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Show 0 O o O Op 00 o o 0 o 00 00 o THE WEEKLY NEW "EXPRESS. LAYTON. UTAH n STRICH university lscated In one of the ration'! largest Mies. .The nfme was bestowed be. n. TUK A SMART 6oW V"ur 'OUR COMIC , Household Questions - BENEATH THE; CJJIN . . , SrAVil'.nw .. eeise the seat of learning jdways is 'adorned with fine feathers vfhlle the tiead ducks under cove whenever but protably faVjeP threatens her if fio sqpse In irtbntloning that arw. 0 00 -j- section: kui-1- . . Whfn an apple pie lal.akeiK.sprlhkle gfated cheese over ' top. It adds much to the flavor of the pies - . u said the most celebrated To. (j. Deans gentleman who. y the way, Is Just as dizzy even though Be does not togs tor the coeafds). Copy those Soflthern aid the about honest llies by being e give to athletics? lie glanced stemly.at the other members of the ?afulty assembled In solemn Why,Jts preposterous, Isn't. ifi'hat, fon-clav- tlr. it. .To cirt marshmallows easily dip a 'dry scissors used for cutting Into pfiwijcred spgai. e. prlpkle the buds and leaves of fjvllp, tiygchithb, etc., grown In the preveats their shriveling. bou. Yesslrf-Yasslr- ,? t b'hkca srkoy or chicken with fiepnst down In pirn Tor Jhe first half our ef roatfftg. Jyloes will then fnt thehKeast and meat will fie be vouch mivs tender. wiM-eyec- I ge-- 1 quently. MISS YOU MOST Of tmll. Anf Dodger of any Citf-vtVE GROWN SO USED TO t pm-te- Ru Danno OMahonfy Don the after fourth George wrestling YOU L , a.8 JY cloth ipolRlPppd with kero-sene Instead pf water will clpan w1ih dowa( qultkly mdwell la freezing A ... seatheV.. r This Lad Was Willing to Earn an Education affair. I LOVE A PARADE Tom Tna-kejowner of the. Bostim Red Srs, to the other AlnericftB league are pricked with a fork apple $f. fipfore putyjng Into the oven to bake, 111 skin ot crack oien In baking. answered Mr. Yesslr mem-- . courts, was faculty tap of the athletic committee. Why they donlt know nothing. It's Just radicals. Why, they hsm f aint got a thing on us. Why" Hut Since there art so man lnstl tytJoas of higher education which continue as pure as the driven anbvy, OeneWltbe railroad tracks) so far as athletics are concerned, the fe does not wish te single out one uftlvertflty. lie merely wishes tmlay to offer some case history for the benefit of any eminent educator who continues to ask why- - that cnlflhi hav te(ttti were not) dedicated te toa .tlemen and ladfes whose name yoj see on the sports page 6 fre- s ' 4 iSAo, of JONGS two-third- . To prevent fruit settling on hot of gelatin desserts; whip niitll gclatla 1 of th? consistency of . whippet! eteam. C.lve house, plapts k little fresh alf every day. They rcqnlre sir as well , ni water and smfshlne. Biag-flate- CASE A A young Irlfieldgr ths Giants. Hi face to .' I DON'T LIKE NO ClfEU M w seamed but his name did familiar pizzy Ddan; while suggesUng to not check. He explained tfi the re. the Cards that they ekUt-- t pay. Used an alias porter .that ' him or trade. hlrfc white playing football for one ef WHERE DID YOU GET tflUT the best publicized ef Eastern ; HAT? To Judge K. M. LANDIS. Siwashea.. . . IT'S NOT WHAT YQU WERE, I was," he said,' a pi'etty fair ITS WHAT YO.U ARE TOUAY-- By athlete as early as ary second year Joe Louis, to Jack Dempsey and In high .school (In a Pennsylvania ' Gene Tunaey whenever they start mining town) 1 wanted an eucw-tloand saw no . reason why 1 making, comparisons. EVERY LITTLE Bit AflOEfi should dot earn It with taiy. ability to play gaipes. So I picked put the TO WHAT YOU GOT By Connie Mack to the ever 'loving fans who bet offer from thogd pi tide by eight .mourn his bad luck In bbtaining college only $303,000 for Jimrhy Fox and They sent Ri to 1 food.rep other heirlooms. school for tyfo years and then I the, university. Your paper was one of those that got excited about the way i was scoring touchdowns for he Freshmen. Still I wasnt satisfied. 