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Show 'The Rich Are Not Rich Enough assessment so veu can Scotchmen and Missouri raised your ttfx Lee. the license. Darnel E. Cposs, mules, when, a young Swede yell- get Ivoiu assessor, 'deputy4 ed. Missouri had first choice. 30 J 2. Phone The o . .. The average gasoline Ition over the past four years per- hdd k ri-- 1 ;0j ws 15,020,000,000 g'all'ons consump- - meeting or regular Tohn Pack camp will BOUNTIFUL STRANGE BUT TRUE . fee an-dS,- y. . DEL. STEVENSON REPAIRING PLUMBING, HEATING AND Telephone nv.T niTR PRICES .Estimates. Free. Bountiful . Clean Out Acids - Th only way your body can clean out yrur p. m. a iff nually. Acid, and poisonous wattes from KidJanuary 17, at 2Melvinia Llood Is thru 9 million tirv, delicti One of the most potent political of or home of Daughter beware but tubes cheap, filters, ney V ida A drastic. Irritating drugs. If functional rs is the soak the rich Joe Mathis, formerly of Boun Jackson, with daughters Due to the mofsture of ther akin-ior Bladder disorders make yoii Kidney and Zipporah on suffer from Getting Up Nights, Nervousgyle, Myrtle Higgs summer there are many more slogan. It seems that a substantial tiful, was listed among those ness, Leg Pains, Backache, Circles Under The annual .dua first the Nelson assisting. for quarter roll honor the idea an has that Lyes, Dizziness, p.heumalic Pains.' Acidthe of public memfrom in AU electric than shocks deaths port month. HOG? or Itching, doh'C. Jose state high school rhould be in this OIL ity. Burning, Smarting Fan at the AN CAR taxes still YOUR IS we If against m San higher levy take chances. Get the Doctors guaranother season. take notice. any California bers ). please called Jose, Cyste teed prescription De persons in the medium and high Works fast, safe and sure. In 4S A farewell testimonial will AND p0''B . The young son of Ensign rage MILEAGE new GAS and THE must . it hours ABOUT HOW vitality, bring L Income brackets, persons in the was taken to a hospital in Salt given In the West Bountiful chapel It has been learned that if tho you up in on. week or guaranteed toon fixreturn of empty package , money back These troubles can not be corrected with lower brackets will receive all the Lake, a few days ago, for appendi- next Sunday evening at 7 p. m- for carbondioxide content of the air in Cystex coats only 9c a day at druggist, of Mr. - bounty of government for nothing. citis. . . We have the very latest LCHINE T Elder Eldredge Grant, sonwho and the guarantee protects you.. 10 per raised to is a refrigerator has Mrs. Charlotte Sedgwick's broth and Mrs. Walter Grant And we know how to use them be Unfortunately, appealing as this will will of it rent the prevent growth cost it l. is in the received a call to fill pcrn?ap Come in and talk it over with us'" is, the figures show that it simply er's wife, Mrs. Call, molds and extend the time meat mission. Dr. Frederick LOW. We are glad that purseyors of Austrian . surprisingly wont work. mec am and baby Pack will be one of the speakers. can j,e preserved. male experienced Adult attire, after having helped us . Regular work All mechanical by The current federal deficit, for clinic will be held at the Stoker Mr. Grant will enter the mission into a garment do not step back. CO. REPAIR A cell has been invened. by example, amounts to $3,232,000,000 school Tuesday, Jan. 14, ages are school, Monday, and will leave AUTO CENTERVILLE and say Dearie that sure looks, is the amount of money one to four. is which the claimed it of January 27. the rays (that swell on you. Weve heard women, of Salt The North Canyon Camp, D. u. sun can be converted into spent "during the last fiscal year in Mrs. Othenia P. Silver the in dance sales, persons say it just this wax Lake died at the home of her P, are sponsoring a access of revenue. amusement hail, in Bountiful