Show YOUNG IDliNG r CONTEMPT FOR BUCKEYE BUCY SECRETARY V APPEARS PES IN m COURT Criminal Proceedings Threatened Against Him H By y Attorney Atre Moyle Noyle Question of Stock Issue Bryant Brant S Young former forer secretary of the te Buckeye Mining Mg company was ar arraigned before Judge Cherry Cher yesterday to show cause cuse why he should not deliver delver up to Thomas Tomas E Taylor the te present see sec secretary se of the company the te stock certificate cate books book of the te mining company Tay Ta Talor lor filed fed an affidavit before Judge Cherry lust last lat week to the effect that Young Youg had admitted that tt he had not delivered the te stock certificate cate book to the new secre secretary secra secretary tary tI and yesterdays arraignment was waste wa s the te result According to Secretary Taylor the stock ledger of the Buckeye company shows show s that Young has a made an of o f fd 60 shares Young stated on the stand stan d that he had turned over oyer to the compan company y all al the books book that were in his hs possession Young was wa discharged the te court consid considering conid considering ering that tat the evidence was wa not sufficient t on which to hold him for contempt Attorney Moyle Morle who represented the th e mat inal Ial plaintiff proceedings says that against he will wi Young institute crim criminal cm |