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Show TffEWEKKLY NEWS EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH Scenes and Persons in the .Current News- Man Still Is Rated As Forest Enemy No. One Man still ranks as Forest Enemy No. 1." More than' half th? fires In national forests this year, reports the Forest Service, were caused by man. The number of these Area was 5.7T7, as compared to 5,282 last year, and to an annual average of 4, GUI over the 1931-3period. Ihese fires were started by brush burners, by residents on land newly acquired by the forest service-m- any of whom still bcllevo that an Is good for the annual "burning-over- " woods and by campers, hunters, , and tourists who have made greater use of national forest facilities this year than ever before. STAh OUST. J jMovie Radio J 4 ts, Question Whether or No This Ghost Kept Appointment. many years," Lady Chafer, who died h In China, bus left of her estate, valued at over llong-ICon- one-alxt- $1,000,000, In trust. along these embankments from which on a clear day one may see the coast of France across the channel, I take stock of my old friend Sir Frederick OConners latest tiger hunt in STROLLING have fallen to his weapons. Today, under a mackerel sky, a soft quartering wind from the sea, we talked of other things that had befallen us In far places. We had In fling at the supernatural which I professed not to take muck stock. But there are so many truly mysterious and inexplicable manifestations met with in life thnt It Is absurd to dismiss the subject out of hand," said the distinguished Irishman, who said In the next breath, I myself had n experience that to. this day remains unsolved. Perhaps you can explain K. Happened in Mystic Land. It happened at Simla, summer capital of India; a gorgeous spot In the Himalayas, north of Delhi," her gan Sir Frederick. I was stationed there on special duty for the gov- small and very thin much smaller than he does on the screen In contrast with the burly hockey players. And he clowned a bit when he hastened off the Ice. Pat OBrien,' who was with him, threw the little rubber disc down high-powere- d ernment That would be In 1920. My residence overlooked a wooded valley about two miles wide. On Jnst do what hospitals do, and the doctors insist on. Use a good liquid laxative, and aid Nature to restore the opposite slope, partly concealed In the tropical growth, stood a small unoccupied bungalow. Because of Its Isolation and the view It commanded I made inquiries and found that It could be rented for a small fee. The agent volunteered, tho Information that It was .haunted by the ghost of the former occupant, an Englishman. "Nonsense, I thought, and made up my mind to enjoy a few quiet week ends there with my Gurkha orderly to serve me. One afternoon he aroused me from a nap and announced the approach of a sahib (white man), lie Is coining up the road very slowly and wears a topi (cork helmet). Very well, I will be out In a moment. Ask him have a on seat I When the veranda.' apSat Example much disturbed, the Gurklin, peared mart convert to a To your views, advised me that the sahib .had vandon't try to of the time. ished. Nor did he reappear, f thought nothing of the occurrence until a week Inter when I received a visit from a brother officer and his wife, who spent the night under my roof, I told them about the colds from common mysterious visitor who .hnd disappeared Into apace. The husband informed me that he sometimes experimented with spirit writing, that No matter how many medicines he had received many communicachest you have tried for your cough, cold or bronchial Irritation, you can tions by simply- placing a pencil In act relief now with Creomulslon. his fingers and allowing his hand Berlous trouble may bo brewing and a chance to remain limp uponI sheet of you cannot afford to take Creomul-irinTblank paper. Would penult him i, than with anything less which goes right to the scat to recall the departed? to of the trouble to aid nature Making a Weird Teat. soothe and heal the Inflamed mem 'By all meutts ; let's have a gif phlegm branea as the germ-lade- n is loosened and expelled. at R. isiild. 