Mrs. Quayle Cannon, South way and it always. gives . us a. Today we are hearing rumors daughter, 193(5. Everywas Sho 24, January night. Bountiful, Friday, clutching sensation just back ef NOTICE that a balanced budget is on the 72 years ofSaturday Paul Poiret, one time dictator ed this 7th day of January, age. Funeral services body are invited to ceme t bane way a budget in which outgo-widf womans fashions and a millionwill bo held Sunday at 2 p. m. in good time. CLENDAY. Clerk. TIRED, WORN OUT, Ylerft he made to conform to estimates the Twenty-Secon- d ward chapel in Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Telford aire, now lives on a $26.60 monthPRODISTRICT COURT, THE IN weeks three revenue Salt Lake. She is survived by one and family left for a dole in Paris, hoping for the BATE DIVISION IN AND FOR to Arizona and the coast, ly trip If last years budget had been son and four daughters. will destoration of a that DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF Mr. monarchy end If they continue to improve as where they will visit with If you don't know what to balanced, it is obvious that some revive the lost art gf. womens UTAH HOW 'many that Mrs. A. W. 'Telford, who are ia is it done have expected they of estate look wise and Ut other. do: three billion dollars more in taxes Irvin In the matte of the Los dress. a just and friends and wife with and Phonix, Burningham Just dragging them- - , ' would have bad to be received by Mrs. II. the talking. Mary J. Jones, deceased. . J. W. Burningham, who. Angeleg. selves .around, all Brake The petition of Mary the government. Could the money met with an acciden this aide of Dont miss the dance each Tucs-dif- y tired out with periherself to' issuance the for POTTOTJRI praying have been raised by soaking the St. George, while on their way to odic weakness an after Mutual at Sfjuth Bountiof Letters Of Administration ih the tho leave halt able shoukf to be will ful the amusQmrtit coast, rich? deceased, Cin? They J. of estate Jones, TOOK Mary iBjr Polk Daniels that Lydia Here is the answer If the federa hospital at Cedar city .to reurn has been set for hearing Monday E. Pinkhams Tab home. A. . o had taken D., LAYTON of 20th government the . January, day lets relieve peri- - . The Farmington Bay camp has iGftdVo.lf of UfiLV 1936, at ten oclock A. M., at the the Income of persons $5,000 die pains ana.dis- -' in quarantine during the week been entertained Miss une Smith of valley Mil, and wood County Court House, in the Court size Small comfort. year or more, the resulting In- but is expected will be released this onty 25 cents.' VnmJifni I ABVJCt and work, and Room at said Court in Farmington, ittleLTlrIs ta place of Dany.illd romp, Williams eOCTOrt KEEDE9 Mrs. crease in revenue would have week-en- d Dorsie One or t.wo of the boys her home or Martha Davis County, Utah. I had no ambitioa play, .Illinois, says, amounted to barely $2,500,000,000 came down with scarlet fever but who is moving a Hurricane with wf said WITNESS the Clerk Mrs. Jlobtrt Hickey, Roseville, 4 and was terribly nervous. Your TabWho mad the pleasant eul Richhalf a billion short of the goal. they have been removed from parents, Mr. and Mrs.ctmtract the seal thereof affix- Calif., writ-- s: My doctor prescribed with Court, lets helped my periods and built mo doors . who has A. D., Kruschen Sals for me he said they ard Knowlton, If all he income of persons with camp. of 7th ed t thia them next month. January, day William eifert, 78, fathef of work to perform they L the So beautiful and good?. wouiUrtt hurt me tn tfce least. I ve up. Try 1936. net incomes of $10,000 a year or Martin he died Kruschen weeks. Seifert of Bountiful, loot 17 lbs. In . . Westminister S. 3. Teacher. Seal J . 