1 wanted an education end football took So much time 4 had little oppbrtimity for study. I kept thinking qbout' that. a regular Since I was suretrext year, the varsity, men took an To the fan who . ALL ALONE Interest I fa fn They told ipe npt Insists upon watching the Braves to 1 could- skip all that worry, OH, DIDN'T IIE UAMBl.E In classes and still get B's, memory of that favorite which took I wasnt satisfied. So when Still cothe overland route and .nty five I heard that the Blue Ridge League conuts at New Orleans tiie ether club I wae playing with baseball day. me te. the N sold had League . ARGENTINES; THE PORtUa vlth pal- Higher organization (an Tn GRKEKS-CUESE AND TllE to decided I ry luf footb'uij almost any . of out make . rhy .. living professional team ARE YOU THERE, MORIARTY? Mebal Instead ef f T'ater football. By the Chicago fans to their fa .. yorlte umpire whpn' there ate enough pop bottles to go around. Atfilete Can ejl Out J.US.t MEMORY By ths A thfc Highest Bidder. American Davis Cup players te to the Darvia Cup. '1 , pot kicking. They treated YOU'RE IRISH I RCt.1EM8ER.B0Y, Sure.. By .the fans of Jim Oraddoch, to j C9acfiknew that I had played tjie case . . professlonvl baseball. When I was . YOURE. A LONG, LQNfl WAY gjj pj.ep gch0bl the donch per- th fan? njJ suaJed.that Blue Ridge League club f,0M H0ME Philly who hrfppensL to reach first n) hj he-ha- The color and flavor of roast beef I Improved when a table brown dr whlto sugar U of ipoonfnl . . , andej to R gfrnvy d Clinkers Ihnt form on the stove lining will soon disappear If four or five oyster shells are burned on red hot conl'a that ore left after fire has . no resist Mls fim Junior been shaken down. , Surely e AtMOclalaO Newipfipara. WyU Sarvtc. the girlishness of Bill smart frock.' 1'ractlcsl for school in a washable cotton tced, Ar dreRsy enough for sn evenliig date In cvnts of : woolens, with ttie new metallic-sho- t ' rl' velveteen bow and licit. Isnt the cut ef ttw shoulder line unusual? The Is blouse, with .darts front and , Its ko ideated separate, you know, skirt may accompany many dHTerrnt ' Vt- T . bloiistK . J ,' f " two-piec- . . THE FEATHERHEADS en-tor- Dy 0,Wm VeeUra Newspapet llsSf Thfc Inventor ... .CHOICE ( , ba-ck- m i - - - 1ftttern Odtll may lu ordefed. ordy in sizes 10, 12, M, 1 rind HI Hire 12 reqnlres 2 yards M tndt fabric. and EKPEtlTS juml.fi Inch ribbon. ; Complete, Ww fliart Inclujled. dliutramniej SEND FIFTEEN CENTS In coins ob BlampK (corns preferred) for tbln pattern, Be-- sure to write plainly STYLE your NAME, ADDRESS-- a . - to-b- . - Number size. ami A Lika Mu flynerttt. '300 lima baking award sinner, irpiru taka aa Chances. They chaos CLABBER GIRL I Send your order fo The- Se'wJng Circle hit tern Dept. 232 W. Eight; - New Y.orU, N. Y; couth-St- . Y.-- th Farftify Skeleton 'Did you tell the .Lord about your being ao bud 'and nak his ., forgive-ness,?,- the, mot lief as , ojiened the' closet door. No," responded the little girl with dcthrniljiaMonj , I didnt think you would want such a acnndal Iulh known dulsble the family. -- finder. I I I .. r,,. It', Ccitt'pf Football ... JSffi j representative. Cf; a O.ccan to Lou Littl? , em SiwSsh showed ., 1 0-- hpgkey now-Tamop- fresh." big time East .hint how be FAIR doLUMBIA could ge a good etfueation free of to the ffiiks Who charge by entering a selected Amer-Rav- e been whispering tlvithe would lean prep school and preparing for . , f.he Eastern Siwash like to shift to Penn.. wa he until I' lovely the Erythlng HORSES. B the fans Tor college. Thpn-hYankees, Clants andDoJgers wllo Was ready loarned that the. coach at thb claim that they havelmprt)ve(l,fhcii ern Slsfash had accepted a, higher . T lary at a distant university. Nat- fhe XI WAYS IN TOB WAY-- Rt the toacji wanted company, .nshl-rt-- hu in tecognlUoD oMW I Orally lndufc. .fae , to 0 but tie .tuet, .Tln dlnt MY LOVE IS By Lou Little M . v6ll VAN left Ko, rarmelee'l PAN-- T DOWN-- BV 600D BlonS, E,,n to KEEP 'V.'