Show I ATT AT IS AT Gets a Thirty T Days Sentence nc In Ii 1 Jail Jal Judge Timmony sentenced J W IV WAtt WAtt Att Alt to t thirty thir days imprisonment yes yesterday ye yesterday morning for cruelty to animals V VIt It I will be remembered that Aft Att At ap appeared appeared appeared at police polee headquarters Satur Saturday Saturday day to make a a horse trade with Chief Chie Cic C CHilton Hilton HUon but unfortunately for him he hI drove a veritable bone yard ard In a cart car car carup up to the hitching post poPl pOE the animal amal suf suffering suffering fering from two or three thre ailments be besides besides sides aides These facts were wee shown and no in defense defene was wa attempted Mr Gunter prosecuted and Attorney Patterson ap appeared ap appeared for the defense defens Today Att At is billed bied for tor trial on a charge of disturbing the peace but these thes are not all al his troubles troubles His wife complained to the authorities ties te yesterday that he be has hant not sup supported supported supported ported her and their baby bab as he should have done notwithstanding that both mother and ad child are in poor pr health hea Both are in need ned and steps wi will be betaken betken betaken taken to have the county commission commissioners cOmmissioner ers era er provide pride for far her at least while Att Attis Attis Attis is in jail |