4SLEN DAT, Clerk. more, had ben taken, the increase at bis homo in Murray, Tuesday, state.. worth Its weight IA gold." . o? cattle were shipped Four cats Mrs. Hickey paid no attention to increase in federal revenu would following a lingering illness. lie is Ojut of here during the past week. who said thor was no M. How about fs this: sour gousipers (ruth have been $3,014,000,000 $200,-00-0 survived by Jiis wife, two aons and NOTICE IZHl HELP WANTED Pattons who more des'ired than he sweet lie? mini safe way to reduce. She wisely fol- SfriftT tw daughters. Funeral service advico. dont short of the goal. service Why her mail lowed doctors rural delivery ' ' enjoy OUT And so it goes. Close to 00 per .will be held Saturday at 12:30 must remove rjiow or Other obPRODISTRICT IN THE COURT, y (last f Kruschen a LEGAL NOTICES . Got Jar Don't yju enjoy, a eorripliment that the carrier fan cent of the net income of the Am- p. m. in the Mill Creek ward, SaltIn structions BATE DIVISION IN AND FOR trifle). weeks and costs but Lake county. Interment will be drive to and from the mail boxes, better than a straight talk?' DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OF Simply take half teaspoonful In cup Probate and Guardianship Notice erican people is received by per- tho Bountiful cemetery. step out to of hot water every morning. XU Consult County Clerk or Respectlvw is not required lie UTAH sons with annual earnings of less U. of U. I, will hold their next service these boxes. Time will not druggists. estate He et matter made a great success, even, In the of the than $5,000. They must pay, direct meeting at the home f Daughter Signers for Further Information the carrier to perform. this if it wa sa deceased. C. permit Waddoups, Over Mary failure, complete 2 Alice 'Fri or at Cook the bulk m., Stnhle, of ly p. indirectly, great additional service. " Notice To The petiion of Ezra Waddoups . Notice . . ileru-the cost of government they must day, Jan. 17, 1930, Assisting hosH. Rolapp prominent 'heard. and Assets Utah Corporation, now or eventually, make up def- tesses are, Daughters Nora Han- judge who gut on the bench in the for the issuance to Ezra Some nieri take better halves to praying Estate of Albert K. Green, otherA meeting of the shareholders icits and finance the national debt. sen Tlnipsofi, Alice Riley Bryson dist rict court. ia Farmington in of Letters of Adminis-tatio- n Waddoups and Catherine Streeper Smedlcy. early Democratic times and tried get better Quarter! this Is, known and written A, wise in the estate of Mary G. of the Bountiful City Mill Creek they The wealthy individual, already Ruben and deceased. aro mak- many important cases, died in Los Henry : . marry' for money, Waddoups deceased, has been' set Irrigation company for the purpose stringently taxed, just hasnt ing a tour of the various California 'Angeles, this week', Creditors will present claim for hearing on Monday the 20th of electing a board of directors and enough money to make a dent in cities this winter. vouchers to the undersigned with 2 At oclock Wednesday morning Give tho devil hia dueK, sounds day of January, A. D., 1936, at fen transacting such other business as at the offices of Bagley, Judd ft Robert Sessions recently return a Ford roadster drove up to the today's cost of government. said before come M meeting oclock A. at the County Coprt many ed to Teton, Idaho after spending Cain garage to. take air. Edward well enough, but why . give, hirn Ray and T. H. Stable, Clipper-. House, in the Court Room of said will be held Jan. 20, 1936 at a short time hero attending to hunt Simmons, the night marshal, hap- more?.. Bountiful, Utah, on or.beBldg., buildschool Stoker Counin oclock ia the Court Farmington, Davis Defense ness matters. He is .spending the pened to be standing near . and the fore 28th day ef April. A. P ty, Utah. ing. winter with Mr. and Mrs. George heard a girl say to the driver as 1936. Anna Carlson pnee said, vThe i See. G. A. WITNESS 'the Clerk of said BEBEE, . Neville. Flora Green and Otha K. Greea he was getting back into the car mairwho marries a girl because of When the world Is uneasy and Mr. and Mrs. Seth- Reed enter- after administrators of the estate 6f Algiving it the air, take me beauty shows a? poor judgment bert K, Green, otherwise know upset, by war clouds hanging over tained a number of friends at a home. This remark caused Mr. her -A. K. Green, deand written almost every nation, it is hearten sleigh riding party last Saturday Simmons to wonder if there was as does the man who is. 