Show NEPHI PIONEER DEAD DEA I II I Judge Charles Cle Foote Passes Away In Salt Sal lake I II Judge Charles Foote of Nephi died from I I effects of an operation undergone for I celenti at the K hoa I yesterday The deceased was Wa the th son of Timothy B Foote a veteran of i ithe the war of 1812 He was born in New York I in 1832 The family moved to Illinois from i there to Utah Uth In 18 He was one of the first to settle sette in Nephi and has always alwa I taken an active part In building up its in iii He was wa superintendent superintendent cf ot the coop for eleven years ye rs At the expiration of that time he found founded ed the mercantile firm of Charles Foote Sons He has held many political posU tons having been probate judge county selectman commissioner prosecuting at torney and trustee of the school district He leaves a wife seven sons son a daughter distrct and grandchildren The re remains mains were embalmed embalmed by b Joseph William Taylor and shipped to t Nephi last night The funeral will wi occur on Wednesday night |