'The night It durk Even If other remedies have . and atl conditions Ideal. Here are your failed, don't be discouraged, pencil and paper. Proceed lie to guarantee druggist Is authorized by asking la a 'perfectly natural Creomulslon and to refund your with satisfied are not if of voice If there was present a tone you money results from the very first bottle,, Jplrlf that hud. communication pet Creomulslon right noW (AdvJ for the living. ' Ills hand quivered B ipasurodlcally while the pencil wrote the word 'Yes lit Don't ba V If U . was thfe spirit f thq former occupant df the house. 'Np Quicfc but Ih writer would make an effort unbelievable to summon him. 'Walt a niomeht.' follows the We remained seated and la alienee. ,1 Presently the hand began to wove with Iperhuited energy. This la bn-- , otbef spirit.' said the medium, evk dcntly the one we want Additional were askvd and the pencil BEFORE BABY. COMES questions wrute the name ef eh suicide hi? verified t Simla and Elimination oif Body Wptfft atergart tht cause foe. the act tfespihifleucy. Is Doubly Importanf Also that hie shade was teen by In the crucial months befor$Jabv arrivA (he Gatfcha a week prior. 'Wpuld it is vitally important that'tno body be rid Ire reveal himself to mef 4 asked; of waste matter. Your intestinee mtutfuno eIY.1t Irens possible Eof me .to completely without gripirtg, eee hlis.'Ki evenybody la chpuble of seeing tlie ghost of .one who 'Jins Why Physicians Recommend dld. Tlwough the medium b.tnnd Mllnesla Wafers n apftolnlmimtdor 8:30 o'clwk'thfc wafers aw canty-likThese next nlgh't. It was agrepd that I form-much solid pure milk of magnesia in be im the wargmla should the Each than take to liquid. pleasanter wafer is approximately equal to a ful adult appointed hqur alone doae of liquid milk of magnesia. Chewed Rendezvous With Sfpeog.' thoroughly, then (wallowed, they correct What about your OurliJia?" ' acidity in the mouth and throughout tho comlie was to. remain fmfooro. put digestive system, and insure regular , elimination without pain or effort. him under a pledge, of secrecy. On pute the following night I closed the door Milnesia Wafers come in bottles of 20 and which usually .remained open: In 48, at 35c and 60c respectively, and in convenient tins for your handbag rontain-inthe evening, hod the Gurka pull 12 at 20c. Each wafer ia approximately dovn the blinds, within and seated one adult dose of milk of magnesia. All myself In si rocking, chair, Placing good drug stores sell and recommend them. my watch, which was equipped with Start using these delicious, effective a radium dial, on a tabouret I anti-aciIn front of me, 1 watchod gently laxative wafers today the hour hand as It crept toward Professional samples sent free to registered the Roman numeral VIII, Eight physicians or dentists if request is msde on professions! letterhead. Salad Product, twenty-nineStill waiting.. My ears ac 4402 23rd St., Long liloud City, N. Y. ceased suddenly to function. Save 35c & 60c only for the throbbing of a pulse the world was silent, The hour bottlas hand touched 8:30. I arose, prepared to greet the shade, remain20c tins ing upon my feet until 8:35, turning upon my feet until 8:33. And you believe that he kept the apoplntmnet?" LZ& "I do. But mine were not eyes that could see beyond the grave." ' CopyTishL wnu anriM. Wafers clocklike regularity without strain or ill effect. A liquid can always be taken in gradually reduced doses. Reduced dosage is the real secret of relief from cons! ipal ion. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular Dr. welPs Pepsin has become. It. gives the right kind of help, and right amount of help. Taking a little less each time, gives the bowels a chance to act of their own accord, until they are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all. Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin contains senna and cascara both natural laxatives that form no habit. The action is gentle, but sure. It will relieve any sluggishness or bilious condition due to constipation without upset. Cald-Syr- - HESVllETlT, kwlA'f- - iVirWvl 1 Republican national committee In Washington selecting Cleveland tor the convention city. 2 Mei maids of Venice, Calif, bringing the New Year In from the sea according te custom. 