Show c V ghe gic way to x germs and blood humors V when Hoods Hoj V j Sarsaparilla Is F 5 H Huen Haden Summit Ala says S I DY ia Cure Js Is a 2 V Jn I 1 it anti and u ue nce t 1 j i grows grow with cuntin It t k y u eat a and It PO re dJ and C c ni i i 0 Tell Your Sister A A Beautiful Complexion is an lIl without good pure blood the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion digesU n a healthy liver lier and bowels Karls Clover Root Tea acts directly on the 1 he bowels liver and kidneys keeping them bern I in m perfect health Price 25 cents and md 50 cents Sold by Z C M L L I drug department C Th c 1 Wi V TOH Rabe ned irritations and by liol baths with to cleanse the Skin of u to be skin and mild doses of to coot anti and cleanse the blood Sold Pirn ii C Does This Strike You complexions nauseating breath come corne from chronic constipation Karls Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold told for fifty years on an in absolute guarantee Price 25 2 cents and 50 cents Z C 1 M L drug department t tEat Eat purest and best Ask your grocer for it Ask your gro grocer grocer for it V Souvenir Sale at KoUtz EoUtz Wednesday The V Whole V ruth ruthi J V Nearly everY every worm wom VV A America AmiCa I needs Ee s str V treatment tr t m nt at some me time t me in in n her he r life for troubles i V of the jj generative organs V To treat these cases properly it itis is S necessary necess to know all about them and full information f many m ny times cannot be given by a woman to her herf family physician an She cannot bring herself self to tell everything j Y and the physician is J I at a constant dis y advantage advant ge firs J F Stretch Mechanic St Camden I j N J writes J DEAR DR MRS L jI I was a sufferer from female V IL weakness Every month regularly as the menses I Ie V came e I suffered dreadful pains in ia uterus ovaries Jw were affected afi a anad len leu V JJ I had very fast and it left me very V I weak A year ago I was wa taken wh flooding and al almost almost V V most died The Th doctor even I gave me tip up and wonders V V how I ever lived I wrote i ifor for Mrs advice at Lynn Mass and took I her medicine and began to j get welL I took several bottles of the Compound V V and used the Sanative Wash and can truly tr say that 1 am I V V cured You would hardly know kno me I am feeling and V looking so well wel Lydia E B V Vegetable Com Corn Compound Compound S pound made me what lam r Marie Lemp Ave V 1 New York City was ad advised advised c by her physician to t take Lydia E Vegetable Compound f 1 V This is her letter letterI letterII V c II I have three children V p and suffered with falling failing I of the womb and flooding V li My physician scraped the J c womb wo b still the flooding i V 3 continued and I was no better At last he ad advised advised f l me to use Lydia K E Vegetable Compound Then I t thought write to i Mrs for she could advise me better than any anyone one if I was to toi take her remedies I received her reply and F followed all V V i I V and I am very glad to L e send you this testimonial I Ifor I V V for Lydia E i j t f ji j i t Vegetable Compound is t just what it is recommended reco g mended to be b I advise advised V c all women who suffer from these complaints to try it V V Finds Pisses Relief From Pain V cI 1 DEAR DEAK MRS Mas PI PINKHAM II I feel it my duty to write and thank i If l V V 9 you OU for what your Y n Vegetable Compound has done for me It t V is IS the only medicine I have h ve found that has done me m any good r Before taking your medicine I was all au run rim down tired all aU the zM 1 time no appetite pains in my back and pains H V V and a great sufferer during menstruation on After taking two V bottles botUs s of Bydia E Vegetable Compound I felt like V a new woman I am now on my fourth bottle b and all aU my V pains have left me I feel better than I have felt for three V V years and would recommend your Compound to every suffer ing women I hope pe this letter will help he others to find a cure V for their troubles firs n rs Della Delia Remicker Rensselaer Ind md V V Another Tumor 8 V j I Two I was a great gre t sufferer from womb trouble j and profuse flowing each month and tumors would form in t the womb I had bad fot tumors in two years I went W nt through V V 1 i treatment with doctors but they did meno good and audi I thought I would have to tor resort to morphine The doctor said that all aU V 1 f I f that could help leIp me was to have an operation and have h v the womb f l t removed but I had heard of Mrs s medicine and de tie decided decided V 1 V to try it and wrote for her advice and after taking her h 1 Vegetable Compound the tumors were expelled and I began to V i t get stronger right along and am as well wen as ever before Can V V J di truly trul Y say that I would never have gotten well had it not been for Lydia K Compound I cannot praise it enough V V V Mary A Stahl Watsontown Pa V r V l V L LEvery Every woman puzzled about her health he th I may write to Mrs Pinkham at Lynn Mass Massand M s i and Vand will vill receive advice promptly free G c all k V V charge V V i More Than a Million Women Have Been i V i i Helped d by Mrs Advice i V r t V I and d an 1 V 1 tb jV r THE mi STATE BANK BAKE OF UTAH CORNER CORNEA MAIN NAIN AND Am SOUTH STREETS STEE TS I SALT V CITY t l V t HEBER T J GRA GRANT T Pr President HEBER lL WELLS Cashier WILLIAM B PREStON Vice President CHARLES S BURTON j r V Cashier DIRECTORS V H berJ Grant V V i William B I Isaac Barton j ln V Charles V fis Joseph Heber M F Smith Wens Wells st I I V Byron SS Philo T P Groo S Burton sa V V V It i V A A W Carlson Carison GE BANKING BUSINESS t V Accounts Solicited Special attention to V country trade I Correspondence Corr po ence invited t 1 V |