'afraid to a because of her brains ride the time a After ceased. marry girl night. took jolly the anything wrong. So he ng ,to note that our own aviation and delicious refreshments MERE & were Date of first publication,-Decembeof the car and good notice ' The big, strong man sbmetimes industry, in spite of of many handi enjoyed at tho Reed home. Those number 9 27, A. D., 1935. the ipachine ns the party start- breaks' down beneath, a comparcaps, has been steadily forging to in attendance were: Messrs, and of ed toward Salt pike. In the even- atively small load. the front. Mesdames Justus Tolman, Bert SUMMONS they returned, there being 3 The air transport industry of Cherrington, Bryan. Burningham, ing men and A girl, but two girls in to the work llafd said, is bring the United States, even though of Salt Lake; Joseph Putnam, Al- the morning, when they, went south in life.. Espechappiness) greatest bert and Artie Putnam of IN THE DISTRICT COURT O noHardy Mr. the Simmons reduction a in day, hampered by During mail hire if a man to able is All Bountiful, . a ially real DAVIS COUNTY, STATE OfT good ticed in afi Ogden paper that the report payments, has gone ahead, increas- time. '. ' do to man work. hard the from UTAH wasthe Indian girl colony ed it4 service to the public in Mr; and Mrs. David Moss who at Washikie and that wanted to L. .MILLS, plaintbt CLINTON speed, comfort and regularity, to were called ' to Portland, Oregon a know about her whereabouts s in vs. ANN MARSHALL,. WILUAM. a point where it is a daily peace- -, short time ago sent word that the the evening the marshal infromed CTIQUETTE S. MUIR, formerly known as Wil. timo necessity and undoubtedly an infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. the Ogden police and directed the liam S. Muir, Jr., ROBERT URB INVITATIONS ' . wn and 'also all other persons indispnsable, if not tho most im- - M. L. Jones died last Sunday at party to report there. One of the the of tw;o weeks. Jones rMs. age titl was Indian men an the and ether claiming any right, portant single factor .in national All formal invitations, whether formerly Miss Catherine Moss is two Mexicans, . estatfe or interest or lien upon th defense. nicely. Mr. and Mrs; Moss real property described in thw . . ..engraved or written, by Hand (and Other governments recognize the doing are expected to return home in'the No tax system will ever be sat- - j their acceptance and egrets) are complaint adverse to plaintiflf value of this most modern form of near future. ' ' ownership and clouding plaintiff1 'for. that isfactory long in penalizes the third invaribly pepson. She Couldnt Take It. is the b., transportation as an important title thereto, defendants.. I nd necessary adjaunt of military special picture thia Saturday an thrift. The tax system will be the . Invitations tft an informal dance, THE STATE OF UTAH TO one that penalizes the spender.. musical, eta, etc., are often writ-A- h service. They subsidise the air Sunday night, Jan 11 and 12th THE SAID DEFENDANTS: authority states that waspsjten on visiting effrds. If you aro You are hereby summoned tft lines on a mileage basis, to an ex- Wed. and Thurs, Jn.n. 15 and 16, Two features Carnival Lady and eftn keep the; temperature inside I accepting, you should write under appear within twenty days after-thtent as high as ten times that of Silver cartoon e nests their Bulct, Neighbors. tycnty-fivdegrees your iame, Accepts with pleasure service, of this summons upo our air lines, and yet our lines are Friday, Sat., Sunday, Jan. 17. 