8 Gen. John J. Berthing entering the White House to call cm President Roosevelt, Oklahoma Town Is Quarantined New Job and Woe Regin Next April . to. him. dent Ford Fricks National league Everyone la wondering how southerners will like So Red the Rose." After all; theyre the only ones who can really pass Judgment on It And eertalnly they wont make the mistake that one .New York reviewer did. lie said that the only authentic southerh accent belonged to Walter Connolly when, as a matter of fact, both Margafft. Sullavaa and Randolph Scott, file heroine and the hero, ball from Vir. ginia. An outbreak' of spinal meningitis In SDyder, Okla., necessitated $ quarantine that closed up most of the business places .ay .well as tbs schools. National Guardsmen enforced tae regulation. Cockpit Devised fpr Motorcycles . W lx J Tormented filireuer f,1w h aboqt ten pounds; It kills foxes, lynx, raccopns .and deer. Even a zoo .leopard was killed by a fisher which broke into its cage. ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO. Bract Trusses Artificial Limb Arch S ipports Crutches Extension Shoes .Elastic Hosiery Established in. Salt Lake in 1908 Ph. Way. 6261 Satisfaction Guaranteed-13W. Third So. t Salt Lake City. Lit. L ' ' . . .The Wind Wind at 40 miles an hour becomes a moderate gale. A fresh" gala has a velocity of 45 miles or above: a strong, gale, 61). and a whole" gale, 60. . Write For. Spring Catalog Represent Life and Immortality The asphodel and amaranth; flowers, representing life lrfi- - nd mortality respectively, have been transplanted in southern Chliforufti . with success. cross-shape- d 1 i bA Sv, Jr v . , s N... s , ba-ck- , bod flqve the equivalent of 4 down car, or Bttached tthe side ef her motorcycle. This jva's displaced InXondo llllady ifmy m ' From America, the-Pa- s- but They May Die in Africa. !a jny-oil- b hardef Jtyjn ffolson . jld In. those first broadca'stlr watching nf days his; him work, you found ypurself pulling dor him with aA your heart WelJ, that persistence of, his has carried Um,i lon.way, . ' -- HtL t Gangstrt pljtprfe may be a thing of the past a weve been told over and ever again, but they keep bobbing j?p. In yome form or other every little while and they always break records at the theaters where theyre shyown, It seems to me. The latest Is Show Them No Mercy," based on a kidnaping case, that got great publicity, and ,its full of thrills. g y d, ! ft . - the flsberr weighs' only Although x t ' Fisher Fierce- Fighter . . Salt lake City. Stab 12.000-foo- . rsiafosf Vist "A 1 mine-dlntel- 3rd Cfcr-tqjn- , p-- t . Sintl Youve rend about all the precau' ' The Nile tions taken fo protect the famous . Is the Nile oT Although about 4,000 , the quintuplets during making their scenes .In "The Country Doc- mljes In length, it has no tributaDcmcrjl Made Premier tor." Naturally, ' everybodys one ries la the Jast 1,709 miles of Its ' . to the sea.'. . thought was for the babies. fo Journey. as Greek King Return . When Jean Hershort, who .playsr Dr. Dafoe In the picture, went walking, Western electrical College- Cqustantlne Demerjl, appointed slipped on the Ice, and acquired a Teaches' All 'Branches of as the new premier of Greece with badly , bruised leg, noluvly was the return to the thyono of King much disturbed. It looks as ( Vve Radio and George, Is 'shown here Just after woulddt see anyone. In thp ro!e of the father and mother of theba. FracticaMraining-Actu'a- l Experience bles. Accord! pg to report, they were MTA1080E Ml liRit St Cjt) Offered $700 if they'd slga papers to .themselves be allowing Imper. 0iglvVolfanor.t sonated, and refused; not bnough Gunong. Rlnjeng,' t mopey. t , on the Island ot Lombok id. peak W the Dutch East Indies, is .one of' t) yoa tune Injrouf radio fn tKe the highest volcanoes of the Malay broadcast that opened the nSW NBC archipelago. , studiq In Hollywood T There wee plenty of celebrities on the air but as for me, liked M&RRQlORANDfJCKtES Mary Livingston's goofy poem best e . of anything I heard. And reflect a , . The Oos8-F- ( A cross-foIs simply a color vamornbnt on !le fact riety of the common red fox, hv that the master of more or less definite dark ing A1 was ceremerjes maYk on the back and Jolsoh, . who hod shoulders. . sfit-a