.'!!? Jtrt .ending HI' A j "wV-- l OREAM'NO- -?, C-A t,l trying to recent trade, COMES TlfF. HERE HUSH, DREAM MAN By any heavy weight fighter to his rfervgawhenaver Joe Louis steps Into tbe,rlog, explain , .h:. Ce while - SHOO FLY, DONT BOTHER ME By Babe Herman to almost any tftll that comes Into the outfield. GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH A bit of personal advice from this Inexpert to the fans who have not been getting it at certain spots -- recently. THE PARDON CAME TOO LATE By the fans to a certain reporter after arriving at this hud line. bald-heade- . r;.1;',nf tcoUeo I I I I tret .mall, ttoheralded f.etom Eeatern A an intersection Contest. was later talking Severa,iyi coach of another noted, Hagtern teara. ue had been A team-,w- li mdte of the Small college coach, called BiU becausd there areao ,jfa connected with football team f ,. YlA" dont appear to be very . It's 'theyre (uckj1 small, lr?"-Jr- ft. i fblanri 1 LANTERH THM la tha little OotaM Lantern with the kli brilllun. It lifbte IwtanLv end le niwnaa rod, ter Mt , llrhtine Job. In Joit tha llffht roe aaad tor arrrv NUlNf are . on the (ernL,or bantinf, fUhlneatdenr wmei u Hu renotoo J h,d had flalm-t- - Money' Worth Tlefit'aurairt Tatron-- r This steak Is . not very tender Tlrgd Walter Well, did; yon. ex pe.et It Jo put Its arms nround your juk'k anM kips jsoul Iuthllndcr. . wltn. j.L'. ,h.tih.,t,.d that hi. -- I WONT 8Y I WlCL BUT M Jhe I WONT SAY I WONCT-- By Malt legislator to the Inquisitive Reporter who aslp him whether he vote for legal racing this Wln; L ter . , I WAS DREADING,. ONLY the Brooklyn , .J.k .fu, small uj . :vi?ry V e J .Within - ffi East-team- s. lt"cl.rr,0r It; Thought la Father If. a man thinks he U catching cold In' a draught, he will Lpclc tliese And-.tlie- BaltimBSWl , ' stern.! .Yes, I . I .rWaltor, , CASE , . I . , . she inquired- e 1 Whbt Blrdl Cusfomer I would llkb But enn It Denher Talk! Why It lurngiioy to Stockholm, 6wri .way all Ihe time. Yart l ITein. v that pnr- - elobo, pireeleln Pyres bulse-typfoont, pollt-l- o Mtoe. lewe tllator top, nleilo-pleto- d Colemon lompo. It nwkeo end borne Ite one poo tram retro er nanllno. It' n bit mhtt, wbb 9t depewtablo TlgbUo tor rice, lor only SSLMe SI flew from asking Its Stockholm o YOUR v LOCAL OCALIR tot V&Ut Foldor. THE COLEMAN LAMP DepL WIJI60 WMilto, Ken Philedelphto, CtaWo. III.: AND Jrn Loo STOVE -- Oa uuj 0--f . MUSICAL? . Wle Guy t JUrs. Gassaway So yonr hnsband baa been deceiving you, has he? ' Mrs. Gnuggs Yes. Ive been giving him a dime every day to ride to. work, and now I find out that he's been walking and spemlingjhe ey. Pathfinder Magazine. mon- ; name Is that of the faltnouw coach for whom thef had played) la good to ua cflape freaking In," hsrs-- ( masked. Take the way Smith and Jones (the names ar not corrget) cleaned up last Saturday, .Well I could have bad them two weeks ago? tl'lie Buss had them all lined up for the aluia mater but he's got so much material this year, be couldn't use them and they conveniently didnt want Jo wbIL So he offered to let Die have them cheap. Of course. It wai kind of late In the J18 about to wire term but l him okay when. Bill came through town. Bill needed a couple of read' mads backs for his big Eastern know the Boss alshowing and you kind hearted. So a The ways was coach laughed. Funny. Isn t It," he said. Hers Smith and Jones win a big gams for Bill and probably get him a new contract and yet theyve never been within 1,033 milea of Billa camf ua . , n . -- tom So your daughter Is musical?" ' Yes." Is she going la for classical work?" No. JazzIcaL" Not Bending Dowa Goodness! How fat Betty la getting." That's because she dally doesnt VMl GILEVS, i wzAwMm GUM" TK PERFECT |