18, warmer, thah the outside, .We do for Monday, Jlajr 9.M If declining you, if served within the county i more .faster, rgular and the planes 19, another big special with Dick not l.now as to thht but which this action is brought; other-jvisf- i, do I the vordirg should be Declines - .are more comfortable, as is shown Powell in Broadway Gondlrer, Joe know within thirty days after a' that wasp inside a. mans with jegret lor Monday, May 9. the fact that the Dutch, Swiss E. Brown in Bright Lights comes I and defefid the above enservice, The answers are always fornially MAUTIfUV MAII ACCtNTJ TMI fNSEMEU titled action; and in case of your KNOW and Polish air lines, having the Jan. 24, 25 and 26th. Rex Tbeajre . worded. Edward Reed was best to sixi , world from which to choose, buy failure .so to do, judgment will b teen of his friends from Salt Lake Invitations to. intelephone by rendered against you according . American air liners. last evening' at a sleigh formal affairs .are proper .where demand of the complaint which Citizens of this country pah be ridingSunday A luncheon was latparty. has been filed with the Clerk of the invited are friends. persons !T.vo Minute Sermon . A formal proud of their aviation Industry. It er served by his mother, TVTrs. Seth said Cohrt. acceptance of an c is another example of American in- -, Reed. All enjoyed a This aerioa Is brought to obtain vary pleasant , Py ltov. !i;orga. be not should ddthd. Be Hchjj) .t itiative and enterprise. In tho ail, evening. a judgment quieting plaintiff McDef-ntot- t Careful td include in the reply the Ayto Service will it puts us in a position of supremtitle to the real property described timb in a neiV building' tm 5th . THEY NEVEr'j.LEa'UN. to the Invitation. open given TO in s&iti complaint, said property acy that our world famed clipper south next Oul1, Atf PRAY: Rpncently.we asked a 'conMonday, Jan.UUh nr hy being located in Davis county I, ships did three generations ag6, in Funeral services will be held siderable n timber of tOP State of Utah and described k wha . oa trade. peojde f , Notices 1 Sunday at p. ,M. i;i the Twenty-Thir- d they pndorstood about . follows; We eirompcFO wilk pVayer. . Regular This country must maintain its CkAlkd; am-jrJward chapel Ly Annie Maria Beginning at a point 63 nods, directed our quiyition preachers Tnw Will Jen lead as an Penman. Burial will take 01 fool nation. in wfj' feet and 7 inbhej Norfch from place lrbateand , Notices ,8 Guardianship Sunday sefroo? teachers find memthe Bountiful, cemetery. loldrful and glowing. it cb oil on Oof Consult County Clerk or . the Southeast corner of Sec , .coiv bers of adult .Sunday school clashElder W. Lamonl Gafr, yen of This story is going the rounds: II ,ih hu. deonse mn& Ifeu tion 23, Township 2 North, . ., Respective Signers fdr : By . . An orator was demanding from an Mr, and Mrs. W G. Carr started pn es. The question Further , Range 1 West, Salt Lake MeriIaTorjnation. f)leosom , resorjing fiealmeef, , his to piwyer does the , home, a. day or mer- dian, running thence West 3.VO jridiviilynl audience why Minnesota raised from vay Australia where be ljas been V put himself jn a . to the East side of a chains ef mind" frajne Tct Notice .Creditors laboring as a missionary for 4he where he can 4 rod street certain thence . call ; utym his latent . . . . .. past thirty-oftmonth. . North on the E&st side of said Mail Aij ,opa A fif. c street, 3.75 chains; thenoe i rcompiiizt,"or;i8Lhrw' known as William East 16.75 chains more or leaf WOODS CROSS ... ourcome a diffici.luty ,,q or Bjnfrham tiarke to the West line of the right; , , , tognieet if