time making . success of broadNamed Columbia River , to the post. casting. .He was being appointed CapL Robert Gray of Boston first mas-tet discovered the mouth of the ColumGreeceqplay-bo- y king wgs welcoipeil determined tft medl Jhe bia river in 1792 and named the frith ovations (and protests) TlTer after his ship, the Columbia. qin, and he did, but which jarred the rulfis ef what q battle I ' . V tVenon., twtMttt dflubt whether eves woVked ,US. Certified, Pullorum I, then-aske- e TOd Electricity bw-gu- tion-regula- rly, Dont miss Lily Pom first picture, I Dream Too Much." RKO certainly picked a winner when Miss Pons was selected as operatic star, after Grace Moores Success sent all the big companies with scurrying around reputations as singers. Lily Pons doesnt just sing. She shows an amazing talent for comedy. afte,r-girl- emptrlng staff. Parker was seven years an International league umpire. receiving Ids promotion at the recent National league meeting Moisey Iron & Metal Co; . -- - . B . It's too bad, In 4 way, that Barbary Coast" and Frisco Kid" name along at the same time. One has Miriam hiopklns at the star, the other has James Cagney, but these two stories of carjy days In San Francisco are too much alike; In fact, they might be two versions o the same story. George (Tiny) FnrKet ef Miami, Fla, Is the latest addition to Presi- . itResindl . - . - mint-flavore- ' up That Hang On m . Beware Coughs . two playThe wtr to a man's heart U thra bis ers at the begin- stomach. For quality la food. ning of tlje second PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. ' looked He perjod. big- enough to play hockey himself. In fact, friend Rat Is getting a bit heavy, ffrTr? ve ' the rown nxffJjr.'-'.spectators a chance Oldest Existing Timepiece to see a perfbtlj: The Egyptian shadow clock is happy human bethe oldest existing timepiece la a was small ing. It the' world. One of thnse clocks, boy . who went to 3,400 is exhibited is the .old, years him during one of British museum. . the Intermissions to shake hands. Brown held his band ja long time and visited with hlnf, and after 150,000 feet Used & New Pip ward the youngster lingered in the' Sizes I . . ', aisle, unable to tear himself away Structural Steel and Plates . from the Idol .who had been so, kind between ulne-ient- . j VIRGINIA VALE AAA the delightof the jl huge audience at a hockey York game between a. New Montreal from one team and the other evening, when foe E. Brown threw in the puck to start the game. He looked very t It always works By PICTURE Forgotten Brother" "For my brother whoso nanio I the kingdom of Nepal, where on cannot remember and whoso where- numerous previous occasions, the abouts I have not been aware of for royal beasts to the number of 178 . Sally Sez I - . ODDS AMD E.VDS . . . Shirley king end crown prince of Italy, voted the most popular British actor, by his countrymen, with George Arliss second: Leslie Howard came in sixth, and Clive Brook twelfth Bette Davis sprained her ankle the other (Terre William has s new 4y lame room. Wwtva NewoMoerU ... t . v 0 Whltl Lathorna, Rhod Island R. Barred Plymouth Eoclu, for immadi delivery. Headquarters foe Hart brooders, for natural artificial, or t raa, can bo nwd anywhere. Also new Radiant. Phene, write wtro for prieoo and completo infoi ation. Sol-H- ot ' RAMSHAW HATCHERIES Stata St. 8alt Laka City, TIMPANOGOS HATCHERY South 7th East Pravo, 36ST So. SOS Wi?k No. 6B3 WAV-S- rg: Waits for Mother,, Other members of the famil sometimes urge Another to let her work go, but she has found it wont go. It Just stays there waiting for her. . Templet going to broadcast, for plenty of money , , Charles Laughton was The spirit of adventure, or perhaps the love of a land they had an but forgotten, moUratea the soldiers of tbs Tiber division of the Italian army. They aro soldiers draws from the Unltsd States who are flgbt Ing for H Duce In his war agalist Ethiopia. They are shows standing at attention daring their review by the Tested Chicks ... Lead Much in Demand After Iron and steel.' leal has a wider variety of uses than any other metal. Produces Most Emeralds is the world's largest producer of emeralds, and third biggest banana grower. Colombia |