, holly, ths pioneer leader had 400wund keg o team pigment broajht by IMtJ Joseph th ftlalna. enough flaxseed t make the oil necessary for making the 80s ta the early Weekly. The dog is truly n aplmal of brertls many The history. The Sycamore Try yach have a oeparnfe history woven t, As the trnhk and branches ef the about tfielr early ancestjy. Thene's dog from every country. France sycamore, tree Incryase In diameter Hie Inadequate bark, Instead haa Its sheepdog, the lirlard; crack lrig longitudinally, slctughs 6lt the Kerry Bliie terrier ; Switzerland, Its St. Bernard; Spain, its. .In Irregular patches, leaving the tree strangefy marked as 4h,ough Pointer and Spaniel, snd so oa. - t ta Uta as Th first paint made la Utah records Toun. nad by Brigham 6ag ft - rler. January's flower is the snowdraf J Februarys, the primrose; MavcV violet; April, 'daisy; May, had thorn Jane, hoDeysucle; July, v ter Uly ; Afigust, poppy ; Septephc .. .a. t!rt faint .. I, . 6- - 9 af the MoaA Flower dence the church head was buHdlqg foe himself. Uncle Sdm. has oh hi hands the Job of preventlhg the spread of disease throughout the country and Its Importation from abroad. Ioctor Curran, In charge of sects for the American- Museum of Natural History, warns New York It may be Invaded by. nmlart brought Into northern New Jersey by a OCC camp wSrker- from the South. The anopheles mosquito, always present, has been spreading the germs. Me cannot do that unless he- first bites a malaria car- -' n year a. th high. to paJtvt which was applied elf-que- By ELMO SCOTT WATSON . EX A IS, who Is celebrating this feet Linseed head of the official Church of has Invited all European Christian communicants to Join la prrfyer fqr peace, with resolution outlawing all war. . Wlille the archbishop takea that, desirable, step the British government Works rapidly on 8,000 airplanes ot the fighting khrfl. Nothing like airplanes td back up prayer .for pnce. Sam. Houston. The Earliest Camel Three million years ago. aeconh lng to paleontologists, a little cre ture about the size of a Jackrabb!! roamed tbe plains of North Ajnev-IcThis was the earliest ramdl known to science, and through thl succeeding millions of years. K gradually developed Into the cam! we know today. Jhen, harlqg pop. Afoift nlated Asia It dlsapiare the American continent The Cahokia Mounds are a group The Cahokia mounds 85 mounds on least at numbering 111. The the bottoms near Cahokia, aa locally central mound known occuwas It because Monk's mound, a settlement of pied from 1818 by Is the largest artTrapplst monks, Amerificial earthwork la North Is 1,080 Meklco. it of ica north lda. snd 100 feet 716 feet long, gay, The archbishop o? Canterbury, Eng-lan- er jj Prof. A. M. Arnett of North Carob lina university says It was not that kept thla country out of war a while, but the country that kept Wilson out of the war longer than be would have stayed ont Professor Ar- vj'V hi 1 five from lean Jacks developed othfrom Imported principal breeds the Andaer countries. These lusian from southern Spain, of Malta, Cats te9e from Island Ionian from Pyrenees ou"ta,s Island Soain. Majorca from of from province Majorca. Poitou American France. In that name ack is 15 to 16 hands high, weighs heart girth 1000 to 1,200 pounds, bone 8 to cannon 65 to 72 Inches, black. Color, 10H Inches. Prayer Pluj Planes NewDiseAe Danger Ethiopian Victory? KrV':VV7 ' Vf M ill! Wilson for Earlier War? f,VW In DS7 tne King or W-M- -r Georg David. jrin Hardening Metal Modern metallurgists and chemists know how to harden zinc, copper and other soft metals. The popular Idea that ancient peoples like the Egyptians had a method of hardening such metals that Is now lost la Incorrect Samples of ancient cooper tools have been analyzed and found to be alloys of cop-pwith other metals, made Just as we make such alloys. Similarly, zinc may be alloyed with other metals to make it harder. Steel tools are much better than any tools that could b made from hardened copper, zinc or other metals. o! youy home lighting costs you POWERS LIGHT CO. |