deceased. situation, or,does )?e by the act fcfj Creditors Will present claitnsf of way of the Rio Grande HWN 'll The county Farm Bureau Annual prayer call in forces fCom Western RR Co.; thence South SrVTBlT ONQ, Ci.i.fc outside with vouchers tj the undersigned I . day will be held at Kaysvillo high himself that give him u HAIR BEAUTY GULD. .Westerly along fhe West .line JJuilding, strength MO-- , Vii Wschool, Jan. 18, 1936, at 2 p m. the that of himself he 4Mb SMf. $1 said right of way, 3.90 before does C,tV tahi ? Bat wonderful modem medirun will begin. A very fine . proh6 chains more or less to a point recefvcill cine which acts upon the conditions gram has been arranged consist- were due East bf the point of amazm. to u. Oa), a which CAUSE the pain. Take them ing of stunts of various kinds, a Ih. Adminiotrator fell beginning; thence West 12.60 w of the entire number inter-- Annexed regularly and you should suffer less short one act play, songs, readings of the cstafb of William 1 chains to the point of begin-nin- g, and less each month. PERSISTENT instrumental selections, men and viewed wer? able to answer the Clarke. also known as William containing 6.19 acres, women on the flying trapeze. In question At all. Some of them USE BRINGS PERMANENT Clarke, deceased, said being a part off oreortess; the evening there will be a dance they did not knotf. Some flounder-- 1 Sold at all good drug store the SEK of Section 23, and v,a2!Li pubjication. and a short Intermission. the bur- cdfround and evaded Small size 50. January 10, 1936. the SW of Section 24, Town1 eau officers will he chosen for the The answering. ship and Range aforesaid. brought home to us the year. Everybodys invited fpet iquery MOYLE ft MOYLE, LYDIA L PIUKUAUS eqaumg too that NOTICE come and have a day of Tun and many people have.no for Plaintiff. Attorneys recreation. There is no admission concepf of what prayer is or what P. O. Address: TADLETS 810 First National Bank Boildinc, charged, it is as free as tho air it does. They think they pray but IN TH DISTRICT COURT. you breath. Salt Lake City, Utah. not They FZ2 RELIEF AND PREVENTION BTEDmsiON IN AND FOR 41L4- Jwishing to secure their e believe that when merely C0UNTY .Anybody OP PERIODIC PAINS STATE 0 Srlf? man a 1936 automobile license I may has solved satisfactorilv thV rail at my residence andplates Kaysville, UTtah . I will fix I vote-gette- (Stss-Tex- 1 - hos-pita- pre-scho- ol I l no AUDiTion j OFF 17 LBS. one-ha- lf FBI OF - -- . hf to-da- ' o-- Creditors u M-os-s L-Gree- - Our Air . - a SUGANCf Hay awhuI . a. r 45-4- . - a qb-kno- , I - UioA tvo Mta tlttt f e to-th- e v9 . -- Legal to-w- it: o air-mind- ed ' two-agj- Not Just Another e. ,, PillTo Deaden Pain - cn ..-Sw- RE-UZ- J- F. I 47-5- PRC?-n'vean.ty- - r?,cM UNION MORTUARY Our Service, Home, and Equipment Are Unexcelled Merrill R. Holbrook Licensed Funeral Director and Mortician Telephone Bountiful 244 pay or Night srh- r- - confidence t- 14 r wi? p,;t; t;s" of Administration in the and faith and estate of John P. Jones, deceased, Peace of mmd. where meets and jt P Is a need ,n his life, he has solv-e- d k9 omv1 je or bearing Monday 20th day of January, A. D., one of lifes biggest and most 1936, at ten perplexing problems. Our conclu- County Court oclock A. M., at the House, in the Court sion u, however, that Loom of said Court in unfortunateFarmington, not ly Da via County Utah. many peeple ever tarn to pray effectively. Thisreally WITNESS the Clerk of said may the seal thereof affix- t0 l0t of ' "in f January A D as thcy'shouid 1936hi3 7th tJifwS:01 Seal I GLEN DAY, Clerk. - Barnes Banltjng Compaby ? ; ' Member Federal Reserve System And Federal Deposit . Insurance Corporation KS0m.. Abovi yvice &: Aza.f a7aFI Jrv Accredited Depository for Public Funds Wasatch 2462 East 7th So. Your loved ones desire the beet, especially when it costs no more. 36 |