Show S TRUE TO PRINCIPLE In Tn his speech Hon Fred Dubois Dubols said that Mr lIr Bryan stands just where here he did four years ago That is the trouble Tribune Of course that is one reason our morning contemporary has hag ha no n use uee for far him No man mali who remains steadfast to principle can retain its respect If Mr Bryan Bry had surrendered to the gold bugs had he been convinced by Mark MarkHanna MarkHa Hanna Ha na that th t silver lver s is a dead issue had hadbo ho bo concluded d that even ven international I bimetallism was a ft dead issue he would suit the local goldbug organ a great deal letter better Had he become reconciled to the I thieves and imbeciles in control contro of our national affairs had he discovered ered er that th the rascally r ly gang of rogues arid and a d worse ore than murderers who permit permitted permitted ted our boys bo s to die In droves from in incompetent competent management and neglect were the only friends or of the soldier had he made up his mind to subscribe to that form lonn of or o patriotism represented by b the Han syndicate at the head of the government who hold that quest ons of national honor can be figured up by a bookkeeper and andel settled el with ith a certified check as the Salt Lake L k Tribune has h 9 repeatedly repe de declared d he d C ended d to him 1 the th f hand of fellowship to tod today dayl d day Our Our Republican contemporary has supported every supported I ok by Mr Bryan this year It has de denounced denounced denounce as blackguards and blath blatherskites blatherskites all who differed from it while It defended every point the silver leader made in his recent speeches in this state it did this with vim and vigor up to the visit P H Lannan made to toHanna t I Hanna Hannas headquarters eleven months ago Since that time tim it t has found fault fault 1 with all that Mr Bryan advocates and amid i repudiated everything it ever said upon any of these topics S SIts Its infamy is all the more conspicuous ous by the tha zeal It displays YS today in defense of every policy of the adminis administration S J |